To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 358. One-Man Army (2)

Chapter 358. One-Man Army (2)

After hearing what Purupuru said, Chi-Woo lost his grip, and the toharis in his clutches tumbled down.

“The Cassiubia League lost their war against the Demon Empire?” Chi-Woo asked again. This was what Purupuru said:

In the beginning, the Cassiubia League successfully dealt with the Demon Empire’s counterattacks, but they soon got caught in a trap. They would’ve suffered damages big enough to result in complete destruction, yet thanks to the human who came from Shalyh City, they were able to retreat while salvaging considerable numbers. This human was Ru Amuh. As soon as he realized that they were caught in a trap, Ru Amuh attacked the core of the Demon Empire, thus drawing away enough attention for the Cassiubia League to retreat while suffering less than one-fourth of the casualties they should’ve suffered. And now that Ru Amuh was stuck inside the Demon Empire, it seemed evident that he would’ve been killed or captured.

“I can’t believe it…” Chi-Woo looked stunned. He knew Ru Amuh’s skills better than anyone else. Before they separated, Chi-Woo had awakened his potential with The Power to Rule the World. And other than Chi-Hyun, there was no one else among humanity who could beat Ru Amuh right now.

“How could Mr. Ru Amuh…” Thus, Chi-Woo found it hard to believe that Ru Amuh had gone missing in the middle of a war. No matter how dire or difficult the situation was, he should’ve had the ability to escape by himself. Chi-Woo looked at Purupuru for a more detailed explanation, yet Purupuru couldn’t say anything. She had just heard the news herself and didn’t have any more information.

Chi-Woo squeezed his eyes shut. Bad things were happening one after the other; his brother, and now Ru Amuh? Too many unfortunate events were overlapping. Like his brother, losing Ru Amuh was a huge blow to humanity.

“I’m sure he isn’t dead.” Chi-Woo shook his head roughly and opened his eyes again. “If he failed to escape, he’d probably be captured as a prisoner of war. Didn’t you say that the Demon Empire provided slaves to the Sernitas? If they receive some kind of compensation for their deals, I’m sure they wouldn’t be able to ignore the value that Mr. Ru Amuh holds. Considering the Demon Empire’s character, I’m sure they will do that.”

“Yes, it’s as you say. Although there are those like Lady Shersha who are on the fence about collaborating with the Sernitas, there are many more great demons who favor it.” Purupuru supported Chi-Woo’s theory. “There are also many great demons who collect high-quality slaves to show off their status or to gain favor with the Sernitas. Thus, there’s a high possibility that they would’ve kept Mr. Ru Amuh alive for future deals rather than killing him.”

“That could definitely be the case …” Ismile stroked his chin and nodded.

“We have to go save him,” Chi-Woo said decisively as if there was no need to think more about this matter.

“Yes, of course we have to save him, but—” Ismile retorted, “Are you going to go just like this?”

Chi-Woo was about to ask Ismile what he meant, but swallowed his words when he checked his surroundings.

“If you guys go in your current states, you would be giving the Demon Empire a one plus one deal and get captured together.”

Like Ismile said, the expedition team members were in terrible conditions. Blood was drying around Yunael’s mouth, while Jin-Cheon’s entire body was coated in blood. Eshnunna was still unconscious, while Evelyn and Hawa looked like they were struggling to stand. They had suffered critical injuries with the Sernitas’ continuous metamorphosis. Though all their surface-level injuries had been healed, their internal wounds remained, and because they had overexerted themselves in their fight against the Sernitas, they would have to rest for a while. In other words, going to battle immediately would be no different than suicide.

Chi-Woo stopped to think. Though everyone looked ready to follow him without complaints if he made the order, he wasn’t stupid enough to make a nonsensical decision like that.

“…All of you, return to Shalyh.” It couldn’t be helped. “I will go alone.”

“That’s nonsense,” Yunael immediately disagreed. Not only she, but all the expedition team members stared at Chi-Woo like he had gone mad.

“I’m not saying I will do everything on my own. There’s the Cassiubia League there. I can borrow their strength.”


“There’s no other choice. There isn’t enough time to wait for all of you to recover or ask for reinforcements from Shalyh.” While Yunael was struggling to come up with a counterargument, Chi-Woo picked up the toharis rolling on the ground and said, “Also, you need to deliver these as fast as possible.”

