QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 119 Who Let The Zombies Out 26

The news of the third volunteer turning into a zombie caused an uproar in the military base with a lot of people going over to the base leader\'s office to ask for explanations.

They\'d been told that He Yuan was the key, the one who supposedly held the solution to the infection. They were also told that it was impossible for him to spread the toxin.

And now, someone had been infected. What exactly was this? Did this mean that they\'d let pure danger reside in their midst?

The sister of the third volunteer went to wail at the base leader\'s feet. Her brother was the only family she had left and yet they had used him for an inhumane experiment that had turned him into a zombie.

When the base leader only said her brother had volunteered and kept silent afterwards, the woman had gone over to He Yuan\'s residence to cause trouble.

The inhabitants of the base all began to rush over to He Yuan\'s residence one by one. They needed to kill the danger. They did not spend months running away from the zombies outside only to have the one they\'d allowed into their base to kill them off!

Some of them wasted no time in activating their abilities and directly attacking the building, willing He Yuan to come out whilst the others, who were farther away from the building -stuck behind the attackers- shouted at the top of their lungs





Even Feng Huang, the scientist who had carried out the original experiment on He Yuan and accompanied him into the military base was not safe from the people\'s scorn.





Feng Huang walked about the living room shivering like a leaf. There were so many people outside and he didn\'t have any ability yet. He was definitely going to die today.

What exactly went wrong? He was very sure of himself. There was no way he would make such a mistake that would endanger the lives of people.

Earlier, he\'d gone to the base leader to provide the man that had suddenly turned into a zombie for examination but he had been blocked at the entrance with the base leader giving him excuses about how they didn\'t want him to make matters worse.

The excuse was so ridiculous. How could matters be any worse? The volunteer suddenly turned into a zombie after a month of observation. Wouldn\'t the right decision be to place the person under examination? But the base leader wouldn\'t let him examine the person. Why? Something was definitely fishy!

He Yuan, the main man of the show, took in all the happenings around him with an amused smile whilst 888 stared at his host with complete exasperation.

There were so many people clamoring and demanding He Yuan\'s head right outside the building but his host was here -smiling like a kid in a candy store.

888 stretched his limbs on the sofa like a wild cat before sitting upright and folding his legs on the sofa in more relaxed lotus position. Since his host wasn\'t bothered, he couldn\'t be bothered to care either.

Feng Huang took in their relaxed states and he was even more perplexed. How could they be so calm? Could they not hear the voices of the people outside? Did they not feel the attacks that shook the foundation of the building? Even if Mr. Du was the leader of the new humans, they weren\'t here now so they had no backing.

They were all alone right now so how could Mr. Du be so calm?! Feng Huang gulped and came to a stop in the middle of the room and looked to He Yuan "W-what a-are we going to do now?"

He Yuan sat upright on the other sofa and crossed one leg over the other before resting his elbow on the armrest and propping his chin on his fist. "We are going to wait."

Feng Huang frowned in confusion. "W-Wait? Wait for what?"

He Yuan only shrugged and 888 arched a brow at that, his glasses slipped down his nose a bit so he pushed it up and opened his mouth to speak but before he could, the base leader walked into the residence with Lu Ming and about twenty angry ability users.

The base leader looked at the three people present in the room before his eyes settled on He Yuan. It was a shame that the man before him would have to be sacrificed but there was no other way.

Du Ling should only blame his bad luck for being the vaccine and ending up in the military base because no matter what, his dreams must come to fruition.

"This entire residence is surrounded," The base leader said and exchanged looks with Lu Ming who was trying his best to look sad and forlorn by his side.

He Yuan\'s lips tugged in a small smile. "So?"

The base leader frowned slightly whilst Lu Ming narrowed his eyes. He Yuan was calm. Too calm. Why was he calm? This was not the reaction they were expecting from a person whose life was currently being threatened by hundreds of people right outside.

"Du Ling, it would be best if you calmly come with us and not cause any trouble." One of the ability users said.

"Okay." He Yuan stood up and waved. "Lead the way."

Now everyone, except 888, was confused. Why was He Yuan being so cooperative? The base leader and Lu Ming exchanged looks again.

They had come in here expecting Du Ling to at least put up a fight to prove his innocence so what was this?

Once He Yuan stepped out of the building, the people outside became even more frenzied and began sending all sorts of attacks his way.








They were all shouting as if He Yuan was the particular zombie that had snatched their loved ones from them whilst He Yuan simply used the ability users that had come to get him as shields.

The fighters all scrambled to keep some distance between them and He Yuan but the front of the building was so crowded that they couldn\'t move much.

The people saw this and had to stop lest they injured the fighters but He Yuan\'s shamelessness angered them even more. At least the zombies outside were all fearless!

The base leader let the people cry out their grieviance for a while more before raising his hand to calm them down. "Just like all of you, I am also saddened by the incident but we cannot be hasty about this. It seems that there was a mistake in the results and so the fact that Du Ling is still capable of spreading the toxin was completely missed."

A lot of the people calmed down at this. They also knew that coming over here to demand Du Ling\'s head was unreasonable but their minds were clouded by fear. If there was anyone to be blamed, it was the scientist who had carried out the test in the first place.

After all, even if Du Ling was capable of spreading the toxin, his blood still contained the vaccine and they needed that to develop an immunity to the toxin.

Although the base leader\'s words were able to placate the people, the scavengers and fighters who were all present on the day of the final testing frowned and exchanged looks with each other.

It was okay if one or two scientists made a mistake in the results but for all the scientists that had been brought from the different bases all over the country to make the same mistake, that was too much of a coincidence. Something was wrong here.

"HOW COULD THAT BE POSSI-" Before Xiao Yu could finish shouting, his mother clasped a hand over his mouth and eyed him angrily. They were so many people present, she didn\'t want her son to be attacked too.

Xiao Yu shook his mother\'s hand away. He\'d been with his family when they heard the news of the third volunteer so he rushed over as soon as he could. Who knew that the place would already be over crowded?

He was about to speak when he locked eyes with He Yuan, who shook his head slightly to get him to shut up and so he swallowed his words.

Xiao Yu felt so anxious. He was usually the first to hear any news so how come he was the last this time?!

Feng Huang, on the other hand, glared at the base leader. "What nonsense are you spouting?! How could such a crucial mistake be have been made?!"\'

The base leader sighed. "Mr. Feng, I know this is a huge blow for you to take as a scientist but since we\'re all trying to be understanding here, you shouldn\'t push your luck."

"WHAT LUCK?!" Feng Huang shouted. "Do you think I became a scientist just yesterday?! I dare you to come closer and repeat those words! Am I the only scientist that carried out the experiment? What about-"

888 grabbed Feng Huang\'s arm to silence him and raised his brow at the base leader. "What exactly do you want then?"

The base leader cleared his throat. "Since we need the vaccine but Mr. Du just so happens to be a zombie capable of spreading the toxin, he would be put under tight surveillance to ensure the safety of everyone in this base."

He Yuan finally opened his mouth to speak, the amused smile back on his lips. "The rumours claim that the third volunteer was turned into a zombie and yet, no one had seen said volunteer. Aren\'t you all a little to quick to condemn me?"

The people all frowned now. It was indeed true that no one had seen the third volunteer and the rumour was indeed unconfirmed. Before they could voice their thoughts, the sister of the third volunteer stepped forth and shot a bolt of lightening at He Yuan.


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