Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 933 Lin Astral Family

When the parade was finally over, Lin Fan couldn\'t help letting out a sigh of relief.

Seeing this reaction from him, the Lin Astral Emperor patted him on the shoulder with a smile as he said, "You\'ll get used to it eventually."

The only thing that Lin Fan could respond to this with was a bitter smile.

He wasn\'t someone who liked crowded places in the first place, so he didn\'t want to get used to something like this.

Even back on earth, he was someone who was famous, but liked keeping to himself since people always annoyed him by asking him for things.

So in a sense, he was already used to it. It was just that he disliked this kind of lifestyle very much.

After they had entered the palace, the first thing that happened was that a group of ministers immediately came over to surround the Lin Astral Emperor.

The reason that they gave was that they were here to greet him, but in truth, their goal was to scout out Lin Fan.

There wasn\'t a single one of them that dared to question the validity of Lin Fan since there was the Lin Astral Emperor being a guarantor for him. So the only reason they wanted to scout out Lin Fan was to see how to approach him in the future.

After all, these ministers were all nobles that wanted to climb the social ladder.

Not a single one of them was foolish enough to challenge the Lin Astral Family.

But soon, there was a path that was cleared in the sea of ministers as a group came over.

It was clear that whoever was coming over was an important person if everyone was clearing a path for them and Lin Fan already had a guess as to who they were.

As he had expected, he could sense a familiar feeling coming from them.

The special technique of the Lin Astral Family allowed them to control the void law, so what Lin Fan was feeling from them was the aura of the void law. It was very similar to the absorption power that he controlled.

He could even feel that the space around them was distorting a bit from this absorption power that came from them.

It was a group of young people that were being led by one person that looked older, seeming to be middle aged.

This person led this group of people through the crowd and they came up right in front of the Lin Astral Emperor. Then they all gave a slight bow, which was different from the deep bow and kneels that the ministers gave.

It was clear that this was their privilege as the members of the Lin Astral Family.

After this, the man leading them said to the Lin Astral Emperor, "Uncle, you\'re back." Then he turned to the Lin Family Ancestor and said, "Cousin, it\'s truly been a long time."

Though he said this in a friendly tone, there was no hiding the hostile look that was in his eyes.

It was clear that the relationship between them wasn\'t good, but one could imagine just by thinking about it.

Based on the clothes that this middle aged man was wearing, he was clearly someone who thought highly of himself as he chose clothes that made himself stand out. He was someone that cared very much about his position and he must have had quite a high position while the Lin Family Ancestor was gone.

But now that the son of the Lin Astral Emperor was back, there was no doubt that it would be a blow to the position that he currently had.

There would be many people that would favour the Lin Astral Emperor\'s son since that was his son and not his nephew. Not to mention, even back then, he had never been able to compete with this Lin Jian who was the Lin Astral Emperor\'s son.

Even when they were younger, he had always been compared to this Lin Jian and had always been considered the weaker of the two.

So there were deep scars that had formed in his mind when it came to Lin Jian.

The Lin Family Ancestor looked back at this middle aged man and said with a smile, "Cousin, it has been a long time."

Though he had a smile on his face, that smile never reached his eyes.

His eyes were as sharp as a sword as he looked at this middle aged man, placing pressure on him.

The middle aged man felt like he was facing a storm of blades that instantly cut him hundreds of times. It was even a bit hard for him just to stand there facing him head on, he felt the urge to take a step back when facing this pressure.

But his pride wouldn\'t allow him to back down.

In the end, he gave a secret sigh when the Lin Family Ancestor finally took back his aura and he didn\'t say anything else.

He couldn\'t beat the Lin Family Ancestor, so there was no need to embarrass himself by facing him. Instead, he turned his attention to Lin Fan and Lin Ao who were behind them.

When his eyes fell onto Lin Ao, he only looked at him for a second before turning away. It was almost as if he had seen through him and disdained looking at him any further since there was nothing about him that could catch his attention.

