Cultivation Pet Shop

52 Chapter 52

Divine? Giant?

Did that mean that this pile of rocks had the Divine Blood in it? Could it reach the God Realm in the future?

Lin Fan was completely shocked by this.

But what Lin Fan didn\'t know was that this was just normal for all mutated beasts.

A mutated beast was a beast that had returned to its original, which meant that it had returned to the root of its progeny, namely its divine ancestor.

That meant that mutated beasts contained a portion of Divine Blood in them.

As for how much Divine Blood they had, that all depended on how many times they had mutated.

​ Normal single mutation beasts typically only had a single drop of their ancestral Divine Blood diluted through their bloodline, meaning that they had access to a portion of the power of the ancestral bloodline.

But even that portion was much stronger than most normal beasts, making them natural leaders in the beast world.

As for beasts that had double or triple mutations, the concentration of Divine Blood in their veins had reached a point where they had developed the aura of their ancestral bloodline.

Once beasts reached their fourth mutation, the concentration of Divine Blood in their veins would reach a point where they could induce single mutations in normal beasts if normal beasts drank their blood. But of course normal beasts had no way of killing a fourth mutation beast since it would mean killing a beast that had more than half of its ancestral bloodline\'s power.

So while this Aegean Giant only had a single drop of Divine Blood, it was a beast that had access to divine powers, completely justifying its classification as divine.

As for the three pets that Lin Fan had since the beginning, they had true Divine Bloodlines, which meant that as long as they grew up, they would reach the God Realm!

While Lin Fan was stunned by the status screen, the small pile of rocks began moving until they formed a small golem that was the size of Lin Fan\'s palm.

The little rock golem looked around itself and then it turned its head to Lin Fan. Just like a little chick imprinting on the first thing it saw, the little rock golem immediately took Lin Fan as its parent.

The little rock golem went over to Lin Fan\'s hand on the pedestal and suddenly hugged it, knocking Lin Fan out of his stupor.

Seeing the little golem hugging his hand, Lin Fan couldn\'t help thinking that it was quite cute.

After playing around with the little rock golem for a bit, Lin Fan decided to form a contract with it and keep it for himself instead of selling it.

For the pets that were hatched in the incubation chamber, they were all born with a natural formed temporary contract to Lin Fan. He could either decide to formalize that contract and take a pet as his own or he could sell the pet and let it form a new contract with the one who bought it.

But since this was a mutated pet like Brainy and it had a "Divine" bloodline, he might as well keep it. Lin Fan really was looking forward to seeing how this little rock golem would develop in the future.

Once Lin Fan formed the contract, he thought about it and said, "Now all you need is a name…"

After thinking for a bit, Lin Fan asked the little rock golem, "How about Rocky then?"

The little rock golem just gave an obedient nod since it didn\'t know any better.

Lin Fan tapped it on the head and said, "I really am a genius, I can come up with such perfect names."

It was a good thing that little rock golem still had the mentality of a child and couldn\'t really understand what Lin Fan was saying, otherwise it definitely would have fallen over at what Lin Fan was saying about himself. It definitely would have demanded a better name!

After taking care of the contract with the little rock golem, Lin Fan moved back over to the other eggs.

One by one, he went through the five remaining eggs until they were all hatched.

In the end, all he hatched were three Silver Bloodline pets and two Gold Bloodline pets.

For someone like him who had multiple mutated pets and pets with ancient bloodlines, these pets were nothing to him. In the end, he decided to sell off all these eggs.

However, for those noble families, pets with Gold Bloodlines were incredible treasures.

Most noble families only had two or three Gold Realm Experts and the strongest noble families had no more than ten Gold Realm Experts. A pet with a Gold Realm bloodline could become a Gold Realm beast if properly nurtured, which meant that it would give any noble family another Gold Realm Expert! Even for the strongest noble family, that meant an increase of one tenth when it came to their total power!

This was clear the next morning when Lin Fan put these pets up for sale.

At first no one believed that these were actually pets with Gold Realm bloodlines, but the moment the noble young masters arrived and used their spiritual senses on these pets, they started fighting over them.

Of course no one dared to physically fight in Lin Fan\'s shop after his display of might, but they immediately crowded Lin Fan and started out shouting prices.

Lin Fan should have been happy to hear all these bids, but all he revealed was a bitter smile as he tried convincing the system in his mind.

"Look at them, they\'re all telling us to take their money…"

"Host, one should not have excessive greed. First warning."

"But if we take their money, it means more points for you."

"Host, do not try to bribe the system. Second warning."

Still Lin Fan wouldn\'t give up in face of all this money.

"Then how about I take them out of the shop to sell? I\'ll still give you the money."

"Host, excessive greed is never good. Third warning."

"Random punishment will now be selected."

"Thousand needle punishment has been selected."

It felt like there were thousands of needles that were being inserted into him, turning every single part of his body numb like when a pin was inserted into one\'s skin.

The sudden sensation made his body turn completely numb before he collapsed to the ground.

Everyone surrounding him shouting prices was suddenly shocked to see Lin Fan just collapse like this and they all moved back.

But then after a while, they saw Lin Fan jump right back up like nothing had happened and everyone was too scared to say anything.

Lin Fan turned over to them and said, "These pets will be sold based on how I feel each day. It doesn\'t matter how much you offer, they\'ll be sold at the price listed however I want to sell them."

Actually the system didn\'t care how Lin Fan sold these pets, it just didn\'t let Lin Fan change the price of these pets.

The nobles were anxious since these were rare treasures and they didn\'t want it to go to their enemies.

One of the young masters asked, "Owner Lin, just how are you selling these pets?"

Lin Fan went behind the counter and pulled out a few pieces of paper along with a tub.

He ripped the pieces of papers into tiny pieces and said, "You\'ll write your names onto these pieces of papers and we\'ll do a draw for them. Anyone can participate and if I catch anyone cheating, you can be sure you\'ll be punished."

The young masters obediently took the pieces of paper and wrote their names on them. They wanted to stop the other people in the store from also writing their names, but they didn\'t do it since they didn\'t want to offend Lin Fan.

This was a store that not only had a Master Trainer, it also had a supply of high grade elixirs that were being sold cheap. If they lost access to this shop, it would be a huge loss.

In the end, the draw went as the following. There were two young masters who were drawn for the Silver Realm bloodline pets and one for the Gold Realm bloodline pet. As for the other two pets, they went to normal customers, but those normal customers couldn\'t help succumbing to the rich offers that the noble young masters offered.

The Silver pets were sold for ten thousand each and the Gold pets were sold for a hundred thousand, but the noble young master raised that price by ten times just to buy it from these normal customers.

Lin Fan couldn\'t help saying to the system, "Look at all the money that\'s leaving our pockets."

"Host, excessive greed is never good. First warning."

Lin Fan knew when he had been beaten.

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