The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 378

As [New Star] started, the husband and wife quietly enjoyed the program. Giving praises here and there every time their son gave a witty answer. That was until that hostage-taking video appeared.

Emmy was so angry and full of worry at the same time. She didn’t even know when this incident happened, much less guess when it did. Because every time they called the twins to catch up with them, the two never showed any signs that something like that happened to them.

Then, she thought of how good Astrid was in acting and the fact that Reas would just quietly follow along with whatever his brother decided. Her anger just doubled because of that.

“These brats–!”

“Honey, calm yourself down,” Gage said, holding her hand. “I’m sure the kids only did that to not make us worry. Maybe they even thought that we would ask them to return home when we found out that such an incident happened.”

Emmy took a deep breath. Of course, she also thought of that. But that’s not the main reason why she was so angry. “Do your kids think that I’m so shallow that I would ask them to return here just because of that?”


“Hey, they’re your kids too,” Gage said in amusement. “Besides, if I remember correctly, you did tell them that they have to return if their safety was compromise in any way.”

Emmy felt like her conscience was pricked because of her husband’s reminder. That might have been the case at first, but seeing as how Astrid was doing so well as a rookie actor, even Reas was at the top of his class which was a huge feat on its own, how could she interfere with their dreams when they were doing everything to fulfill it. She was not so paranoid and shallow that she would let ‘what ifs’ ruin her children’s future.

But maybe the twins took her words seriously and decided to hide such a huge incident from them. She sighed, her anger already subsiding by leaps and bounds. But there was still some left in her to scold the two.

“Let’s just call the kids,” she said.

And so, the two video called their children.


Astrid started explaining to his mother the details of the hostage taking incident. He emphasized how he and Reas had in under control. That the hostage taker was not a professional terrorist and was mostly just a run on the mill criminal. No, even calling the other a ‘criminal’ would be an overstatement.

Their mother frowned, as if contemplating what her reaction should be. But contrary to her, their father had a more honest reaction.

“It seemed that you now have more control over your ability,” their father said proudly to Reas before turning to Astrid. “Aster also did a good job thinking of a plan like that so quickly.”

Their mother readily elbowed their father for that comment. “Don’t egg them on.”

“I didn’t,” their father said as if in defense. “As a former soldier, I’m just proud of how they wonderfully handled that situation.”

Their mother only squint her eyes at their father before turning her attention back to them. “Although I understand why you did what you did, I still don’t agree with you two putting yourselves in danger like that. But,” she stopped and a small smile finally appeared on her face. “I’m also proud that you two decided to help all those people.”

Emmy was truly proud despite of the initial worry and anger she felt. Her twins’ action showed their good character. Which in turn reflected their good upbringing. What kind of mother wouldn’t be proud of that?

Now that she had already calmed down, she realized that she had to prepare herself for similar situations to occur in the future since one of his sons was now a military academy cadet. The chance of a much more dangerous situation happening in the future was clearly not unthinkable.

Both Astrid and Reas were surprised by their mother’s smile. Because it meant that the worst had already passed. They were actually expecting more intense scolding to be honest. Of course, that didn’t mean that the didn’t like this outcome.

“Are there any more things you’re hiding from us besides that?”

Hearing their mother’s question, the twins looked at each other and communicated through their gazes. There were two important things that they were hiding from their parents. One was about the Grimaldis and the other was them, or at least Astrid, was now friends with the prince of the Empire.

So, that one glance between them went on like this;

‘Should we tell them about it?’ – Reas.

‘Let’s just tell them the more important one.’ – Astrid.

Reas nodded in agreement.

Astrid turned his gaze back to the virtual screen in front of them. He cleared his throat before saying, “Ahm, well, Mom, Dad, please don’t be too surprised after hearing what I’m about to say.”

“What is it? Was it even worse than that hostage taking incident?” their mother aske, looking at them like a hawk.

“Hmm... in a way, yes,” Astrid said. In which Reas nodded in agreement. “You see, the child who was taken hostage back then. He, by some twisted fate, turned out to be related to us. His name is Nicol Grimaldi and he’s Thomas Grimaldi’s son, which makes him our cousin and your nephew.”

Reas timely continued, “Because of this incident, we became acquainted with Cassius Grimaldi and even had dinner with him, Nicol, and Thomas.”

“And just a few days ago, I did a screen test to be the next ambassador of EMMA because of Cassius’ recommendation,” Astrid added, finishing it up.

Their parents just stared at them as if they just talked in a foreign language they couldn’t understand.

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