Monster Factory

Chapter 134: The massacre

“Elementary classmates?” Within DouDou’s eyes, shock quickly surfaced.

This was a doubtful truth that Ye Qing had told a lot of people, yet DouDou didn’t doubt it at all.

Xu Ninggong was from Zhongyun and only moved to the capital during middle school. This was all public information that could be found on the web.

That’s why DouDou didn’t believe that Ye Qing and Xu Ninggong being classmates was strange.

It was just that Ye Qing’s next sentence had her immediately tense up. During fourth grade, Big brother Ye even......

“During fourth grade, I even wrote her a love confession.” Ye Qing finally spoke the truth, a truth that hadn’t seen the light of day for a long time, as Ye Qing didn’t want to lie to DouDou.

He wasn’t stupid at all. Whenever he was together with her, she would always spend the majority of her time looking at him.

DouDou already had feelings for him, so there was no point in Ye Qing being a liar. Ye Qing had already come to terms with the stuff about chasing Xu Ninggong a long long time ago, so there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be said.

The look DouDou used to look at Ye Qing was that of looking at an alien. Only after some time passed did DouDou finally give Ye Qing a thumbs up.

“Big brother Ye, you were already chasing after girls in fourth grade, and it was even the super star Xu Ninggong. You really matured a bit too...... early.”

After hearing Ye Qing open up about his past relation, DouDou was half nervous, half in a state of admiration.

Having feelings for someone would naturally create the illusion that they were good at everything. For example DouDou felt Ye Qing was very cool, experimenting with love and hate in fourth grade.

“Hahaha ~ and then she told the teacher about it.” Ye Qing awkwardly ended.

DouDou happily chuckled. So Big brother Ye actually had this kind of period in his past.

“Then...... now that Xu Ninggong’s on the stage, what do you have to say to your first love?” DouDou stole a quick glance at Xu Ninggong on stage. Right now she was sitting in the guest’s chair and was answering questions.

This was a romance film, so Liu Yun, the hostess, would naturally had to ask Xu Ninggong some personal question for the interest of the public.

While Ye Qing and DouDou were chatting, Xu Ninggong was asked, “While in school, did you receive any love letters from the boys?”

The screen just so happened to be showing a clip of the poor genius guy hide a love letter in her desk.

Hearing this question, DouDou and Ye Qing both tensed up, looked at each other, and anxiously waited for Xu Ninggong to give her answer.

However, Ye Qing had much more guts than that scaredy cat. Not only did he sign his name at the end, he even mentioned that he wanted to be her boyfriend, and protect her home everyday.

“Not that I remember. Starting from junior high I basically stopped going to school. Rather, I had teachers come to teach.” Xu Ninggong said with some anticipation: “To be honest, I actually did look forward to receiving some love letters back then.”

Ye Qing’s​ expression immediately turned, even DouDou widened her eyes, as she inconceivably stared at Xu Ninggong.

“If I knew earlier then I wouldn’t have to see this premiere.” Ye Qing’s voice was visibly trembling. He held onto a piece of a priceless memory for more than a decade, yet in the end, his first love completely shattered it. Naturally Ye Qing was heartbroken.

“This is too heartbreaking, what a waste to still remember this.”

“Sorry Big brother Ye, Xu Ninggong might not have been able to say the truth, as after all, she’s a public figure.” DouDou was also somewhat unhappy, even if she actually forgot about it or couldn’t talk about it, in the end her Big brother Ye had already been hurt.

“Why don’t we leave now and go for food?” DouDou suggested.

“It’s fine, we’re already here anyways, just take it as more procrastination.” Ye Qing didn’t want to ruin DouDou’s fun just because of his past relationship.

Liu Yun continued to interview Xu Ninggong, however the already heartbroken Ye Qing didn’t bother to listen to the rest, rather he was chatting with DouDou in whispers.

On the stage, after being asked by the hostess, Xu Ninggong decided to sing for everyone the movie’s main theme song.

Xu Ninggong gracefully stood up and bowed towards the audience, while the lights dimmed and the music started playing.

After a gentle and soft opening, Xu Ninggong started to quietly sing.

“I heard......”

“Someone use to like me......”

“I heard......”

“Someone confessed to me in a love letter......”

“I heard ~ someone used to follow my shadows, going everywhere I’ve gone.”

“I just wanted you to personally confess, to let me understand what is love......”

No wonder Xu Ninggong was an empress of music, this self composed theme song of hers perfectly told the story of her past to the point where it was just like a spring creek, gently flowing into everyone’s heart and making them remember that period of unforgettable times.

“Hen!” DouDou deliberately turned her head to not look at Xu Ninggong, and even push her under her blacklist, deciding to never listen to her songs ever again.

Seeing Ye Qing’s somewhat depressed state, DouDou’s​ heart almost shattered, so naturally she began to start hating the cause of it all: Xu Ninggong.

When the song finished, the audience burst out in screams. The hostess also timely welcomed the other actors and the movie director onto the stage.

