I Became the Hero Who Banished the Protagonist

Chapter 43: Prelude to war. (5)

I said after a short pause. Knight Roy nodded meekly and put the flare back in its holster. We had been told to fire them immediately, but now was not the right time. We might get stuck here, but we couldn’t have the Archduke come all this way when he was supposed to rescue another patrol.

‘And he’d probably come to my rescue first because I’m the Hero. The last thing I wanted was to put the others in danger.’

(I’ll help you, Elroy.)

In times like these, the support of the Holy Sword was always my anchor. I glared at the wolves closing the distance between us. The wolf at the head of the pack, the one speaking to us, said again.

“I am the Legate’s right-hand man, the ruler of all wolves.”

Beastly saliva dripped down the wolf’s chin. The wolf shook its head and paced slowly toward me.

“Your knights have been chewed to death in these woods for a long time.”

Several of Evernode’s knights turned to face the great white wolf, recognizing its form. Roy turned to me, his voice hard and stiff.

“…Lobo. That clever son of a bitch has killed several of our knights. He’s probably one of the oldest monsters in these woods.”

Lobo, the white wolf, snorted derisively.

“Aye. It would be far better for you to die knowing nothing. He’s our hope, our god, but he won’t guarantee you anything but death and destruction.”

I remembered when I fought with Arachne in the anthill. The monsters with a name were strong. The original Elroy would have never beaten a named monster. Even I struggled until I awakened the Holy Sword. The years they accumulated gave them the wisdom to overcome humans’ cunning and the strength to overcome our pitiful power.

Could I defeat him?

“I will take him on alone.”

I said to the knights behind me. ‘If I could take him down, how long would it take me to do so? Can the knights hold their own until then?’

“It looks like this could be a long battle, so conserve your mana as much as possible.”

The white wolf stepped in front of me. His muzzle was still open as if he were sneering at me.

“Are you done talking about how to defeat me or how to get out of here? All that meaningless stuff every knight I’ve ever killed talked about before they died.”

“You talk a lot for a monster. You must’ve been very lonely.”

I cut off Lobo’s words and raised my Holy Sword forward, aiming for the wolf’s head. It siphoned off some of my mana.

(I will not spare my strength from the beginning, can you withstand it?)

‘I’ve been training to withstand your power, and if I can’t, then that means I don’t have the talent or the qualifications to handle you… Well, I haven’t tried the second stage yet, so this could be rough.’

(I’ll start right away, Elroy. It’s best not to give him time.)

The immense power of the Holy Sword began to crush my body. It did as warned, pouring all it could into my body. I quickly regained control of my overburdened body. This was as much as I could take. The blade of the Holy Sword emitted a pure white light.


Faced with that light, the wolf bared its teeth and snarled ferociously. I channeled all the mana I could into my legs and launched myself at Lobo. He didn’t seem to mind and stopped the blade using his teeth.

‘Are they made out of mithril or something?’

The power of the Holy Sword, which normally sliced through monsters like tofu, was caught by the wolf’s teeth. I retrieved my sword and attacked again. I slammed the blade into his torso, but it felt like hitting a stone with a hammer.

As I charged again, he leaped to the side and dodged. I never stopped attacking, but they never reached him. By smell, by sight, by sound, Lobo knew my every move. He easily deflected and sidestepped my blows as if he knew where I would strike next.

I couldn’t reach him. I twisted the tip of the Holy Sword. Lobo lurches backward, meeting my blade with his fangs. It failed to cut him again. I’m sure I could pierce its hide with a good strike, but he doesn’t allow me to land a strike.

“This is a poor showing. You are weak, no better than all the other knights I’ve eaten.”

I was getting impatient. Lobo taunted me with his inhuman tongue, provoking me little by little. The Holy Sword I wielded flew in a sharper trajectory than the ones before. Lobo shifted lightly on his feet, his eyes focusing on my face. His floppy nose and ears twitched with my movements. They told him everything he needed. His experience, accumulated from countless encounters with Evernode’s knights, saw through the flaws in the sword I’ve swung for months.

“Yes, they all had that look. Even knights stronger than you.”

I slashed horizontally. Lobo crouched low, his eyes glowing. The eyes of the fiery yellow beast were locked on me. I stiffened momentarily, pierced by its gaze.

“They don’t last much longer after they look like that. Can you imagine their faces when I finally tore them apart with my teeth?”

With that, Lobo stretched out of his crouch and leaped to his feet. I barely caught his blow with the hilt of my Holy Sword. My body was thrown back a few meters. Ignoring the pain shooting through my chest and back, I steadied myself with every nerve. If I fell, its fangs would sink right into my throat.

“All you have left is that strange, ominous silver light.”

Robo laughed at me. As he lunged at me with his jaws open, I dodged him with a roll to the side. The wolf chased after me and threw himself.

As it lunged, I kept my eyes open and watched its every move. Turning my head to meet its snapping jaws, I dodged and used my weight to slam my body into his torso. He was covered in the stench of blood. I grappled with him, rolled over, and struck at its heart with the tip of my sword, but, of course, Lobo was not a monster to be trifled with.

His body shook violently. I was thrown off and rolled across the floor, my back and stomach slamming into wood and stone. Luckily, I didn’t lose my Holy Sword in the process. As I rolled on the ground, white wolves pounced on me. I swung wildly, dismembering them all.

It was not enough.

‘That was my chance. A chance to pierce his heart outright. He wouldn’t fall for it twice. I should have hung on, even if it meant breaking my arm.’ My teeth ground together.

I turned to look at the other knights and soldiers. They were all isolated. It looked like a few white wolves had intentionally thrown themselves in between them to break up their formation. The aura-wielding knights killed many wolves, but too many remained.

