Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1133 A Cold Welcome

Chapter 1133 A Cold Welcome

Above the morning sky, where clouds adorned the canvas of the heavens, a mesmerizing sight unfolded. A celestial bud, ethereal and intricate, manifested itself amidst the vast expanse. This unique creation was not woven from the typical threads of flora; instead, it comprised pure, thick roots that extended and intertwined with grace and purpose.

The roots, robust and pulsating with latent energy, formed an otherworldly bloom suspended in the firmament. Each tendril, a testament to nature\'s artistry, weaved a delicate tapestry that seemed to defy the conventional boundaries of earthly vegetation. The bud, bathed in the soft hues of the morning light, radiated a tranquil luminescence, casting a gentle glow upon the surrounding clouds.

As the celestial bud hovered in the boundless sky, its presence invoked a sense of wonder and reverence. It stood as a testament to the harmonious dance between the earthly and the divine, a manifestation of natural beauty elevated to a celestial plane. The intricate patterns of the roots, pulsating with life, conveyed a silent but profound message—a connection between the terrestrial and the transcendent realms.

Witnessed from below, the celestial bud of pure thick roots became a celestial beacon, a symbol of the extraordinary forces at play in the vast and wondrous expanse above. It painted a poetic tableau against the canvas of the morning sky, a masterpiece sculpted by the hands of nature itself.

The celestial bud unfurled its roots, revealing a platform bathed in the gentle glow of the morning light. Lyon stirred from his slumber, his eyes adjusting to the surreal surroundings. Stretching his arms upward, he yawned, feeling an unexpected sense of serenity that came from a night spent on the embrace of the giant roots. The intricate patterns beneath him seemed to cradle the essence of a peaceful night\'s rest.

Cecile, awakening beside him, shared a knowing smile. "It\'s been a while since we\'ve had a good rest," she remarked, her voice carrying the subtle traces of relief. The ethereal platform, suspended above the clouds, offered a unique haven for respite. As Lyon looked around, he couldn\'t help but appreciate the harmonious blend of nature\'s grandeur and the celestial artistry that surrounded them.

Selena and Karina, also awakening on the roots, exchanged glances that conveyed a shared sentiment of gratitude for the tranquil night. The radiant energy of the celestial bud seemed to infuse them with a newfound vitality. Selena commented, "I never thought sleeping on roots could be this rejuvenating. It\'s like being cradled by the very essence of life."

The vast expanse above revealed the intricate dance of clouds and sunlight, casting a warm and enchanting ambiance upon the group. Minx, who had found a comfortable spot for himself, chimed in with his characteristic wit, "Well, who knew that the secret to a good night\'s sleep was hidden in the embrace of celestial roots? I should have tried this sooner."

Beneath their suspended sanctuary, the world continued its perpetual motion, but in this elevated haven, Lyon and his companions found solace and restoration. As they prepared to face the challenges that awaited, the memory of their night on the celestial roots lingered—a respite in the midst of tumultuous realms.

As Lyon and his companions prepared to leave the celestial bud, Minx, with his characteristic mischievous demeanor, raised a finger and declared, "Alright, let\'s enter the Fourth Hell. I have a feeling that we will meet a familiar figure." His laughter, laced with suspicion, echoed in the ethereal expanse, creating an air of anticipation.

Cecile, always vigilant, looked at Minx with a raised eyebrow. "Familiar figure? Care to share some details, Uncle Minx?" she inquired, her tone a blend of curiosity and caution. Minx, however, only responded with a sly grin, further deepening the mystery that surrounded his enigmatic knowledge.

Bapho, added, "Minx, you seem to know more than you\'re letting on. It\'s not every day that we encounter \'familiar figures\' in the Hells. Care to enlighten us?" Her directness revealed a hint of skepticism, yet Minx reveled in keeping his secrets close, responding with a playful wink.

Karina, who had been silently observing the exchange, couldn\'t resist chiming in. "Well, whatever surprises await us, I\'m ready for it."

Lyon, accustomed to Minx\'s unpredictable nature, simply chuckled. "I\'ve learned not to expect anything less from Uncle Minx. Let\'s see what awaits us in the Fourth Hell." With these words, the roots took them to the portal, leaving the celestial bud behind and venturing into the next realm of mysteries.


