To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 454. Big Dipper (5)

Chi-Woo didn’t have a good feeling about this. Then finally, Eval Sevaru visited his office, and as expected, it wasn’t good news. “I’m sorry, boss. I couldn’t find them.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes, I searched like crazy with only the name you’ve given me, but…” Eval Sevaru bowed deeply in apology.

Although Eval Sevaru wasn’t to be blamed, Chi-Woo couldn’t hide his disappointment. ‘They told me to look for them at all costs.’ It was one of the valuable pieces of information he had heard in Future Yoo-Joo’s space. Although Yoo-Joo, who had lived a perfect life so far, considered Chi-Woo her rival and had an inferiority complex towards him, she sincerely participated in their sessions of information sharing; and Perfect Yoo-Joo of all people said that the word lucky coincidence or miracles didn’t even begin to describe this ‘existence’. Of course, since they were in different worldlines, he thought this person might have already died, but…he couldn’t just give up without doing anything.

‘No, not yet.’ That person could still be alive and might just be somewhere other than Shalyh. However, even if that was the case, that was a problem in itself. How was Chi-Woo going to find this person in this massive world that was Liber? Even with the power of Seven Stars, it would be extremely strenuous.

“I should borrow Apertum’s power.” After much consideration, Chi-Woo decided to borrow the power of a proper organization with collective intelligence. “It doesn’t matter how much it costs. Post a notice that I’m willing to buy information about this matter, no matter how trivial.”

Then Chi-Woo found and handed over the black card he had received from Zelit. Although there might have been doubts about why Chi-Woo was going so far to find one person, Eval Sevaru took the card without hesitation. How could a mere crow understand the intentions of a roc that flew across the boundless sky? In the eyes of Eval Sevaru, Chi-Woo was already a giant looking down from a higher place than anyone else.

* * *

Eval Sevaru immediately issued a notice that very day. While waiting for news from Apertum, Chi-Woo decided to take care of the remaining work he had. All that was left to do was take care of the original members of Seven Stars.

[You can’t neglect the existing members just because you got new members.] One Chi-Woo had advised him.

[Not everyone is like Ru Amuh.]

[They are people in the end, and they are people who gathered solely because of their trust in me, in us.]

[They disagree, fight, become disappointed, and then eventually leave… It’s really hard. Managing people…]

Although it wasn\'t life-changing information, it was something that a lot of Chi-Woos and Yoo-Joos could empathize with. For the time being, since he had no choice but to pay more attention to the new members, Chi-Woo had to give the original members something they could focus separately on. After some preparation, Chi-Woo stormed into the official residence.

“Again, you…!” Chi-Hyun was about to voice his irritation when he saw Chi-Woo storm into his office without knocking once again, but—

“...Did something urgent happen? Still, it would have been nice if you had contacted me in advance.” Chi-Hyun’s attitude softened as soon as he saw the seven-tier lunch box his brother had brought with him.

Offering the meal made with great care as a bribe, Chi-Woo told Chi-Hyun that Ru Amuh, who was basically like his hand and foot, was having a hard time finding a priest, so would his brother be so kind as to do him the favor?

“A priest.” Chi-Hyun twirled his quill pen and stared at Chi-Woo. Then he said, “Noel.”

Standing still, Noel blinked in confusion. Then she was startled by his following words, “From now on, work as a part-time member of Seven Stars.”

“What? Sir, whaaaat?” A part-time member. Chi-Hyun was basically telling her to go and help Seven Stars’ first team whenever they needed help.

Chi-Woo’s mind also blanked out for a moment. “Uh…really? Is that okay?” Frankly, it was true that he had come here with Noel in mind. If it didn’t work out, he planned to ask if he could borrow her for a bit. But Chi-Hyun was more magnanimous than he seemed.

“Your eyes are clear, your words are unadorned, and your actions are not hesitant. Those are at least proof that you aren’t making a thoughtless request.” Chi-Hyun continued while ignoring Noel, who was gaping in shock. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I was planning to give her to you anyway.”

Noel Freya was a hero whose ability was proven by the fact that Chi-Hyun had kept her by his side. Chi-Woo was deeply grateful that such a hero would become an external ally of Seven Stars. Had it been before, Chi-Woo would’ve also considered Noel’s opinion, but he no longer did this. He had enough worries of his own, so he needed to know when to take as much as he could. Moved by Chi-Hyun’s offer, Chi-Woo placed the final nail in the coffin by saying, “Ms. Noel, I sincerely look forward to cooperating with you in the future, and I’ll see you soon.”

