Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 254 Lucretiaʼs in a dilemma?

Chapter 254 Lucretia?s in a dilemma?

(POV: Akashic Records)

"So... Do you still like him...? Lumiere..."

A straightforward question by Simone.

Lucretia turned away.

She made her way towards the ornate wardrobe.

With a trembling voice, she replied, "Simone, I do more than just like Lumiere... I love him... Maybe with all my heart."

Her fingers caressed the intricate carvings on the armoire.

Simone nodded, the understanding evident in her eyes.

"That much is very clear," she replied.

"You think so?" Lucretia turned her gaze to ask.

"Yes, Lady Lucretia. Your lingering affection for him, it\'s never been a secret."

Lucretia sighed. "Tell me about it."

She paused for a moment before adding, "You wear only black panties, as they remind you of him, do they not?"

"I don\'t even know why I was initially embarrassed to tell you that.."

Simone couldn\'t help but smirk as she pulled out one of Lucretia\'s black panties from her hidden stash.

"Lady Lucretia, your secrets are safe with me. After all, I\'m your loyal confidante," she remarked.

In clear detail, Lucretia told Simone that whenever she saw the colour black, it reminded her of Lumiere.

Because of that, the colour constantly turned her on.

So she made a good choice to avoid seeing the colour.

But to keep her connected to him in some way, she wore black panties— it made her feel like Lumiere was touching her down there.

Now that\'s, personality.

Lucretia retreated to her bed, collapsing onto the silken sheets.

With a heavy sigh, she murmured, "Why did Lumiere have to come to the University? Especially now that I am about to..."

Her voice trailed off, the unspoken words lingering in the air.

Simone slowly approached, her voice filled with empathy.

"Now that you\'re about to get married, right?" she gently prodded, her eyes searching Lucretia\'s face for confirmation.

Lucretia turned to the side, clutching a pillow tightly as if seeking solace.

Her voice trembled, carrying vulnerability.

"Yes, Simone... that\'s why I\'ve been acting so distant, so cruel... I didn\'t want to admit my true feelings."

"( I see... Well that explains it. She talks about Lumiere 60% of the time, about that one magical night they met and all of a sudden when she finally sees him, she treats him like day old bread... I suppose even my lady isn\'t so perfect... )" (Simone)

Simone\'s eyes softened with understanding, her voice assuring.

"Lady Lucretia, I have always known your heart\'s desires. You don\'t have to hide from me. I\'m here for you, always."

A faint smile tugged at the corner of Lucretia\'s lips as she gazed at Simone.

"I suppose you\'re right... And you already do know a lot about me."

"Of course, I\'m your only friend after all."

"HEY!" Lucretia buried her face into her pillow. "I have friends, lots of them," her words came out a little muffled.

"Oh please, Lady Lucretia, no one likes a liar." Simone chuckled.

"Yeah, Yeah."

"So, what choice do you plan to make now?"

Simone brought their conversation back to the main topic.

Lucretia let out a heavy sigh and confessed, "Honestly, I don\'t know. After that encounter with that pervert, Merlin? I wanted to go see Lumiere at the Royal Capital. But then, I thought of my engagement... and everything got so complicated."

Simone nodded understandingly.

"I know it\'s difficult, Lady Lucretia. But remember, Earl Goldcrest truly does love you. And he has so much to offer."

"( I honestly don\'t have any reason to defend Lumiere here. I don\'t know enough about him to advise her to be with him. And also, I requested to speak with him, and he didn\'t show up... Hence, he\'s not dependable... Not one bit. )" (Simone)

Lucretia sighed.

"I know that, Simone. It\'s just... it\'s hard to love him completely. He\'s almost thirty years older than me, and he even has a son who I\'m two years older than. It feels... unbalanced. And to make matters worse, my father?s the one who wants me to marry the Earl for business reasons, not for love or happiness."

However, Lucretia could clearly see how lucrative being married to the Earl would be.

Simone\'s eyes widened in surprise as she recalled something.

"Wait, didn\'t your father mention that he liked Lumiere too? What happened?"

Lucretia felt a pang in her heart as she remembered that conversation with her father.

"Yes, he did mention his admiration for him. But when I brought up the idea of seeing him again, my father shut it down immediately. He didn\'t want me to develop any more feelings for Lumiere."

