Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 422 - Cult Of The Sapphirine Prince.

Horst Manor...

The mayor of Sapphire City, Ford Horst was having a meeting with the other members of his council which were no more than those you are already familiar with (Darryl and Marlon Edgar, and Edvard Krast) and some newcomers who were mostly those who had only recently become Blessed Families.

Anyway, the topic of the meeting at the moment was whether or not they should continue to pay Tribute to the Barony and that was an issue they were able to get past quickly as they all agreed on independence.

They did not wish to be under the Barony anymore and any further payment of Tributes would be against that cause.

Then came the other issue which was the retaliation from the Barony.

No one outside of the Barony would assist. Not even the county.

They had done their research and the new Baron of the Kirsten Barony, Aaro had no connections with the Count or other influential individuals that would prove troublesome should they push for independence.

Those that had attended his party had mostly been to endure he was on the seat and the post of Baron was occupied.

At least that was the news the council\'s spies had brought.

Now, first and foremost, this was still a Cultivation world where only the strong deserve to rule or in this case, deserve to ask for tribute.

It was highly possible to become independent and not pay tribute to the Barony but a show of strength was required.

In this situation, the Barony was quite confident. After all, no city under them could actually hope to attain their level of strength and so when Sapphire city would refuse to pay tributes, they would be confident in getting them to submit

Alas, it was not only in name that Sapphire city had changed from Salmon city.

Thanks to Hal, the true lord of Sapphire city, even the lowliest of families were favored with a Green grade cultivation Technique and for those who were already close to the Cosmic Phenomenon realm already, they got ever closer and some had even advanced.

Everyone in the council was at the Cosmic Phenomenon realm and they were about twelve in number, excluding the Mayor of course.

Then there were the Blood knights who were stronger than any of those in the Council could even begin to imagine. They never slacked off in their cultivation and despite the absence of Blood essence and battle, they cultivated conventionally and were advancing steadily.

In a few months, they would be required to pay the tribute but they would refuse and there would be trouble. But if the growth so far was anything to go by, then the city was going to be more than ready to face any threat by then.

It was then that they heard the call from the Man who introduced the Priestess and stepped off his pedestal.

Ford could not help but roll his eyes at all this and Edvard sighed because he knew who the \'Priestess\' was.

The prime council members, namely the members of the old Great families saw this whole Cult thing to be an unnecessary facade and had been ready to shut it down when it first began.

After all, the denizens of Sapphire city knew who they served. They knew who their Lord was, so a phony religion was quite pointless. Or so they thought.

Before they could shut it down, the entire city took it up like hotcakes and did not look the slightest bit interested in letting it go. 

True, they knew who their Lord was but they did not really know anything about him. The cult was a way to finally know all they could about the Sapphirine Prince as they had already taken to calling him by then.

No matter how embellished the tales were.

In fact, they preferred the embellishment as it painted him more as the god they already saw him as.

Especially since the majority of them had not been fortunate to meet him in person.

"What would Lord Hal say?" Ford had made a last-ditch attempt to stop it by bringing Hal into it but the Priestess was ready, 

"He will be up for it. If not for his love for theatrics alone, there are also some advantages to the cult." She had said.

"Like what?" Marlon Edgar had asked.

"Like Fame. Once we have completely perfected the foundation of the faith, we can send out emissaries to spread the word. Lucky fur us, there is no law in the Haron continent that bans religions thanks to the sheer number of different cosmic lords, different families worship.

(Cosmic Lords are what gods are called in the Nexus World)

Hell, even Duchys don\'t serve one god.

The only exception is Devil worship and they don\'t have to know that we ARE worshiping a Devil.

The most important rule to the Continental power is that all must serve the Emperor. We are all his subjects.

We have a chance to take the gospel of the Sapphirine prince to the Barony and then the County and maybe even the Duchy as long as we polish up our foundation.

We don\'t need them to actually believe without proof but just spreading the word is enough for now."

The whole logic seemed weak to the council. At least to the Prime council members. The newcomers were very enthusiastic about it.

"Be honest, you\'re really doing this because he left" Marlon said in a tactless manner.

The Priestess turned to him. Clearly, he had touched a sore spot, 

"If that\'s what you think. That\'s your problem. The cult will happen though. Whether you want it to or not. Besides..." she paused and walked away only to turn back, 

"... The Sapphirine Prince is surely on my side in this matter. Also, I have devoted myself to him because I know one day he will return to claim me. Body and soul" she had said.

Listening to the call, 

Ford could not help but agree that regardless of what he and the council thought, the cult would happen regardless.



The Priestess ascended the podium. She had brown hair and brown eyes and she was quite beautiful and seductive. Despite her considerably small frame, her breasts were large and were no doubt, wonderful attention grabbers.

However, as she was wearing in the Sapphire Blue robe of a Priestess of the Sapphirine Prince\'s cult, no one was looking at her assets among the denizens who all knelt and prepared to pray.

Selina Krast looked at those closest to her and then the strangers who were not kneeling and she ignored them to begin prayers.

"Maria, do you think this \'Sapphirine Prince\' has anything to do with the disappearance of the Beast?" Asked Sean.

"That would be assuming he was real in the first place" Was Maria\'s reply.

Selina ignored their mumblings and began with her voice broadcasted throughout the city,

"Oh Great perverse Lord of Depravity. Prince among men and beautiful beyond compare, we, your humble servants have come to offer prayers."

"WE OFFER PRAYERS" the city chorused

Selina continued,

"We are not here to Demand from you as we are not worthy of such by we are here to offer thanks"

"WE OFFER THANKS" the city chorused.

"What bullcrap is this?" Sean asked in a carrying tone but no one among the denizens acted as though they had heard.

In fact, he stood right in front of one, and that one only seemed to be looking through him at something behind him and far away. Something he could not hope to reach.

He seemed blissfully oblivious.

Selina ignored as well, 

"While we shall not demand from you, we implore that you continue to watch over our city and bring us to new heights beneath your all-seeing eyes"

"WE IMPLORE YOU" the city chorused and then they continued along with Selina, 


Sean gaped at this display and then turned to Maria, 

"Well, that settles it..." He said.

"Settles what?"

Sean seemed surprised that she did not seem to have caught on and clarified,

"The Beasts were probably offered up in some depraved ritual because everyone in this city is undoubtedly insane"

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