Cultivation Pet Shop

44 Chapter 44

But of course nothing came out of it in the end.

Wang Ning on the side saw what was happening, so she intervened, "Hello there little sister, sorry for borrowing your dear brother from you." After saying that, she gave a wink.

Lin Xue just gave a cold snort and said, "I don\'t care what you do with him, he\'s just an embarrassment."

After saying that, Lin Xue turned to leave without even taking their orders, but of course she remembered the faces of these two girls.

Since it didn\'t seem like they were getting any service, Lin Fan and the two girls left, but he didn\'t forget to leave his little sister\'s lunch for her.

But since he needed to stay here for the tournament in the afternoon, he went around the festival with Luo Qing and Wang Ning, going from stall to stall, enjoying everything there was to offer.

In the middle, Wang Ning had gone off to take care of something, so he had lunch alone with Luo Qing.

To be honest, Lin Fan quite enjoyed this time because both of his bodies had never experienced a normal school life.

The original owner of the body had no talent, so he had spent his school life alone trying to cultivate as hard as he could to make up for it, only to give up and work at the pet store after graduation.

As for Lin Fan, he had never gone to school and experienced this because of his family back on earth, they had never let him go to a normal school.

But all of that ended when Wang Ning came back in the afternoon.

When Wang Ning came back, she came back with two matching contestant tags for Lin Fan and Luo Qing.

Lin Fan figured that they were matching since they were a team, but the design was a bit strange.

Lin Fan asked, "What is with this heart design on the tag?"

Wang Ning said with a smile, "I picked it myself, don\'t you like it?"

Lin Fan\'s face was covered in black lines as he couldn\'t help saying, "But isn\'t it a bit girly?"

Wang Ning pouted her lips and said, "After all I did to help you, you can\'t even help me with this little favour?"

Lin Fan was completely speechless, he really didn\'t know what to say to this.

Meanwhile, on the side, Luo Qing was taking deep breaths like she was preparing herself for something, while also seeming like she was trying to talk herself out of something.

But it was too late since the event was already starting and they were called to the arena for their first fight.

Lin Fan wasn\'t aware of how big of a trap he had fallen for, but he was definitely stunned the moment he realized it was a trap.

As they walked through the corridor, they finally arrived at the arena where over a thousand people were sitting in the stands looking down at the stage.

But the moment Lin Fan walked out with Luo Qing, there was a silence that came over the crowd. Even the host couldn\'t help being speechless when he saw this.

But then the host came back to his senses and shouted into the mic, "And now the next pair of contestants in our couples tournament! You should all recognize who this is, it\'s the Ice Queen Luo Qing! She is named the Ice Queen for her ice cold demeanor that scares away everyone, but surprisingly she is participating in this tournament with an unknown man!"

It was only then that the crowd reacted as waves of jeers came, mostly from other men.

"Who is that pretty boy standing beside my goddess!"

"How can this unknown man stand by our queen!"

"Someone pull him off stage, I\'ll take his place!"

,m Lin Fan was completely speechless. He never heard that this would be a couples tournament! Wang Ning had completely tricked him!

When Lin Fan turned back, he saw Wang Ning waving at them with a sly smile. It was only at that moment did he feel a bit of fear towards Wang Ning. She had clearly learned from her dad and was a shrewd businesswoman.

Luo Qing meanwhile had a slight blush on her face. She had known about this all along, but there was a part of her that stopped her from telling Lin Fan. Even she didn\'t know what was wrong with herself, she had never felt this way before.

In the stands, Lin Fan\'s little sister was sitting there watching with a few friends.

The moment Lin Fan came out, there was a killing intent that filled her eyes as she stared daggers at Luo Qing. But then she turned to the crowd and memorized the face of every person who had jeered at her big brother.

The host wanted to keep talking about Luo Qing, but the organizers were screaming at him through his earpiece, so he had no choice but to move on.

"And now introducing our challengers, it\'s Wang Feng and Yang Long!"

There wasn\'t as big as a reaction from the crowd this time since this was a rather unknown couple.

Wang Feng and Yang Long came up to the stage and they were completely shocked to see Luo Qing and an unknown man.

They knew that they were considered a normal couple, so they were surprised to be called up to the main stage which was only used for featured fights between famous people. They were even more shocked when they saw Luo Qing in front of them with an unknown man. Wasn\'t Luo Qing the infamous Ice Queen who had turned down a thousand men? Why was she in a couples tournament?

The host ignored their reactions and continued, "Now the rules are simple, the best couple is clearly the strongest couple! So we\'ll have our couples summon their pets and duke it out to see who\'s the stronger couple!"

The host raised his hand into the air and shouted, "Are you ready!"

Then bringing down his hand, he shouted, "Start!"

Wang Feng and Yang Long immediately called out their pets, but on the other side, Luo Qing was the only person who called out her pet.

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in confusion, including Luo Qing, but he casually said to her, "With how much you\'ve brought your pet to my shop for training, you\'re more than enough to take care of them."

Luo Qing thought about it and couldn\'t help nodding in agreement. It would be a waste for Lin Fan to show his powers now and based on what she had seen, she knew that Lin Fan had at least a Silver Realm pet.

But what she didn\'t know was that she had been underestimating Lin Fan. During this time, other than going to the shop to drop off her pet, she had rarely appeared, so she didn\'t know Lin Fan\'s real power.

A Silver Realm pet? That wasn\'t even close to how strong he was now!

But Lin Fan was right, Luo Qing alone was definitely enough to take care of these two.

The Song Bird had been tortured time and time again in the shadow cultivation realm, so it had definitely become much stronger. It had already reached the peak of the Iron Realm, but its strength was actually in the peak of the Bronze Realm!

So Luo Qing defeated the opponents by herself, but this caused the crowd to jeer even more at Lin Fan.

"What a piece of trash! He only has his handsome face and all he can do is hide behind his woman!"

"Pei, pei, pie, what woman! I refuse to believe that he\'s dating my goddess! That piece of trash is definitely using some trick to force my goddess to enter this tournament with him!"

"That\'s right, how could a piece of trash like him who hides behind women possibly be worthy of being even in the vicinity of the queen! He\'s definitely using some sinister method to force the queen to enter this tournament with him!"

Lin Fan heard all of these jeers, but he didn\'t care at all. Instead he said to Luo Qing, "You really don\'t know how to control your Song Bird, you could have ended it in one move, but you had to drag it out to three moves."

Luo Qing didn\'t know what to say since she really didn\'t know how to control her Song Bird. It had become so much stronger that she didn\'t even know what abilities it even had anymore.

But in the end, Lin Fan still said, "Well, still, you did a good job taking care of them yourself."

A blush came over Luo Qing\'s face since she never expected the stone faced Lin Fan to give her words of praise.

When the crowd saw this, there were even more jeers that came Lin Fan\'s way, but he ignored them all.

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