Ye Qing didn’t even want to see Xu Ninggong anymore, so why would he pay attention to these actors who he could care less about?

“Later I’m definitely going to delete all her songs and swap them out for Xue Youge’s, this is just too heartbreaking.” Ye Qing also complained as he began to joke around.

They continued to chit chat, but this was still the site of the premiere, so even though he didn’t want to, Ye Qing still heard some news, for example, the reason why she chose this location for the premiere.

This here was her home town, so she received an invitation from the home town government, and after the premiere, the government would contract her to become the civilian ambassador of Zhongyun.

“......” Hearing this, Ye Qing was completely speechless.

The government of Zhongyun, for this national cultural city, really was going all out.

Even inviting a civilian ambassador, who happened to be the widely famous empress Xu Ninggong.

However, Ye Qing reckoned that there were many more hidden terms. To become the civilian ambassador of a city, they definitely needed to spend a lot of time to cooperate with the city to film some public service videos, advertise some tourist locations, and the likes.

In addition,​ Xu Ninggong even let loose a piece of exciting news for all Zhongyun fans. Her next movie would soon start filming, and furthermore, its main filming location would actually be around the city of Zhongyun.

Xu Ninggong didn’t mention the title of the movie, but leaked some details on the movie.

A big budgeted metropolitan sci-fi film which will have lots of different scenes, such as aliens landing on Earth in an UFO, and robot wars

“There’s definitely some inner dealings.” Ye Qing whispered: “The party definitely gave her lots of favourable conditions, like full cooperation with her new movie plans.”

“Maybe they’ll even be like Hollywood for this film with road closures, firefighter and police mobilization, and what not.”

“Definitely. She’s already coming to become the civilian ambassador of Zhongyun, so there’s no reason for Zhongyun not to massively support her next movie.” DouDou also agreed with Ye Qing’s point.

“But no matter how much support, it’ll still be five cent effects.” Ye Qing stated matter of factly: “The special effects domestically are already bad enough, so why are they still trying to film aliens, UFOs, and robots?”

Ye Qing wasn’t alone in having this kind of thought, when Xu Ninggong leaked this, many members of the audience also thought along the same lines.

The domestic special effects were at that level, however, even doubting, many in the audience indicated that even if it was turned into an animation, they would still go watch.

After interviewing all the other main actors, next came the actual viewing of the movie, of the entire full length movie.

On the stage, the hostess left with all the actors, and most of the reporters also left. Only the ones from Zhongyun broadcasting station stayed behind.

DouDou brought some snacks in her backpack, which was the result of her careful picking to share with Ye Qing.

Five minutes later, the people for the two empty seats next to Ye Qing finally arrived.

One of them was an auntie like person with glasses, and a young girl in a black jacket with a mouth cover and hat.

When they passed Ye Qing, he thought to himself how good that figure was.

However, every part of girl was covered, completely unrecognizable.

When the girl sat down beside him, Ye Qing was able to detect traces of flower fragrances, but was unable to tell which brand it was, though it was good.

Before long, the movie had already reached the scene where Xu Ninggong arrived at school with a big luggage case.

The girl Xu Ninggong acted as in the film was called Xu Xue, a very delicate looking female. She stood in front of the school gates with her luggage. While she was looking around, the lead male appeared.

The lead female wanted to ask this senior the way, yet he silently ignored her and left.

Xu Xue stomped her feet to express her anger, then like a stubborn ox, used all of her effort to drag the luggage while heading towards the inner school yard.

“I remember Xu Ninggong to always be the one chasing and beating boys to the point of crying during elementary school.” Ye Qing, while snacking, quietly bickered about Xu Ninggong.

DouDou continued to contain her laughter. If there was something that could make her look away from the screen, then it was definitely Ye Qing.

She felt like the passive aggressive Ye Qing right now was just too cute.

The girl behind them moved her brows and looked over, clearly she just heard what Ye Qing said.

To be fair, this romance film was actually pretty interesting to watch, it was just what was there interesting to see for the already heartbroken Ye Qing?

Of course Ye Qing wouldn’t point out everything bad about the film, since she doesn’t even remember him, then what need was there to be pissed?

It was just that the girl beside them would from time to time look at Ye Qing. It was so often that even DouDou noticed it.

It was just that DouDou didn’t pay much attention to her, as who let Big brother Ye be so excellent everywhere?

When the film played to the point where the lead female Xu Xue found the unsigned love letter in her book, Ye Qing whispered to DouDou: “When I wrote her the letter, I also placed it in her book.”

“You wrote love letters to Xu Ninggong?” Before DouDou even had the chance to speak, the completely covered girl beside them hushingly butted in: “You were her classmate?”

Ye Qing stared at her strangely. He was already this quiet, yet she could still hear him?

“I was in the same class during elementary school. Back then almost all the guys liked her.”

“I...... I’m also a classmate of hers.” The completely covered girl said somewhat uncomfortably.

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