Yunael tried to resist, but had to accept the toharis when Chi-Woo pushed them into her hands. She had to. She could see something blazing Inside Chi-Woo’s seemingly calm eyes. From Chi-Woo’s back radiated an intense pressure that she didn’t dare to go against. And after watching this scene with interest, Ismile smiled.

“Yes. If you must go, it’s better for just one person to go,” Ismile said. Then, wings made out of skin sprang out of Ismile’s back and unfolded.

“W-What are you doing?” Yunael asked.

“Hm? Didn’t I tell you that I traveled with Big Choi?”


“How do you think I was able to tag along with a guy who always goes around flying? You didn’t think he carried me everywhere, did you?”

Yunael looked shocked, but Chi-Woo remained calm. He had seen Ismile regenerate a missing limb at the Hala Forest before, and flying wasn’t a difficult task for the Nahla.

“Anyways, there’s no point in dragging this out. Trust me, carrying one person isn’t a big deal to me,” Ismile said, and Chi-Woo looked at him intently. Seeing Chi-Woo\'s gaze, Ismile laughed and scratched his head awkwardly.

“Go easy on me for acting out just now. Even I can’t do anything about things that are out of my control. If I could do everything, I would’ve saved Liber ages ago.”

“No, I’m not going to complain…I was wondering if this means you’re going with me.”

“Of course, there’s Big Choi’s request and…ah, but don’t misunderstand.” Ismile continued while waving his hands. “I’m going to just act as a brake for you if you try to go berserk. I won’t intervene in every little thing you do like a certain somebody.”

“…Thank you.” Ismile seemed to mean that he wouldn\'t intervene unless Chi-Woo did something absolutely crazy. Furthermore, he had some intention to help. That was all Chi-Woo needed, and Ismile looked happy to hear Chi-Woo’s expression of gratitude and swiped his nose with a grin.

“Fufu, fine. I will give you extra service because of your attitude. If you don’t want to be held by a man the whole time we are flying, I can change my sex.”

“It’s fine. Then, everyone, I will get going now. Please take care of the toharis.” They had no more time to dawdle, and after saying that he would return with Mr. Ru Amuh, Chi-Woo took flight with Ismile.

“Be careful…!” And the expedition team members and Purupuru saw them off.


Thanks to Ismile, Chi-Woo was able to arrive at their destination faster than he expected. He saw the Cassiubia League’s encampment. The area was lit up with faint lights and stood far away from the Demon Empire’s pitch-black lands. Chi-Woo would like to go straight to the Demon Empire if he could, but knowing that was unwise, he headed to the Cassiubia League instead.

They first landed at the outskirts of the encampment and quickly moved. The atmosphere didn’t look good at first glance, and morale appeared low and grim. It appeared that the news about Cassiubia League’s retreat after suffering great losses was true. Chi-Woo got closer and saw guards guarding the entrance.

“…Humans?” A Cassiubia League member who looked like a lizard raised his spear after seeing Chi-Woo and Ismile. “Stop and reveal your identities.”

Ismile snorted and said, “Go and call your boss.”


“We came from Shalyh. We have no time to deal with—no, just go and tell your boss that Ismile from the Nahla family came,” Ismile said with great airs. The lizard didn’t look fully convinced, but did turn around after hearing that the two came from Shalyh. Soon, he came rushing back. He hurriedly opened the door and came running with a whole group of soldiers.

“They’re suspicious! Get them!”

“…Huh? Wait?” Ismile said in shock. “I’m Ismile. You don’t know Ismile Nahla?”

“Boss says she’s never heard such a name. Catch them immediately!”

“Wait, wait! There’s no way?! Then, what about Seven Stars! He’s the leader of Seven Stars!” Ismile quickly pointed at Chi-Woo, and the Cassiubia League members stopped.

“The leader of Seven Stars…?” The mention of Seven Stars was definitely effective. After rushing to grab them, the lizard immediately stopped. Then he asked incredulously, “You should’ve said that from the beginning. Why did you give some random name that no one heard of?”

“…No…” Ismile looked at a loss for words. It seemed he had never received this sort of treatment before.

“I attest that he is Seven Stars’ leader.” It was then they heard a voice from behind the troops.

