Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 748 748 Wind Elemental

Chapter 748 Chapter 748 Wind Elemental

"I could easily summon wind elementals to do the work for me or i could swiftly obliterate the entire Forest of Doom with a single wave of a hand. Hmmm... Too many options ahead of me."

"This is not bad at all." Jason smirked at the thought. For the first time in his young life, he was having good problems for a change.

"But first i need to be sure that no one is paying attention to me right now." He muttered and closed his eyes for a second or two.

In that brief amount of time, Jason activated his domain of wind and witnessed the vast universe in a blink of an eye.

If there was a single blade of wind present in the yonder lands, Jason Birth was omnipresent in those places. And what he found has made him dumbstruck indeed!

"It seems that the human race is not alone in this endless universe after all."

"There are more amazing worlds out there than this earth!" Jason whispered in awe.

He was only about to check if someone was spying on him at this time before he made a move but to see life on other planets has totally come to him as a surprise.

Jason saw a whole world controlled by machines, another by enormous monsters of fantasy, while some were dominated by xianxia daoists in their majestic robes.

To note a few more were the existence of zerg like creatures, orcs, wizards and witches, and even a world full of elves for that matter.

All of them numbered almost in the infinite! There was really too many to count in this vast universe.

"I will also visit those worlds someday." Jason smiled at what the future held for him. After that, his fat figure dissipated with the wind.

When Jason materialized, he was already facing a great desolation. There was a dead desert as far as the eyes can see.

The hot sun was punishing enough that a normal human would have no doubt be dripping with beads of sweat from the get-go.

Fortunately enough, Jason Birth could not have been more comfortable under this burning desert air. His absolute control over the wind has made his personal space as cozy as can be.

Like bringing his own a/c wherever he went. Perhaps even more convenient than that.

"It would be too dangerous for me to farm in the Forest of Doom."

"With how much i plan to get rich today, i would certainly make a ruckus eventually."

"This would be the inevitable conclusion."

"So traveling to this desert instead would be a wise decision indeed."

"No one would think that i could walk to more than 50 kilometers from Papia City with nothing but my bare slippers alone." Jason was pleased with how wise he had mapped his steps so far.

"THRUM!" There was even a thick hazy cyclone cover that embraced his entire body at the moment that made him look like a wind elemental rather than a mere human at this time.

Jason Birth was of course not stupid to show his face in this adventure. Not even a piece of skin was seen with the mystical cover that he had conjured into place.

Although this may have been an overkill of sorts but Jason certainly did not care at all. To safeguard his identity took the most precedence above all.

"Let me begin then." Jason muttered and the excitement he felt was unmistakable indeed. This was his first hunt to date. He took one step and a shadow of a huge city loomed at his back.

Monsters were smart creatures also and as such, they always gathered near the refuge of humans. This fortress was called Azgul City.

* * *

"And here comes my first customer. Hehehe." Jason chuckled a few steps deeper into the desert.

"WHOOSH!" A large creature jumped in an open mouthed glee. There was no doubt that this thing looked at Jason as a meal to be devoured.

It may have been called a boa constrictor in the pre apocalypse era but now it was definitely nothing like its predecessor.

This evolved boa was almost 12 meters long and a girth of almost 1.5 meters. This thing was definitely unlike its bygone aspect. Unfortunately, it had met Jason Birth on this fated day.

"PUCHI!" An unseen wind slash cleanly sliced the monster boa in mid air. The smell of thick blood permeated in the scene. The poor creature did not even know what hit it.

"Well hello and goodbye, my first kill." Jason noted calmly. This boa was the lowest kind of evolved creatures. The monster rankings go from D C B A S SS SSS.

This was also the same model in terms of the hierarchy in Hunters and their respective items.

"Hmmm... This snake is only a D Class monster. I need to find at least a C Class monster to get myself a beast core." Jason sighed at this time.

He could see the divided husk of the evolved boa and could only take pity at this wasted treasure on the desert sands.

Even without a beast core, the meat of this monster was a great tonic for improving the physique of those who ate them.

"I should not waste any money on the road." Jason Birth murmured and his natural instinct to save resources took place.

Poverty taught him to be wise in everything most especially when it came to things with monetary value.

"Arise, Wind Elemental." He summoned and a chaotic breeze came swiftly. A few breaths more and there were already 2 wind elementals in place.

One was Jason Birth who took the guise of this mystical being and the other was a True Wind Elemental in this world.

Its head was wrapped in a twister like form, same as its arms and torso.

No eyes, mouth, and hair to be seen but only the hazy natural figure of the wind taken form in the most basic humanoid shape.

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