Noel seemed to have a lot to say, but Chi-Woo quickly ran away. Chi-Hyun would take care of the rest, and all he needed to do was reap the benefits. After returning to Seven Stars, Chi-Woo immediately called the first, second, and fourth team leaders. Then he told them the location of a secret dungeon he had heard of in the space created by Future Yoo-Joo to each of the teams. He hoped that they would do some team activities, earn merits, and obtain good equipment. Dungeons were called the highlights of adventure, but it was basically nonexistent on Liber. In other words, it was not a place they could find and go just because they wanted to. Thus, it was shocking that Chi-Woo suddenly knew the location of a dungeon.

“Ru Amuh, don’t worry too much,” Chi-Woo said. He hadn’t missed the worried expression on Ru Amuh’s face. “I’ve recruited a priest for you. You know Noel Freya, right?”

“Sir? Ms. Noel Freya is…”

“I’m just saying that if there’s no one else you have in mind, you can get her help. I’ve already asked my brother.”

He had recruited a priest for Ru Amuh’s team; Chi-Woo’s role ended here. It was up to Ru Amuh whether he wanted to accept Chi-Woo’s help or not. Of course, there was no reason for him to not accept it. Soon after, the team leaders walked out of the office in a daze.

“Well, it’s nice that he’s taking care of us and giving us a bit of preferential treatment as team leaders,” Yunael said in a slightly smug tone.

“Yes, I was surprised. I’ve heard from Sir Eval Sevaru, but I didn’t expect him to have already recruited a priest…”

“What’s there to be surprised about now? He’s someone who does extraordinary things as often as eating a meal. This is at least within the realm of common sense.”

Ru Amuh agreed with her point, but he still looked down at the paper in his hand with a puzzled expression. “It’s the same with the dungeon location. Although he’s been away for half a year, how did he know…?”

“I can’t let that slip, First Team Leader,” Emmanuel interrupted the conversation between the two. “Are you doubting Teacher?”

“You should know I didn’t mean it like that, Second Team Leader.” Ru Amuh frowned and clearly showed his irritation. “Second Team Leader, aren’t you the one doubting my loyalty?”

Emmanuel said there was no need to say more and tempted Ru Amuh into finishing the conversation with their swords. This was normal for Emmanuel, but Yunael shook her head when she saw Ru Amuh quickly falling for the provocations. “Seriously, men.”

* * *

It had been a long time since they\'d gotten such a noteworthy mission, and it was also a task that Chi-Woo had brought them himself, so the team leaders eagerly jumped into action. They left for an expedition at once as if they were competing with each other, and the once bustling Seven Stars soon became quiet.

‘Come to think of it, I also need to take care of the main team.’ Evelyn, Hawa, and Eshnunna. They rejected the first team, which was basically guaranteed success. Since Chi-Woo had been away for a long time recently, he hadn’t been able to take care of them. He needed to take them out to get some fresh air to feel rewarded for their efforts, but… ‘I still have one task left for now…’

‘…When do I train?’ His hands had been full and didn\'t have the time. Fuck, this was why old man Mangil and Murumuru had pushed him so hard to take charge, so that they could relax and reap the benefits. Chi-Woo suddenly felt his brother’s greatness and let out a soundless scream. By then, the long-awaited news arrived.

Apertum’s power was truly astounding. Knowing that the request came from Chi-Woo, Zelit had mobilized all the power of the tower and run around in all directions; in the end, he succeeded in finding a clue for Chi-Woo. Although Chi-Woo had had high hopes, he was a little taken aback when he saw a little child brought to him. He smiled and guided the nervous child inside. After getting some snacks and tea, the child seemed to relax a bit. Chi-Woo immediately got to the main point.

“So, I heard that you know the whereabouts of the person I’m looking for.”

“Yes, but…how do you know her?”

“Well, one way or another.”

When Chi-Woo glossed over it without properly answering, the boy looked at him suspiciously, but continued without further questioning, “I was a slave.”

The story went like this: before he came to Shalyh, the boy had been living in servitude. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in a place ruled by great demons on Shersha’s side, so his life had been unimaginably miserable. “While I was living day by day because I couldn’t die…it was a coincidence that I met her. Because I was a slave, and she was a resident.”

“Wait, she was a Demon Empire resident?”

“Yes, but she was in a much worse situation than us. Since we’re slaves, we’re at least treated like commodities and receive basic care, but she was treated like a street dog.”

“Why? You said she was a resident.”

“It’s because she was a half-demon.”


Half-human, half-demons were an unfortunate race abandoned by both humanity and the Demon Empire. After humanity collapsed and the situation reached this point, their treatment within the League got better than before, but those in the Demon Empire seemed to be leading the same life.

Anyway, although their circumstances were different, the boy and the girl quickly got close because of shared misery. “Since she was so quiet, we didn’t talk much, but…I think we were close because she sometimes secretly brought me food and helped me with my slave duties.”