Instead, when his eyes fell onto Lin Fan, he couldn\'t help knitting his brows.

Of course he had also heard the news of this young man who had been brought back to be the heir.

That was why he had gathered all of these young members of the family and rushed over here to greet the Lin Astral Emperor.

As for his impression of Lin Fan, it was just as bad as his impression of Lin Jian.

Just like how Lin Jian would inevitably take away his position and influence, Lin Fan would also take away the position and influence of his descendants of his branch and the descendants of his brothers\' branches.

Lin Jian had never left any descendants in the Lin Astral Empire, so until now, most of the positions that should have been taken by Lin Jian\'s descendants had gone to descendants of these side branches. But now that Lin Jian was back with his descendants, there was no doubt that these positions would switch back to Lin Jian\'s descendants.

After all, they were the direct descendants of the current Lin Astral Emperor and these positions should have been theirs in the first place.

So the reason why he had brought all these youngsters here was to suppress Lin Fan and Lin Ao.

Of course, there were never any thoughts of harming them because they were still a part of the Lin Astral Family. They knew that if they even thought of harming anyone, they would be immediately kicked out of the Lin Astral Family no matter what they did.

The strongest thing about the Lin Astral Family was their unity, so no matter what, they would never think of harming each other.

Which was why even though Lin Jian very much disliked this Lin Tian, going all the way back to when they were kids, he had never thought of harming him. All he did was suppress him with his talent and aura since he knew that in a pinch, they would both fight for the Lin Astral Family to the end.

After staring at Lin Fan for a bit, the middle aged man Lin Tian revealed a smile as he looked at Lin Fan and said, "So this is my great great nephew."

When he said this, he made sure to stress the "great great" part, as if he was putting Lin Fan in his place. He was making sure that Lin Fan knew that he was from a senior generation and that he had a higher position than Lin Fan.

But Lin Fan was someone who was born with pride in his bones.

Even if he didn\'t act that way in front of Angela, he wouldn\'t allow others to look down on him like this.

So he gave a snort and released his aura as he faced Lin Tian.

Then he slowly revealed a smile as he said, "Great great uncle, nice to meet you."

Just like Lin Jian, the smile was only on his mouth, but it never reached his eyes.

His eyes were just as sharp as Lin Jian\'s as he looked at Lin Tian.

Even though there was a disparity in cultivation levels, with Lin Fan being in the Star Realm and Lin Tian being in the Sun Realm, Lin Tian couldn\'t help being surprised by and pushed back slightly by Lin Fan\'s aura.

It was almost as if he was facing a younger version of Lin Jian.

But at the same time, there was this strange feeling that he had never felt before.

It was a feeling of suppression that came from deep inside of him, as if coming from the void laws that he controlled. It was like his void laws felt inferior to the feeling that came from Lin Fan and inherently bowed down to them.

As a prominent member of the Lin Astral Family, he had naturally already heard the news about Lin Fan\'s Void Physique.

He had thought that this was just an exaggeration used by the Lin Astral Emperor to make Lin Fan seem stronger than he really was, but now that he had felt this feeling from Lin Fan, he was certain that this wasn\'t an exaggeration.

It seemed very likely that Lin Fan had indeed developed the Void Physique.

The Void Physique.

This was the ultimate form of the Lin Astral Family\'s cultivation technique and the hope of the family.

They had hoped that one day, one of their descendants would be able to break through to the peak of this cultivation technique and reach the Void Physique, bringing prosperity to the Lin Astral Family again.

Of course, Lin Tian was happy to see that the Void Physique had returned, but the fact that it wasn\'t something that had been born to his branch was something that was worrying to him.

He knew that with Lin Fan as their headliner, Lin Jian and the Lin Astral Emperor\'s branch would stabilize their hold over the Lin Astral Family even more.

It would be impossible for his branch to stand up and they would forever be known as the branch family.

This was not something that he could allow!

He had to find a way to deal with Lin Fan before this happened!

Or else it would be very bad...

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