Upon entering the Fourth Realm, Lyon immediately sensed the familiar yet oppressive atmosphere characteristic of the Hells. The dense anti-mana hung in the air, a stifling force that pressed down on his cultivation, making him acutely aware of the challenges that awaited. Despite the lack of immediate visual anomalies, Lyon could feel the distinct energy of the realm seeping into every pore.

Cecile, attuned to the nuances of the environment, remarked, "It seems the Fourth Hell doesn\'t plan on making our journey any easier. The anti-mana here is thicker than a fog in a swamp as expected." Her observation, delivered with a hint of wry humor, resonated with the others who were already adjusting to the increased resistance against their powers.

As the group prepared to move away from the portal, a colossal bird soared from the distance, drawing their attention. The massive creature, reminiscent of a majestic eagle, sported a unique arrangement – a saddle or howdah typically associated with horses. On the howdah perched three individuals, all adorned in garments that hinted at a shared affiliation within a particular clan. Their smiles bespoke a sense of camaraderie and friendly intent.

Lyon and his companions observed the approaching bird with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. The sheer size and unusual presentation of the avian mount suggested a connection to the realm they had entered. The three gentlemen on top of the creature maintained their genial expressions, creating an aura of approachability even from a distance.

Cecile, ever attuned to potential threats, signaled the group to be cautious but not overtly hostile. "Keep your guard up, but let\'s not jump to conclusions. They seem to be part of a clan, and maybe they can offer us some insights into this realm."

The three gentlemen gracefully dismounted from the giant bird and, without hesitation, dropped to their knees upon reaching Lyon and his companions. Their movements were synchronized, a display of deference that bordered on theatrics. With exaggerated gestures, they prostrated themselves, their heads bowed low in a show of utmost reverence.

The leader of the trio, a man with a well-groomed beard and adorned in intricate robes, began the scripted performance. "Oh, exalted Zodiac Emperor, Lyon Torga, we are but humble subjects in the grand tapestry of your magnificence. We prostrate ourselves before your divine presence, graced by your celestial aura."

His companions, mirroring his gestures, chimed in with rehearsed praises. "In the realm of legends, your name echoes like an everlasting melody. The very air vibrates with the resonance of your might. We are but unworthy guests in your sacred dominion, oh illustrious Emperor."

Lyon exchanged bemused glances with Cecile, Selena, Karina, and Minx, each sharing a moment of silent amusement at the grandiosity of the display. The trio continued their eloquent flattery, weaving a tapestry of exaggerated admiration.

Lyon observed the trio with a raised eyebrow, intrigued by their grandiloquent performance. He couldn\'t help but appreciate the theatrical flair they brought to the encounter. "Rise," he finally commanded, his tone carrying a mix of amusement and curiosity.

the leader, still beaming with a practiced smile, began to express their earnest intentions. "Great Emperor, we are emissaries of the Forgotten Lotus Clan. Our humble abode lies not far from here, nestled within the mystical realms of the Fourth Hell. We have long admired your legendary exploits, and it is with the utmost honor that we extend an invitation for you to visit our modest enclave." The trio. They ascended from their submissive postures, maintaining a demeanor of profound respect.

A grin, a breath.


The reverberations of the bellowing voice reached Lyon\'s ears, stirring an immediate reaction among his companions. Cecile and Selena tensed, their senses on high alert, while Minx adopted a guarded stance, ready for whatever awaited them. The palpable anticipation hung in the air, an unspoken prelude to an unforeseen encounter.

Before Lyon could decipher the source of the uproar, the very fabric of the atmosphere shifted. A sudden gust of wind, charged with the essence of a warrior\'s determination, swept through the Fourth Hell. And with a pulse from the air, a mighty presence emerged in an instant under Lyon\'s jaw.

Cecile and Selena had their eyes widened in high alert as they saw the figure.

"Rakumtatak!" they both exclaimed. However, they were too slow to do anything.

The orc emperor grins as he lets his fist pulverize the air before reaching Lyon\'s jaw. Kesya managed to slip and push Lyon out of the way, however, she was the one tanking the punch. Sending her into the distance with one punch.

"Kesya!" Lyon shouted in disbelief before glaring at the orc.

The orc frowned looking at his fist. "That was supposed to be for your welcome, from me." Rakumtatak sneered.


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