“Yeah, and then?”

“Then…” Sadness suddenly shone in the boy’s eyes as he was talking. The sudden invasion of the Sernitas had been the cause of their separation. The Demon Empire, which had already been in complete disarray, fell into chaos. However, this was an opportunity for slaves like the boy, since a significant amount of control on them was lost. The captured League members and humanity fled at night after much deliberation, and the boy’s friend had been among them. Originally, he should have never revealed their escape plan, but he trusted his friend and secretly revealed it to her. Fortunately, his friend didn’t betray him, and their escape wasn’t found out, so they were able to escape the estate. Like this, they thought they had succeeded—until they met a group of enemies near the border.


“Yes, they said they were the Abyss.” The boy bit his lower lip. “I don’t know how they learned about our escape and waited for us there, but…”

“You and the others encountered the Abyss there, and they didn’t let you go peacefully.”

“…Yes.” The boy barely managed to nod.

“Then, did your friend…meet her end there?”

“No, she’s probably not dead.”

“Why do you think that?”

“They told us that if we obediently follow them, they won’t kill us.”

“Then at that time…”

“Yes, when everyone gave up, Lady Astarte’s legion appeared and opened the way, occupying the enemies’ attention for us. Thanks to them, I was fortunately able to escape, but my friend…” The boy stopped talking and closed his mouth, as if he found it difficult to go further. It must have been hard for him to even survive in the midst of that chaos, and he still felt guilty for not grabbing his friend’s hand at that time.

Chi-Woo said, “Then you don’t know what happened to your friend after that.”

“Yes, but I don\'t think she\'s dead yet. If what they said was true.” Rather than that being the truth, it sounded like he really wanted it to be true. The boy’s story ended there. It was a common one shared by many here, but it was very valuable information in this case

“Yeah, thank you. It must have been hard for you to tell me this, but you did a great job.” Chi-Woo gave him the promised rewards, and the boy bowed in gratitude. After sending the boy back, Chi-Woo went to find Evelyn. There was no better person to go to for information about the Abyss.

“If it’s that direction…I think you’re talking about Balim?” As expected, Evelyn gave an answer as soon as she heard Chi-Woo’s explanation.


“Yeah, Two Monarchs Three Six—ah, should I say Seven Chasms now? Anyway, Balim is a chasm on the king’s side, and she’s shrouded in mystery.” Evelyn continued to explain that even in the Two Monarchs Three Six Alliance period, Balim had barely made an appearance. “If that child was captured in her territory…she might not be dead. One of the queen’s spies saw the Abyss King go to her base a few times. The spy said it seemed like Balim was conducting an experiment in secret…”

Then what the boy said made sense. What if that child had been caught for some kind of experiment? Although the Demon Empire’s treatment of their slaves was exceptionally severe, the Sernitas and Abyss didn’t treat their slaves well either.

“However, I can’t guarantee what condition the child will be in even if she’s alive.” The problem was as Evelyn said. Anyway, a lot of time had passed since then, and even if she was not dead, there would still be a problem. Chi-Woo didn’t even want to imagine…what her condition would be like.

Evelyn noticed Chi-Woo’s concern and added, “But if you still want to go…I have to go with you this time.”

Chi-Woo’s eyes widened. It was the first time Evelyn had expressed this much willingness. However, upon reflection, he could guess why; it was a matter related to the Abyss after all.

‘If an all-out war breaks out, we can’t do it alone, but if it’s just one opponent…’ Chi-Woo punched the calculators in his head and soon made a decision. “It’s going to be hard with just the main team, right?”

“Probably. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but we’ll be heading to the enemy\'s camp. We don’t know what the situation will be like.”

“I see, I understand now. Thank you.” Chi-Woo turned around without giving a definite answer. Although the Abyss was an enemy they needed to fight anyway, everyone was trying to take a breather in the aftermath of the great war. However, there was a reason to fight now; there was what Perfect Yoo-Joo had said, but it was also to fulfill Evelyn’s sincere wish. In the past, he would have been nervous before he even started, worried that this event would escalate into an all-out war, but that was not the case anymore.

“Eval Sevaru.”

“Yes, Boss.”

“Call the main team and temporary fifth team.” At Chi-Woo’s words, Eval Sevaru’s eyes shone. “And.”

The moment Eval Sevaru thought, ‘He’s trying to do something again,’ Chi-Woo added, “Let’s create a temporary sixth team as well.”

“By sixth team…have you decided on the temporary team leader?” Quick-witted as ever, Eval Sevaru immediately caught Chi-Woo’s intention.

Chi-Woo grinned, “I’m going to think about that after I come back.” Like this, Seven Stars was finally on the way to completion.

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