The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]


Although their army didn’t have a whole galaxy as a jurisdiction like the other four armies of the Empire, they were in charge of all the other place that didn’t belong to that four galaxies. Which included unregistered planets, as well as abandoned ones.

And since they were the only army that could roam around the Empire without worrying of the boundaries between galaxies, they were also eligible to intervene with any issues that might happen between those boundaries. As well as the on the fringes of the four galaxies.

“There’s a report of a suspected human trafficking ring happening at a planet in Tertius Galaxy,” Leland said. “And it seems that General Lancaster has no idea about it, according to the report that is.”

Slade scoffed. “There’s no way that’s possible. It’s more likely that Lancaster had something to do with it that’s why he’s turning a blind eye.”

“We’re not here to make blind accusations. That would only cloud our judgment,” Leland said giving Slade a side-glance.

“But Lele can’t deny that Sled had a point,” Hildred commented.

“That might be the case, but it’s still better to investigate this without prior prejudice. That way, we can look at the case in all angles and not just one.” – Leland.

“But if it’s on a planet in Tertius Galaxy, then it’s not on our jurisdiction. Are we permitted to still investigate?” Edmund asked in confusion.


“Look at you, Ed. Being so smart,” Hildred said in a teasing tone while poking the other’s cheek.

Edmund blushed. “I- I’m just asking though.”

“Don’t worry about that. Based on our informant’s report, they are about to transfer a new batch of ‘products’ to a Lawless Den outside of Tertius Galaxy. We simply had to intercept them on the way there,” Leland said in a calm voice as if he wasn’t just talking about ambushing a whole ship. Then, he turned to the man sitting at the head of the meeting table. “What do you think, Your Highness?”

Wulfric raised his gaze from the report that Leland presented. His expression was dark, his lieutenant and three captains knew immediately that he was in a bad mood. Selling humans like livestock was certainly something that could annoy their general.

“Let’s do that,” Wulfric said in a cold tone.

He didn’t like that something like this was happening under his brother’s rule. He knew how hard it was to keep an eye on all the things that was happening in this vast Empire. But that was why there were generals who were appointed to implement law and order in each galaxy.

Although it’s understandable that not everything could be monitored, a case like this should be an exception. Something like human trafficking should not have gone under the radar like this. Unless, they received a go signal from someone high up in the Rozen Army. He wouldn’t even be surprised if Lancaster was directly involved in this.

“I will be the one leading this mission and we’ll nail Lancaster’s ass if we find him connected to this shit,” he added.

Leland nodded. “I will make arrangements.”

“Ah, Ed and I will sit this one out,” Hildred said raising his hand like a student asking his teacher to be excused.

Edmund turned to Hildred with a mixture and confusion and shock. “We are?”

“Yes, Wulf gave the two of us a month-long vavation,” Hildred answered before turning to Wulfric with a smile. “Right, Wulf?”

Leland frowned. “Is this really the time for you to go on vacation?”

Hildred shrugged. “Wulf already promised me though.”

“I- I also think we shouldn’t go on vacation,” Edmund added worriedly.

Wulfric waved his hand. “It’s fine, let them go on vacation. It’s enough for Slade to be my second-in command.”

“Wow. I didn’t know Captain has that much confidence in me,” Slade said. “And here I though I could also go on vacation and laze around.”

“I’m not being lazy though,” Edmund mumbled but all of them there heard it.

Hildred, feeling that Ed would probably be in ‘sulking mode’ for the duration of their vacation, he probably should amend the situation quickly. He glared at Slade before saying;

“It’s not like all of us are needed in this mission. Even Lele would stay here. Even if the two of us go, it wouldn’t change the result much. So, you can go to this vacation with peace of mind. Or are you not confident with Wulf and Sled’s ability?”

As expected, Edmund quickly said, “No, of course I’m confident in their ability! They would definitely solve this mission even without us.”

Slade shook his head at Edmund’s naivety. Such an unlucky guy, being liked by a fox like Hildred.

Wulfric stood up from his seat, already tired of his subordinates’ bickering. He turned to Leland. “Send me the plan for this mission. I will review it tonight and see if it needed correction.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Meeting adjourned.”

After Wulfric said that, he walked out of the room that was solely dedicated for their meetings. As he walked through the corridors of their army’s own specialized military base, a notification suddenly rang from his Terminal.

By now, he was already too familiar with that sound. It’s the sound notifying him that Aster posted something on his [Cyberspace] account. He quickly opened his Terminal and went straight to [Cyberspace]. When he saw what Aster posted, his feet almost got tangled on their own. If not for his perfect reflex, he might have already tripped on his own foot and fell down.

He stopped walking and stared at the picture Aster posted.

It was of the other wearing a bathrobe. Although everything that needed to be covered was covered, the atmosphere surrounding him was still that of someone who just got off the bath. As evidence of that lovely blush on his cheek.

Wulfric quickly typed a comment at lightning speed.

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