Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 87 - P.s. You Need Better Security.

Placing the resplendent seal at the Vault\'s gate, Hal opened it and beheld the riches it contained.

The Vault in itself looked like a large room and compared to the mountains of Gold it contained, the whole contents of the Holger treasury might as well have been pocket change.

It was worthy of being a joint vault of the Great families.

While Hal\'s eyes did brighten at the sight, it was quite controlled, he had gone through the motions (motions he had planned) and was about to reap the fruits of his \'hard work\'.

The truth was that coming up with plans to steal was not new to him. He had done it a lot on earth as an archeologist.

At the time, He had decided to be on the side of truth. He would seek out artifacts and relics just for the purpose of preserving history. Always aiming that they be displayed in museums instead of enriching his own pocket. And he had done all that, not because of a strong moral compass, but simply because he had no real need for money.

Well, also because he had been inspired by the \'Indiana Jones\' Franchise.

Anyway, thanks to his choices, it was usually him against people with more manpower and resources than him and thanks to his love for going solo, he was always outnumbered.

He had to be smart and quick witted to always come out on top and as such he became very good at devising plans, whether Elaborate or simple.

If only he had the ability to turn invisible back then. Things would have been so much easier.

Of course to be fair, it was his choice to go it alone. He had many offers to partner up, offers he was always quick to turn down.

In this world, he would never go out of his way to go it alone anymore. This Banditry would not have been done solo if his men were strong enough.

He would have also loved to bring Melinda along, but she was unconscious and besides he would not be able to sneak up on this idiots if he had as he could not turn someone else Invisible as of now.

Hal looked into every part of the Vault and other than Gold, there was nothing else. it seemed the families only trusted each other enough to store Money together, Family cultivation techniques and skills were obviously more treasured.

Not that Hal was interested in all that trash anyway.

He wrapped mounds of Gold one by one with Cosmic Energy and absorbed it all into his inventory.

"There is nothing more rewarding than taking what belongs to others. Especially if it belongs to people like those bozos on the outside.

"I should thank them properly, After all, thanks to their wealth, I just became the wealthiest individual in this city\'s history"

Hal chuckled and was all smiles as he made his way out out of the vault with swagger befitting of a Brilliant Invisible Bandit like himself.

Outside he faced the Eleven who were seated on the ground and wincing at their aching body parts which Hal had ordered them not to tend to with Cosmic Energy. He needed them to look as hurt as possible so as to truly sell it.

If not, then what was the point of trapping them in the array in the first place.

"Umm, Master?" Marlon said tentatively

"Yes Marlon?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would.... *Gulp*" Marlon was not sure if to continue but it hardly mattered, Hal could see what he wanted to ask already...

"No I will not give you 60 million Gold coins, because what you will be telling them is that I stole the proceeds of the Auction from you as well so instead, you will return what I gave you"

Not bothering to listen to what Marlon had to say anymore, Hal took back the gold he had given him at Edgar castle.

Marlon however was relieved, he no longer needed to cover up for Hal, he could now return what he had taken from the Family vault and continue to plan his re-marriage, he should have known that under all that tough exterior, Hal was a big softie, he thought, or at least he did until Hal turned and smiled at him lightly...

"More thoughts like that and I will take all you have"

"Sorry sir"

Hal then turned to Burt,

"My Blood knights are trying to infiltrate your family\'s workers but it has not been easy. Gregory has been very cautious but he does not really handle such matters does he?"

"No" Burt shook his head and said through gritted teeth

"Wonderful, you will do two things. First, you will allow them at least three hours break every day and Second, you will place them in positions of influence within the Payne family.

"I don\'t care how you go about replacing the ones already there with my men, I just want it done"

He turned to Ciel,

"Same applies to you"

Ciel frowned "Krast Manor has been infiltrated?"

Hal chuckled "Quite nicely, After all, Karmen now serves by your cousin\'s side"

Ciel looked up in surprise "Karmen is..."

"A Blood knight. Yes. And while she has been quite successful, the others haven\'t. You will make sure they are and give them breaks as well"

This was Hal\'s best way of helping the Blood knights gain more roots in their various stations, This was no longer just about spying anymore, it was now about taking over the fighting force of this two families from the inside.

The breaks were so they could cultivate in Time warped Chambers he would set up at his newly acquired Estate.

The other two families were not necessary as he now had the subservience of the most important offsprings of Hector Edgar and as for the Horst, he had no interest in infiltrating Amelia\'s family.

She was more than enough.

As for the Plebeians, he now had access to the most important of their families.

\'This was a good day\' He said to Grimiore

\'It sure was\' The book replied

\'Does this count for an Upset Victory package?\'

\'It sure doesn\'t\'

\'Well it still calls for celebration\'

\'Orgy style?\'

\'Orgy style\'


The Great Family leaders and the Plebeian Trio stood before the dome which after an hour was finally showing signs of coming down.

The reinforcements of both sides had already arrived and surrounded the Dome.

San only decided to join this battle that was obviously only about the Greats because he hated the \'Malevolent One\' and was determined to not be caught off guard by his pressure this time.

If things should start to go sideways he would make use of \'it\'. While it had been saved for Hector all this while, he was ready to use it against this bastard instead.

The other two did not truly agree, and had made it perfectly clear they would not support him.

"Traitors" He had snarled

"We\'re not traitors, you just happen to be losing your mind" Tod said

"Yes, You definitely have a screw loose" said Bale

The only reason the two were still here and allowed their men to join the encirclement was because Hector forced them to with his overbearing pressure.

The Salmon City Mayor was not taking any chances.


The Dome slowly dispersed and revealed a scene...

"The fuck?"

...of total chaos.

Edvard\'s exclaim was right on track with what they all thought.

More than 600 gang members lay on the ground with various injuries, some of them unconscious from the pain at the spot that looked to be the location of a Bomb explosion.

But this was not the reason for his exclaim, it was the state in which all Eleven Armament Cultivators were in as they lay on the ground with injuries of arguably larger proportions than the fallen Gang members.

Hector already checked with his senses and could see they were all still alive, albeit barely.

They looked mercilessly trashed.

"Who could have done this?\' Gregory voiced with rage at his butler\'s state.

Hector stretched out his perception and came up empty. To his senses, there was no one there.

There were gaps among the gathered forces but none of them had seen or sensed anyone leaving, this made no sense.

"What\'s that?"

Ford pointed at the air above them where a ball of Royal blue Astral Energy floated with a letter encased within.

Hector reached in and retrieved the letter, which read;

"To the Great families,

Thanks for the Gold. It made me a very wealthy and Happy Malevolent One.

To San Fidwud,

You were more instrumental in my plan\'s success than you could ever know. Kudos!.

To Gregory Payne,

Nice try trying to imprint the Auction\'s proceeds. You took an extra precaution cause you suspected it would be stolen and I have to say you have good instincts. It\'s still slightly lacking though.

You can never find this Brilliant Bandit with such tricks.

To all those present, I hope you agree that I\'m the best and even if you don\'t, I don\'t give a shit.

P.s. You need Better security. This was too easy."


The lips of all those present twitched to no end.

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