Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 399 Suspect- Part 2

"The obvious suspect is the magistrate, if it isn\'t him then we looked further into the roots of the trees to who is pulling the strings, that is unless it was Creed was doing it," Alexander looked not happy with how the events had turned out to be.

"Looks like both you and Lord Nicholas are going to have a field if you aren\'t going to be careful," Damien whistled and put the food that he had picked in his fork into his mouth.

Eliot gave out a curious look, asking, "What\'s up with Lord Nicholas?"

"Just him breaking some people\'s hearts," Damien chuckled, he then turned to look at Penny to ask, "Do you want apple\'s?"

Remembering Damien\'s fancy rabbit apple\'s she shook her head, "No, I am good."

"Penelope," Lord Alexander said, gaining her attention where she looked up to meet his brooding eyes, "When you\'re out in the town today, do not get separated from Damien or Elliot. Stick close to one of them no matter what."

"Yes, Lord Alexander," she heeded his words.

Penny had gone back to eat but Alexander couldn\'t help but feel a sense of this day where it could turn out to be ominous where she was going out to the town to meet the magistrate withe Damien and Elliot.? Something like this had happened years ago when he and his mother had gone to the market. Though they had gone to the market, the day his mother died, they had also visited the magistrate.

Of course, the magistrate had nothing to do with it but he couldn\'t brush his feelings away.

When the time to leave to the town came, Alexander stopped Penny to talk to her, "Make sure your eyes don\'t turn back to slits. You changed it back to normal but we aren\'t sure when it might surface back up again. I would tell it would be safe for you to stay back here where no harm shall befall you but we need someone to translate the book where only you can read," he said with a frown.

Alexander would have gone himself but him being in spot with the councilman\'s eyes on him, going with the books would only cause trouble.

"I believe you have heard about the switchers. So make sure you keep some kind of code word which only you know," seeing her expression turn one of dread, he said, "I heard that you already met them. It isn\'t hard to notice them, they perspire more than the other creatures. It is the time of Winter so it wouldn\'t be hard if you were to encounter one," For some odd reason Penny felt like this is how her father would have advised her if he was still alive.

"Thank you," she thanked him.

When the trio reached the town, Penny came back to the place where they had visited two days ago. Looking at people who walked on the streets of the town. The town was once a village but had been remodeled to a town from what she had heard from Damien.

Making their way towards the magistrate\'s office, Damien being Damien didn\'t bother to knock on the door and instead barged right in. The magistrate looked annoyed while he was signing something, a local man standing in front of him until he noticed who had stepped foot into his small cabin.

"Councilman Damien, Sir Elliot," the man stood up from his chair, greeting them until his eyes fell on the girl who stood between them not knowing who the girl was.

"Lady Penelope," Elliot added for the magistrate\'s reference who took a second before greeting her too.

"Lady Penelope," the man bowed his head.

The magistrate looked in better shape than the other magistrates she had come across until now. He wore clean clothes like one of the elite, his face clean and shaved. He had his hair combed behind with not a single strand out of place.

He waved the local man away and once townsman had stepped out of his office, the magistrate waved his hand, "Please sit down. Would you like to drink something?" the magistrate asked.

Damien had no interest to waste his precious time which he had plenty. He pulled out his fun, uncorking the head of the gun which made a creak like sound when he placed the other side of the gun on the magistrate\'s forehead.

"C-councilman D-Damien?" the magistrate stuttered. Penny had thought there would be a talk before they would trap the man to have him confess for what he had done, that was if Lord Alexander was right but Damien had pulled out his gun pointing at the man who looked pale as a ghost.

The man was a human, his eyes brown in color and he was more than shaken by the sudden change in atmosphere. Here he had politely asked for some refreshments but Damien had refreshed the man.

"I have received some complaints about you. Is it true?"

"Com-complaints? From whom, Sir? I d-didn\'t do anything," the magistrate stuttered.

"Committing sins and forgetting so easily? Let\'s blow your arm and see if we can jog some part of your useless brain," Damien pulled back the gun, pulling the cork further behind and placing it on his arm.

Penny didn\'t know what to say but see the scene unfold in front of her.

"Wait! Wait!" the man yelled but he was too late as Damien had fired his gun.

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