Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 478 Palace (7)

As Lin Fan headed forward, he looked around himself to see if he could find any clues, even though Brainy\'s puppets hadn\'t been able to find anything.

He just wanted to see if there was anything that they might have missed since they weren\'t able to see it, things that might have been written in golden words. However, as he continued along, he wasn\'t able to find a single one of these things.

As he continued along, Lin Fan also began thinking about the secret of this labyrinth.

It was clear that there was something here that was obstructing the senses of the people that went through this labyrinth, but as for what it was, Lin Fan wasn\'t certain. However, Lin Fan did have two guesses as to what it might be.

One was that there were illusion laws that were carved into the walls of these ruins and the second was that there were spatial laws that were inside of these ruins that changed them.

Either one of these was something that Lin Fan would find hard to deal with.

The illusion law would interfere with how he perceived the labyrinth and Lin Fan didn\'t have a law to deal with this, otherwise this wouldn\'t be a problem.

As for the spatial law, while Lin Fan\'s control of spatial laws as well, his understanding of spatial laws was much weaker than whoever created this labyrinth. The spatial laws would twist the space around him, making him go around in circles without him noticing.

Either way, without some kind of way to deal with whatever was in this labyrinth, there was no chance of Lin Fan making it to the end. So the only thing he could do now was move forward and see if there were any clues that he could see that the puppets weren\'t able to find. Namely, clues that were covered in a golden glow.

Lin Fan made his way through the passage in front of him and even when he reached the first turn, he wasn\'t able to find a single thing.

When he arrived at the first turn, he looked around himself, but he still wasn\'t able to find a single thing.

He had already sent puppets down both of these ways, so he knew that neither of them was the right way to go, but there was no other way for him to go. He could have tried to jump the walls or break through them, but that didn\'t work at all.

The walls went from floor to ceiling, so there was no way for Lin Fan to go over the walls.

He couldn\'t go under or through the walls either since he couldn\'t make a scratch in either the wall or the ground when he tried to dig with his Iron Eater Bone Artifact transformed into a shovel. It was the same situation with the buildings outside, there was the time law that was covering it that made it impossible for Lin Fan to make a single scratch.

Then again, with the time law that was covering it, even if he had been able to make a scratch, it definitely wouldn\'t have lasted long since it would have been repaired by the time laws.

Seeing that this was the case, Lin Fan had no choice but to go in one of the directions. However, he did something that he didn\'t do last time, which was an idea that he stole from a child\'s fairy tail.

Lin Fan always kept a store of food in his Storage Ring and the storage of the system just in case, both for when he was exploring and for when he was in the cultivation realms.

He reached into his store of food and pulled out a loaf of bread before he started moving forward.

Lin Fan chose to go down the right path and as he continued forward, Lin Fan began leaving bread crumbs behind him. However, these weren\'t ordinary bread crumbs, rather they were bread crumbs that had Brainy\'s parasite seeds in them, which allowed it to track them with its spiritual sense.

Since Brainy\'s parasite seeds were inherently linked to it because they came from it, it could track them even when being influenced by other laws. Only when the laws used were much stronger than Brainy would it be unable to track these seeds anymore, but it had been able to track the seeds in the puppets earlier, so it wasn\'t worried.

As Lin Fan continued down the corridor, he came to the next fork in the road.

However, this time, Lin Fan didn\'t continue forward, but rather he immediately turned around to look at the trail of bread crumbs behind him.

Lin Fan wanted to test how strong the laws that were making people lost in this labyrinth was, which was why he had immediately turned around since that was the best way to engage it. If he turned around, it would definitely activate because the labyrinth wouldn\'t want him to retrace his steps.

As he expected, while following the bread crumbs, he soon lost track of them and couldn\'t see them anymore. Even though Brainy could sense them, it could also tell that they were strangely getting further away from where they were, as if there was a strange force moving them.

Once they felt this force acting on them, Lin Fan immediately stopped moving and tried to sense what kind of laws were contained within this labyrinth.

As soon as he did, there was the same familiar feeling that he had felt when he had been dropped into the fountain, immediately telling him what kind of laws they were. It was clear that this labyrinth was filled with spatial laws that were misleading the people inside.

But even if he knew what kind of law it was, it didn\'t matter since Lin Fan wasn\'t able to do a thing against this spatial law. He could tell from the aura that it gave that it was at a much higher level than he was.

However, Lin Fan didn\'t give up as he began forcefully making his way back towards his trail of bread crumbs that he had left.

It was just too bad that this spatial law wouldn\'t let him no matter what he did. The more he tried pushing against this spatial law, the more lost he became until it reached the point where the bread crumbs were pushed out of Brainy\'s spiritual sense range.

At this time, Lin Fan finally chose to stop because there was nothing left guiding him.

After going through this labyrinth for so long, there hadn\'t been a single clue that Lin Fan had found, which meant that he was now completely lost. He couldn\'t even find where his other puppets were, they had all been pushed out of Brainy\'s spiritual sense range.

Brainy could only feel that they still existed, but beyond that, the feeling was too faint for it to find where they were.

As Lin Fan was about to give up, he suddenly saw something in the corner of his eye.

Lin Fan immediately turned in the direction of the thing he saw, which was a faint golden glow. It was a faint and small golden light in the distance that seemed to be beckoning towards him, but all of Lin Fan\'s instincts told him that this seemed to be a trap…

After all, for a light like this to appear when Lin Fan was the most lost, what else would it be if not a trap?

So with this thought in mind, Lin Fan turned in the exact opposite direction and started walking without even turning back.

However, as he continued forward, he could feel the spatial laws around him acting on him, causing him to get more and more lost in this labyrinth. Still, it was better than going into the obvious trap that was waiting for him in that light.

The strange thing was that as he became more and more lost, the strange light suddenly began glowing brighter and brighter.

It had gone from a faint and small golden light at first, but as Lin Fan continued walking along, it grew in size and brightness until it reached a point that was hard for Lin Fan to ignore. Looking back at it, it was like one direction was completely bathed in golden light while the other was completely bathed in darkness.

But, no matter how Lin Fan looked at that golden glow, it seemed like an obvious trap to him.

After all, for this golden glow to appear when he was at his lowest point, that was definitely suspicious.

Still, it wasn\'t a way to continue walking in the opposite direction because all that did was get him more and more lost.

In the end, Lin Fan finally gave up and decided to take the path that was lit up by the golden glow.

As he walked through the golden glow, he could see that bits of it were peeling off the walls and entering into his body, strengthening the power inside the golden diamond on his forehead. This was the same process as when he received power from the various objects in the trials, but the power contained in these walls far surpassed the power contained in those objects.

Just by walking down this hall, Lin Fan felt that he had obtained at least ten times more golden energy compared to all the items that he had gained.

At the same time, as he continued down the hall and absorbed the golden glow, the light around him became dimmer and dimmer until it completely faded away.

The trap that Lin Fan expected to come never came, but something else did appear.

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