Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 105 - I Win, You Lose.

Rita\'s strike while impressive bore no lethal will. This whole duel was after all not aimed at ending the life of the other party.

She and Melinda were in the same level in terms of Cultivation strength. The point where they deferred lay in their styles and wits.

All that being said, if Rita really expected to be able to land that strike on Melinda when they were both equal in terms of reflexes then she was a fool. Cocky, Rita might be but Foolish she was not.

Sure enough, as Melinda watched Rita\'s sword pointed at her, her stance never changed. Instead she leaned back and swung her sword at Rita\'s. 


Their swords met with a ringing metallic sound. In that crossed form, Rita landed and made a swipe at Melinda\'s leg.

The swipe was easily avoided with Melinda raising said leg, however the moment her leg was raised, she saw through it all. 

Up until that moment, every move Rita made had been an elaborate feint. From the sword strike from above which she knew could not catch Melinda off-guard with, to her swipe at Melinda\'s dominant leg. It had all been to throw her off-balance.


The moment Melinda\'s raised one of her legs, Rita manipulated their deadlock of swords so that their swords were pointed downwards before she collided with Melinda knocked the Golden eyed beauty to the ground.

Or at least she tried to.

The moment there was a collision, Melinda took advantage of it\'s backwards force and leapt away from Rita. It was very difficult for Rita to regain balance once Melinda was no longer in direct contact with her but she managed.

Melinda was a different story however.

While she had escaped from Rita\'s planned collision to gain dominance, Melinda was now also without anything to stop her eventual descent to the Courtyard floor.

As the duel was not to the death and they were not aiming to land a fatal blow to each other, there was only one sure way to have a victor which was to declare the first to make contact with the floor with their back the loser.

Rita grinned as she watched Melinda careening backwards, there could be no way Melinda could stop on her own.

Or so she thought.

As soon as Melinda noticed the inevitability of her descent as she continued to step back in an attempt to regain balance, she thrust her sword backwards so that it\'s blade sunk into the ground.



... Those two sounds rang out after each other and Melinda was seen to be leaning against the hilt of her sword in the most awkward yet beautiful angle one could possibly make.

Her back was ached on top of the hilt almost as though she had been impaled.

The posture looked anything but comfortable but it had fulfilled it\'s purpose and stopped Melinda\'s back from making contact with the floor and kept her in the duel.

While Rita\'s eyes widened at this display of resourcefulness and determination, she did not forget her goal in this duel which was to win.

Immediately she pointed to Melinda the moment she had supported herself against her sword hilt...

"Second-grade skill: Cataclysm"

Out of a two circled ring rolled out boulders composed of Cosmic energy and they rolled towards their target.

The skill was merely of the second grade and it\'s energy was far from sufficient to inflict damage on Melinda neither was it sufficient enough to trap her in place, however, Melinda\'s precarious position made it so that she would not be able to react in time and once the builders made contact she would fall and the duel would be over.

Melinda while still arched on her sword\'s hit had not yet been able to make the appropriate traction with her feet to once again regain her standing and as such saw only one possible defense.

"Second grade skill: Cantaclysm"

She used the same skill and the collision of both caused them to cancel each other out...


... When the dust settled, Melinda was back on her feet and she and Rita were quick to engage each other once again.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

... Went the sound of their clashing blades. The whole battle seemed to have no end in sight.

The two spectators, Hal and Marla watched and studied the combating duo.

The duel provided a situation in which Hal could truly visualize there two differing styles and the advantage and beauty of both.

Sparring with them could never give him such visuals. When the two spar with him, they do it in an instructing manner but this duel brought about their competitive sides.

He could see that even though Rita had claimed she had only learned the \'basics\' from his \'Mother\', it was still more than enough to contend with Melinda who had admitted to having been taught much more than just basics.

The way Rita fought gave him an insight into the psyche of the one who had taught her and it was obvious that she was someone who excelled in trickery.

"Is it ever going to end?" Marla could not help but ask when the hour went by and the two remained at it.

The whole experience was quite educational to her, however, she could see that without fatality they could most likely go on for hours without one of them hitting the floor. After all, in terms of stamina they were both in the same league.

"It will" Hal said with a smile.

Right at that moment, Rita had grabbed Melinda in a bear hug form and hooked her leg around the other lady\'s calf in a bid to force her to submit by putting her to the ground.

It was at that time that Melinda\'s light Gold eyes glowed and her whole form was coated in light gold flames that instantly repelled Rita back...


... Causing her to slide back but she still remained on her feet. Albeit barely

"I thought you said you won\'t use it" Rita smirked.

"I said unless you force me and kudos to you. You forced me. Now bring it out and let\'s end this on equal terms" Melinda said and the flames around her burned even brighter.

The statement confused Marla to no end, obviously,y Melinda should have this in the bag. 

What could Rita still have up her sleeves?

Melinda turned her head slightly in Hal\'s direction and Hal raised his hands in a sign of innocence but she just rolled her eyes at the sight.

She turned back to Rita and slashed with her sword causing a crescent-shaped wave of golden flames to burn towards Rita and explode right in front of her in an eruption of dust.


When the dust settled, Rita stood there, her previous Black irises now in a shimmering purple color while her whole form was coated with purple flames that burned sensually.


Marla\'s eyes widened but it should have been obvious.

If Hal could make his men into Semi fiends in hope of improving their combat prowess, it stood to reason that he would do the same for Rita.

Melinda was already aware.

There were few things Hal could truly keep from her.

It was why Hal had informed Rita of Melinda\'s regained control over her Bloodline because while being a Semi-succubus with no access to an armament put their Bloodlines at the same level of strength which was unique, Melinda had more experience with her Bloodline.

That she had spent years without it had not completely overwhelmed that experience and Rita would do well to be completely alert.

The truth was that Hal did not care who won. It had no real impact on him. They would remain his women.

The only thing that interested him in the duel was the duel itself, the outcome was of no real consequence.

That being said it was still fun to watch and speculate.

"You don\'t look surprised" Rita noted with a smile as she savored the energy the demonic flames drove through her very being. Empowering her way past her cultivation.

She could now see why Bloodline was a very strong determinant in combat.

Melinda shrugged, 

"There\'s nothing to be surprised about. I would have been surprised if he hadn\'t done it" 

"Will you surrender?" Rita smirked.

Melinda giggled and rolled her eyes "Oh please".

When the two clashed again, this time with their flames attacking along with them, things started to heat up in a literal sense.

The Golden flames seemed disgusted by the demonic energy Rita\'s flames contained and it showed in the way in which they attacked her. It was vicious.

Melinda was very much aware that taking into account, the origin of her bloodline, there would be little tolerance for anything demonic.

The flames snuck into Rita\'s body and slowly sapped her strength.

At least It did before the purple flames reacted.

Immediately, Melinda\'s body began to heat up and her face turned flushed as she tried to suppress the pleasure the flames induced within her.

"Mmmm" She bit her lower lip in a bid to stop the moan before it spilled out.

Rita gasped as she could feel her body weakening but could smell an opportunity in the form of Melinda\'s arousal due to the demonic flames.

In tandem, both ladies dropped their Cosmic Armaments which vanished in sky blue and white Cosmic mists.

With both hands now free, Rita grabbed the delirious from pleasure Melinda and made to press her to the ground while whispering into her ear, 

"I\'ll be gentle"

Melinda chuckled as her seemingly delirious eyes cleared and she turned them swiftly...


...and Rita\'s back made contact with the Courtyard floor.

"Took the words right out of my mouth. I win. You lose"

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