Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 729 A Matter Deserving Attention.

Hal took his time to commend the trio of Marla, Rita, and Karmen on a job well done before he took off into the air until he was at the same level in height as Phaedra who was finally making headway in dousing the flames in her body.

Hal had theories on why the flames were much more lasting inside her body despite her being a four-star transcendent expert and it was mostly to do with how they had even struck her in the first place (Rita\'s manipulation of her destiny) as well as latching on to some sort of sexual frustration she might be feeling.

Hal opened a portal into the Harem space and had it swallow both he and Phaedra but rather than just drop them outside of the mansion, they were dumped inside it.

Phaedra marveled at the elegance of the mansion\'s architecture but she kept any awe she might have felt all to herself.

She was quite angry after all...

Not only had she not killed those three idiots who dared attack her, but it was also taking all of her concentration to douse the flames that seemed to just get stronger the longer they flamed within her.

Hal took off his mask and ran a hand through his long black hair while he eyed her.

"What?" Phaedra asked in a testy tone.

She did not like to have his eyes on her... Especially not in the setting of this elegant mansion.

"I can help" Hal had with a light smile and stretched a hand towards Phaedra who leaned back and away from the range of his touch.

People of the Devil tribe were not really known for their morality nor were they known for being shy or modest but that did not always translate into promiscuity.

It was hard for her, who was happily married, not to be self-conscious in the presence of a man who so easily surpassed the features of her chosen mate and it was not even close.

Phaedra especially disliked the fact that looking into Hal\'s eyes of infinite pull boosted the sensual flames still burning within her.

Hal took a step forward towards her and that more than covered up for the step she had taken when she leaned away from him,

"This is faster. You do want to return to the Devil Tribe quickly so that you can report me right?" he said with a raised brow that somehow emphasized his manly beauty that should have already reached its limit.

"I can handle it," Phaedra said with a scoff and then made the mistake of staring directly into Hal\'s eyes... A mistake that froze her on the spot... Completely transfixed by his gaze.

"Of course, you can... But as I said, this will be a faster fix. The quicker it is resolved, the faster I can get you back to your home and you can tell on me to your Chief." Hal said with a chuckle just as he finally tapped Phaedra above her left breast... He could feel her heartbeat.

Phaedra seemed to have forgotten to blink and the moment Hal\'s finger touched her, she stopped breathing too...

"Don\'t worry... I\'m a professional" Hal said before he inflamed the sensual flames within her and let them burn out. He let them do what they were supposed to do- Inflame Phaedra\'s lust.

It was sudden... There was no way the Devil woman could have stopped herself as she suddenly stretched herself on her tiptoes as a sensual moan built up in the back of her throat.

And then, she let it out...

Moaning loudly and curling her toes as she levitated two inches off the ground.

There she began to contort her body in all manner of shapes and forms as pleasure washed all over her and brought her to such debilitating heights that she had never before dreamed she could possibly achieve...

And all this from a touch working in hand with sensual flames.

So intense was the climax she was subjected to that while in the air and contorting, Phaedra lost consciousness and had no cognition of whatever happened next.


When she came to, Phaedra felt the nice feel of water all over her body... Water that had been enhanced with Blue gem-powered formations that gently supplied her body with a relaxing and replenishing feel of cosmic energy.

It was relaxing but Phaedra could not focus on it as she was quickly berating herself.

She had fallen unconscious and had been at the mercy of a stranger... She had been much too cavalier with her wellbeing.

"How did you sleep?" asked the familiar voice of Hal and Phaedra looked to the side to see Hal lounging in a pool chair and wearing nothing but a pair of briefs to cover up his crotch.

Hal was sipping a cultivational beverage from a goblet and he had been doing so for the past thirty minutes that Phaedra had spent sleeping.

Hal had expected her to sleep for a good while which was why it was a lie when he said his way of fixing the issue of the flames was faster... Her way would have been faster and would not have involved her falling unconscious and if that had been the case, Hal would not have been treated to the wonderful sight of her toes curling while she was brought to climax right before his very eyes.

It had been quite entertaining.

After she fell unconscious, he brought her to the pool, stripped her of her ruined clothes, activated the formation, and placed her into the pool that basically took care of cleaning her body of any impurity.

Phaedra frowned at his words and for a quick second, she ran her eyes over his half-naked body before she quickly looked down at her own naked body and then she frowned.

Whatever it was that she was thinking or might have thought to say, she declined to say and just rose out of the pool without any attempt at covering herself up.

He had seen her naked already and attempting to cover herself up now would just come off as foolish.

She would rather not reference any of the things that happened since they entered into this weird pocket space of his.

She retrieved spare clothes from her spatial ring and put them on before looking back at Hal who had been smiling while he watched her put on her clothes,

"That is the last time you will ever get the profound privilege of seeing me naked," Phaedra said her first words since she had woken up and it was as haughty as it can be expected to be.

She said those words like a vow... A promise...

Hal just eyed her with a smile and a raised brow as though to say, \'Are you sure?\' but vocally, he said nothing.

Just downed the rest of his cultivational beverage and put on his clothes before asking Sassy to open the portal back into the Devil Tribe.

Phaedra did not quite like the insinuation Hal had made with his expression following her words and she made her disapproval clear by turning her nose up in the air and walking through the portal.

When Hal walked through the portal, the first thing he heard was the happy voice of Gregor,

"You\'re back" the man was clearly happy that his wife had returned and that she was safe but then he noted the difference in her clothes.

"Did something happen? It should have only been a reconnaissance mission" Gregor said as he saw the clothing change to be an instant red flag.

Hal ruffled Sassy\'s hair as she bowed low to him upon his return and did not care to acknowledge the look he was getting from Gregor. He could not care less.

He did wonder what Phaedra\'s testimony would be though.

"There was an incident..." Phaedra began and Gregor\'s eyes flashed as he turned his sights on Hal,

"I knew he couldn\'t be trusted" he spat and Hal rolled his eyes.

"If I can\'t be trusted, your wife would never have gotten back to you," he said with a mocking smile.

"Is that a threat?!" Gregor asked and let out his pressure as a Transcendent expert.

"What do you think?" Hal told him in response with a grin.

Phaedra interrupted the confrontation with the continuation of her report but she was facing the Devil Chieftess, Elenor, to whom her report was mostly directed,

"There was an incident and I took care of it. This private channel indeed seems to lead to the Haron Continent. We should probe further and investigate more to be fully certain but the prospect is promising..." Phaedra said and then turned to look at Hal before she added,

"For now, \'Prince\' seems trustworthy. We need to flesh out what his intentions are and how they contradict and interfere with ours but there is hope."

Hal smiled and Phaedra recognized it as some sort of inside joke between them.

Once Phaedra had thought well about it, she realized there was no point mentioning her altercation(s) in Sapphire City when there was potential for so much to be accomplished with this partnership. Plus, those she had fought against should not have been so troublesome for her to take care of.

She had underestimated them... Never went all out and never even made use of her Ordinance in any shape or form.

No good could come from mentioning the altercation...

That said, Phaedra would still tell her sister and certain other members of the court that this Prince fellow had a city whose military force was in no way shabby.

It was a matter that definitely deserved attention.

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