“I’ve seen him a couple of times at Shalyh. It’s him.” The slightly cold and low voice sounded familiar. Chi-Woo’s eyes widened when he saw the figure walk slowly toward them; it was Murumuru, who had clashed a couple of times with Chi-Woo at Shalyh. It appeared that even half-demons were participating in this war.

“Seems like they came after hearing the news… Why don’t you open up the path? I will take responsibility,” Murumuru said.

“Hm. If a half demon like you says that… I understand. But you must keep your word,” The lizard conceded and took a step back to make way.

“…Follow me,” Murumuru told Chi-Woo.

And as Chi-Wo followed Murumuru, he heard groans coming from place to place.

“Ah, seriously…I’m not a hero who’s usually treated like this… Do I really have to properly establish myself or something…ah…” Ismile murmured, but Chi-Woo paid no heed to Ismile. His mind had been occupied with thoughts about Ru Amuh ever since he heard from Purupuru what had happened. For some reason, Chi-Woo had a strong feeling that he must not lose Ru Amuh no matter the cost. And although he hadn’t acted rashly yet, he thought he would even go as far as throwing the die if it was necessary. Eventually, Chi-Woo arrived at the front of a large barrack.

“Wait here for a bit.” Murumuru went inside and came back out not much later. “She wants to see you at once. Come inside.” Murumuru gestured toward the barrack and suddenly looked a bit hesitant. “And…I understand how you are feeling but…don’t get too agitated.”

There seemed to be a lot Murumuru had left unsaid, and it was surprising because it sounded like a piece of advice. Chi-Woo wanted to ask what Murumuru meant, but seeing Murumuru go first, Chi-Woo soon followed. And once he went inside, he saw a jade-colored spirit floating across the air like a haze. Shhhhh—

Soon, the spirit wavered and took the form of a semi-transparent, green woman with a beautiful face and long eyelashes.

“Welcome.” Her voice seemed to flow out of her rather than being spoken verbally. “I am the commander-in-chief of this war, Will-o’-the-Wisp’s first Sylpheed, Ariel.”

Will-o’-the-Wisp was one of the biggest groups leading the Cassiubia League; and if this person was really the first Sylpheed, it appeared that a figure with more authority than he’d expected was making the calls here.

“I am Chi-Woo from Seven Stars.” And realizing this, Chi-Woo suppressed his feelings of urgency and maintained his etiquette.

“I know. I’ve heard about you a couple of times…somewhat,” Ariel said and looked at Chi-Woo from top to bottom. “I heard that you have quite the experience against the Demon Empire. That’s why I asked for your help in particular, and I wanted to confirm the truth too…” The way Ariel trailed off didn’t seem positive.

“I had some other matters to attend to,” Chi-Woo replied.

“I’m not casting blame. You showed your sincerity by sending one of your strongest men, and we benefited greatly from the person you sent us. But…it’s a pity how the events came to be.”

Chi-Woo’s eyebrows wiggled. What? It was simply a pity? Chi-Woo was bothered by Ariel\'s detached tone, as if she was talking about a stranger, but Chi-Woo gulped his words down. His addressee was the commander-of-chief of this expedition. He needed to show respect.

“I want to hear your future plans,” Chi-Woo said.

“We don’t have any…concrete plans as of now,” Ariel replied. “We picked a fight against them and had to retreat after a defeat. Now that we know our enemies are thoroughly prepared, there’s nothing we can do.”

Chi-Woo’s eyes narrowed. He came to the Cassiubia League to save Ru Amuh with them. He didn’t travel day and night to hear such words.

“Since the Demon Empire is only staying on the defensive, we are also protecting our grounds. If they decide to take the offensive suddenly, we will have to retreat again.”

Perhaps Chi-Woo was misunderstanding, but Ariel seemed to have little interest in going to save the captured troops. She acted like she had been forcibly assigned the role of commander in a war that she wanted no part in. It seemed she wanted to return home as soon as possible, unbefitting a commander leading an entire army.


“I’ve relayed the news to the Cassiubia League for now. I’m planning to decide the next course of action after hearing their response,” Ariel replied. “On behalf of the Cassiubia League, I am deeply grateful that you came to aid us even at a later time. I will let you know as soon as I hear back from them, so please rest for now.”

Ismile also appeared baffled by Ariel’s response and chuckled humorlessly. It was then they heard teeth grinding.

“Hey, Commander-in-chief,” Murumuru growled and took a step forward.

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