In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park

Chapter 207 Train To Busan

Just like the many others now seated in the space, Myu began chanting an original mantra made up just now.

Everyone told him that if he ate his popcorn or drank his energy drink now, then when the doors finally opened, he would regret it with all his heart.

Seeing Leisho, Nianzu, and the rest also proactive the hardest resilience they had ever faced, Myu didn\'t want to give in.

But damn!

Why was it so hard?


His belly never grumbled for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Yet, the Park foods and drinks had evoked its wild side.

Myu parched his throat with his saliva, almost drooling with every passing second.

This has got to be some sort of torture, right?

His hands moved across his large bag of popcorn severally as though enticed by the mesmerizing aroma.

Everyone\'s cheeks began to tremble as they forced themselves to persevere.

Some who didn\'t qualify to have food felt like breaking down and crying amid the heavenly aromas filling up the place.

They gnashed their teeth and looked at Chu Che as though he had murdered their entire sect and families.

"Boss Chu... It\'s really unfair for you to limit our daily portions like this."

"Exactly! Are you happy seeing us in torment?"

"Boss Chu... I have no evidence, but I suspect you are enjoying this!"

"Hahahahaha~... You guys are just salty because you ate all your daily quotas."

"Hmph! Laugh... Laugh! Soon, you will be like us."

"That\'s right. One day, you will have your uppings, finding yourself in our predicament... And by then, it will be too late."

"No!... Never!... I shall never become like you! I always save one last ration to eat for the last hour before park closing time!... I will never finish all my rations so fast!"

"Oh?... Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

"Then look down... Where have your rations gone now?"

The person looked at his empty bag of popcorn before slowly touching his cheeks with a haunted look.

1, 2, 3…


He wailed mournfully, realizing that while immersed in conversation earlier, his hands were arrogantly moving food to his mouth.


He even drank all of his energy drinks too.

Oh my God!

The horror... The horror...

The disciple looked 30 years older after experiencing such a horrifying incident.

Terrible... Too terrible...

He was affected as though this was the most horrifying thing to happen in his entire life.

[Chu Che nearby by]: (×_×)

Aren\'t you people exaggerating a tab bit too much?

No!!! Many would have responded in rage if they heard his thoughts. Everyone did their best not to eat or drink before the countdown reached zero.

So how dare you think they were exaggerating and being too much?

If he wasn\'t Boss Chu, the park owner, many would have raised their weapons and shoes to stomp him to death.

The whiff was like a powerful elixir that made their blood boil, and a loud voice in their head told them to eat it... Drink it... Have it now!


Myu, Leisho, and the other elders continued chanting.

Myu had his special cinema glasses on.

It was a little dark, but he dared not take them off lest he got some delayed reaction and missed the right mindset when the gateway opened.

He even adjusted it severally, tapping Leisho and the rest to ask them if he was wearing them right.

And soon, the entire theater suddenly quieted down when the countdown reached 10.

10 seconds more...


Myu took deep breaths.

6 seconds more...

Myu\'s heart jumped maniacally.


He tried to hold his tray of food and drinks like the others, lest he leaves them behind when the door on the giant screen ahead opened. (**Those were his imaginative thoughts.)


He leaned forward, not knowing what to expect.

3... 2... 1...



Myu, Nianzu, and everyone felt their bodies grow lighter and their beings transport alongside their seats into the strange new realm.


They were flying!

The theater seats all flew into the bright blinking light ahead. And for a moment, they couldn\'t see a thing, only seeking the compounding qi that made them tremble like ants.

Myu couldn\'t believe there was such a powerful place like this.

​ He felt his body would explode from the pure qi around him. But suddenly, the theater seat he was on aided him in adjusting his breathing and body to the heavy, dense, pure qi in this world.


He imagined this might be what the many domains above the lower realm might feel like for people who haven\'t ascended yet.

That is... If someone, per se in the 4th Dan of the true qi realm entered the domains above, they might blow up into smithereens because it would be too much for their current states to handle.

Only those born in the domains above could handle those regions naturally from birth.

If one was born in a lesser domain and wants to live in a higher one, they must meet the requirements imposed by the natural laws to cultivate and ascend.

1, 2, 3 Seconds more, and they were standing at an open clear by Sky.

But... Where are they? Where are they?

Myu watched the scene before him with a dumbfounded look.

He... He actually transported into another realm?

This... This... This…


Train To Busan

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