"( Maybe because he\'s the king\'s bastard, or so I\'ve heard... )" (Lucretia)

Interrupting their conversation, Simone hesitantly added, "By the way, Lady Lucretia, I heard that you have a date with the Earl some time tomorrow."

Lucretia rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I know. You don\'t have to remind me. I agreed to the date, but it feels like I\'m just giving him a chance out of obligation."

Simone gently touched Lucretia\'s arm.

"At the very least give the Earl a fair chance, milady. He might surprise you."

"( While I try talking with Lumiere again... )" (Simone)

Lucretia grumbled under her breath, her lips twisted into a frown.

"You\'re right, Simone. It\'s not fair to leave him hanging. But sometimes, I can\'t help but feel like I\'m just a replacement for his dead wife... and Lance?s mother..."

She had a lot going on in her life.

Maybe Lucretia couldn\'t see it, but Simone was trying to make things better.

She knew to play on both teams.

The Earl and Lumiere.

Reason being that she clearly knew that given an equal chance, she may just pick Lumiere, but the happiness of her father was on the line.

Lucretia was indeed selfish, but for her father\'s sake, she\'d throw away her needs for her wants.

She "wanted" the Earl because of the vast riches he\'d offer her to continue her aspirations.

But she "needed" Lumiere, just cause.

Simone gracefully rose from the bed she sat upon, her eyes scanning Lucretia\'s wardrobe for a suitable dress.

She finally settled on a stunning blue gown, adorned with delicate lace and intricate embroidery.

As she handed the dress to Lucretia, she spoke softly.

"You know, Lady Lucretia, deep down, I think you still love Lumiere," Simone began, her brows furrowing slightly. "But perhaps, in all this confusion and doubt, you\'ve started to question your own feelings. Are you certain that your love for him is stronger than your uncertainty?"

Lucretia sighed, her fingers tracing the ornate patterns on the dress.

"Maybe... I do love him more than I\'m willing to admit, Simone. But lately, I\'ve been wondering if I\'m just holding onto a memory of him that\'s slowly fading away."

"I don\'t mean to upset you, Lady Lucretia, but have you not noticed?"

"Noticed what...?"

"Every time we\'ve seen Lumiere, he\'s always surrounded by other women, growing more distant with each passing encounter. What if, one day, he forgets about you entirely?"

Lucretia\'s eyes widened, shock coursing through her veins.

"That will... never happen. Lumiere can never forget about me."

"( And yet, I fear he is... I asked Lumiere if he\'s interested in Lady Lucretia and both times he acted oblivious to the question. But when I asked Lady Lucretia, she was sure enough to say that she loves him... It\'s a bit funny how Lumiere treats her nicely and yet isn\'t in love with her anymore and then there\'s Lucretia who\'s in love with him and yet treats him badly... )" (Simone)

Simone\'s voice remained gentle yet firm.

"Forgive me, Lady Lucretia, but in my observation, it seems that Lumiere is already starting to move on. You\'ve slapped him, insulted him..."

"But I didn\'t mean to d..."

"At some point, he might even be relieved if you don\'t cross his path for weeks."

"I... He can\'t... It\'s not... It\'s not going..."

Lucretia was short of words.

Her heart sank.

"No, Simone, you\'re wrong! Lumiere and I have a connection beyond all of that. We understand each other."

Simone placed a comforting hand on Lucretia\'s shoulder.

"I know it\'s difficult to accept, but consider the Earl. He loves you unconditionally and is willing to stand by your side, forsaking all other women. Can Lumiere promise you the same?"

Lucretia\'s mind spun with conflicting emotions, her heart torn between the past and the present.

She looked at Simone, her voice barely able to project sureness.

"Will I ever be able to truly move on from Lumiere... and embrace the Earl?"

Simone smiled gently.

"That\'s a question you\'ve already answered..."

"I have?"

"Is there anything you hate about the Earl since you\'ve known him?"

"No, he\'s not a bad guy, he\'s not proud or pompous... He\'s humble..."

"And what about Lumiere, is there anything you hate about him?"

"N... No I don\'t think so..."

"Are you sure?"

"I guess I am... But then again," she folded her legs inward and nestled her chins on her knees. "I don\'t know him all that well."

"( Just as I thought... )" (Simone)

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