“I don’t know what you’re hoping for that you can resist so much.”

Lobo approached.

“I doubt it’s much different for the other humans out in the woods, who are probably already lying in a heap.”

My breathing was ragged as I scratched my neck. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt this way. The difference now was that I couldn’t wait for a miracle. I had to find it. I had to think.

Finally, as if to end it, Lobo charged and slammed into me. I was sent flying backward and thrown to the ground. I rolled until my back hit a tree. My vision grew dark, but I still saw his feet slowly approaching. I rose to my knees, shaky hands holding my body off the ground. Lobo tore his gaping maw open and gave me a feral grin.

“Yes, that suits you. Hold still, squirming and spilling blood on the ground-”

Then I saw an iron sword lying on the ground, waiting for its master.

“Salvation will not come. That black-haired swordsman you boast of, his steps will be bound.”

Salvation will not come, the wolf said.

‘No, I must live.’ I crawled and grabbed the hilt of the sword with my left hand.

‘Hey, Holy Sword.’

(What’s wrong with you?)

‘It’s an emergency. Can you give me a break?’

(What the hell are you thinking?)

Instead of answering, I grabbed the iron sword and pushed myself up. ‘I’ll need to push myself. Nothing will change until I do.’ The Holy Sword spoke to me in a tone of disbelief.

(…It is not for me to judge you in this situation, but your heart may not be able to take it, Elroy.)

‘If I don’t try it, I’ll be eaten by this guy anyway.’

I was complacent. Whether I was helping Daphne grow or attempting to awaken the Holy Sword, I considered preserving my own life to the end. I carried the people’s hope, yet I only acted to save myself. I dared to play the Hero with that mindset? Ha, I’m pathetic.

My heart beat loudly again, constantly giving mana to the Holy Sword. It was pounding so hard that I began to vomit blood. It felt as if my heart was being split in two. I used all my willpower to bring the mana from the left half to the iron sword in my left hand. I did not focus on the right side, as the Holy Sword siphoned mana from it.

(Stupid Elroy.)

I could hear the Holy Sword’s voice faintly. I bit my lip to keep myself from losing consciousness. The veins in my eyes popped open, and blood trickled out. My body was about to blossom once more. I didn’t try to control the power swirling inside of me.

“What the…?”

I heard Lobo’s voice say. A vortex of magic swirled beneath my feet. The iron sword felt comfortable, and I willingly poured my mana into it. A silvery aura began to bloom as I rose to my feet, supported by the two rampaging powers.

(Now that you’ve withstood the activation, I’ll help fix your coordination. For now, just think about defeating those monsters.)

I took off running, slashing at the wolves that stood in my way. Lobo took a step back, panicking. I swung my swords freely until I opened the path to him.

“What a waste!”

The wolf opened its mouth, not stepping back further. I twisted my wrist, poured mana into the iron sword in my left hand, and shot at Lobo’s head. Just like last time, it didn’t hit, as he easily caught my attack with his mouth. But there was a crucial difference.

He didn’t have two mouths.

His mind was focused on the iron sword, not letting go. However, the Holy Sword’s blade slashed through space, heading for the Lobo’s body.

It pierced his hide. I finally connected my first attack. He howled and let out a cry of pain. The beast’s blood spurted into the air. I continued my onslaught with the sword in my left hand, freed by its roar. The upper arm, left paw, chest, and neck. Another gush of blood was made with each cut I made.

It was as if my brain had been split and was controlled separately. My right hand was guided by the Holy Sword, my left as I had learned. The fear that once overcame me crumbled with each slash.


As the lobo opened its mouth in agony, I slashed forward with my sword. It again made the mistake of biting down on the blade of the iron sword, and this time I made sure not to miss.

I plunge my Holy Sword into its throat, then force the blade in my left hand straight through its gaping maw. I retrieved my swords as his body dropped to the ground. With a final burst of mana, I swung both blades. Countless sword lines were carved into his body. Lobo’s tattered teeth rattled, and he spat out his final words.

“You…! One step and you’ll all-!”

“Shut up, mutt.”

He fell apart, cut into three different pieces.

‘The boss is dead.’ I turned back to look at the fighting knights. I forced my heart to pump the vast amounts of mana it gained from an unknown source. My aura shone brightly, and everyone’s attention turned to me. Slowly, the wolves backed away from the knights, looking at me and baring their teeth. The knights stared at me with blank faces.

“Their leader has fallen.”

I announced loudly. ‘It’s essential to boost our morale while making the enemy fear us. I leaped onto my horse that was at my side again. It lifted its forelegs as if lifted by my mana, then set them down.

“We will not fall here.”

The knights nodded. For them, they are at the forefront, the fire that lights the way. The spears and swords that were held loosely rose with new vigor.

“Now I’m going to help patrols three, four, and five.”

The soldiers swallowed dryly. The eyes of the soldiers who lost hope were rekindled.

“Will you follow me?”

“”Even if there is a fire!””

“Then I’ll be the first one passing through.”

I looked to the sky, where the remnants of the flare remained. The remaining wolves gathered, blocking the path. I could still hear weapons clashing as they rang throughout the forest. I could listen to those who hadn’t let go of their swords waiting for me.

(You are starting to look like a Hero.)

“All troops, prepare to charge!”

With that, my horse, knights, and soldiers behind me lined up. I urged my horse forward to the wall of monsters. I thrust my Holy and Iron swords forward.

A white and silver meteor began to shine brighter than the sun on the summer solstice.

Translator’s Corner

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. So, you may have noticed the schedule is a bit messy right now. You guys are enjoying the story so much that I can’t keep up with the amount of extra chapters I have to make.

I’ll try uploading at the normal time tomorrow, but no promises.

– Ruminas

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