Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 184 - The Fox Expects Things To Be Interesting

Chapter 184 – The Fox Expects Things To Be Interesting

All the concubines fell silent the moment Gu Wei walked into the throne room, with Jin Luan trailing close behind him. Gu Wei didn\'t look any different, and he was wearing the same style of robes he usually did, fine and elegant but not extravagant — however there was a marked change to the way he carried himself. 

It was as if he was lighter somehow.

Jin Luan on the other hand still walked with the same menacing grace, but he no longer wore the robes of a palace guard. Either by his own choice, or at Gu Wei\'s encouragement, he had dressed in tight-sleeved robes, with a practical cut to them and, a discreet plum tree pattern along the hems.

The concubines watched with guarded expressions as they made their way towards the dais. Gu Wei bowed to Chu Yun respectfully and Jin Luan even more deeply. Chu Yun nodded at them to climb up the dais at the same time Hua Nanyi walked into the throne room from one of the servant entrances

Her eyes flashed in annoyance when she saw Gu Wei. "I couldn\'t stop him from coming," she said, whispering into Chu Yun\'s ear, on the opposite side from Gu Wei.

For his part Gu Wei acted as if nothing was amiss.

Chu Yun patted Hua Nanyi\'s upper arm in commiseration. It would take a hundred of her to stop Gu Wei from doing what he wanted. Chu Yun didn\'t blame her.

"As per his Royal Highness\' request," Gu Wei said, taking a very official looking missive from his pocket and handing it to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun unfolded it without comment. As expected, it detailed the names of every concubine and comments on their conduct. Credit where credit was due, Gu Wei made a point to distinguish between the concubines who were insufferable towards him, but who had never done anything to harm Xiao Zai.

The concubine who absolutely didn\'t want to share her dowry with the less fortunate concubines couldn\'t handle the tension of Gu Wei\'s arrival any longer, and spoke up: "With respect, this lowly concubine would like to enquire as to the merits of Concubine Gu\'s presence here."

Chu Yun blinked down at her. "Is Concubine Gu also not a royal concubine?"

The woman smiled sweetly, like a person trying to say \'fuck you\' with the curve of her lips and eyes alone. "Naturally, however Concubine Gu is his Majesty\'s dam, of course his future isn\'t as murky and unclear as that of us other lowly concubines."

Chu Yun hummed in assent. He couldn\'t fault her logic. "That\'s why I think he makes a perfect impartial party to help me with the allocation of funds to the harem. After all, due to his status as his Majesty\'s dam, he can keep his official residence in the royal palace if he so wishes," — all the concubines were probably well aware that Gu Wei was already living in their old estate — "so he can help me ensure everything is divided equally and fairly."

Most of the concubine\'s faces fell in dismay. It was obvious they expected Gu Wei to do nothing of the sort.

"I will now hear each concubine one by one, their wishes for their own future, as well as their opinions regarding the division of assets, and after hearing everyone I\'ll come to a decision."

He smiled and read the first name off the missive, one with an extensive list of wrongdoings listed. As luck would have it, he knew who this Concubine was.

"Let\'s start with Concubine Lin, everyone can wait outside," he nodded towards Hua Nanyi, "my maidservant will call the next person over once we\'re done."

Concubine Lin remained stiffly in place, her back ramrod straight and hands demurely folded, as all the other concubines filed out out of the room.

According to Gu Wei\'s information, she was a beta, the first daughter of a noble family who exerted control over two administrative provinces to the east, and whose own private army kept growing in size in the previous years. 

Supposedly, various advisers had warned Xiao An about the risks her family represented but his solution to it was keeping her happy by ignoring everything she did to stir up discord in the harem, and impregnating her twice. 

Unfortunately for Concubine Lin, her eldest child was an omega boy who — Gu Wei noted should be around 16 that year — and a beta girl of around 6. Which meant she and Gu Wei were with child at the same time when he was pregnant with A-Xiang. Privately, Chu Yun thought both of them must have hated that. 

She was incredibly jealous that Gu Wei had conceived an alpha son even though he wasn\'t favoured, and constantly tried to undermine him by spreading rumours that resulted in him being punished by the King. She employed the same tactic towards Xiao Zai, accusing him of hurting his younger siblings, which resulted in several beatings.

Chu Yun\'s face showed no reaction, as his eyes ran over the information on the missive.

He wanted Concubine Lin to break first, and would remain silent until she said something.

She cleared her throat pointedly. "I\'ve already told his Royal Highness what I believe should be done regarding the dowries," her pleasant smile was as thin as her face was thick. "At the moment I have nothing to add."

"Concubine Lin comes from a renowned and wealthy family, surely she understands that some of her fellow sisters and brothers won\'t be returning to the same kind of untroubled existence." Chu Yun tapped his finger\'s on his throne\'s armrest while smiling down at the fidgeting concubine.

In fact, some of the other concubines came from very dismal circumstances. Omegas born of two beta parents, which was rare both in Zui and in Xin, but apparently a little more common among wolves than foxes, and that through their beauty attracted a \'sponsor\' or a \'godfather\' of higher social status, similar to the Minister of Works, who would introduce them to fine society and more often than not offer them as concubines in exchange for some type of advantage.

Gu Wei pointed out exactly that in his notes. He made sure to clarify which concubines would be returning to a life they might have been trying to run away from when they became royal concubines. 

Chu Yun wondered if any of them regretted it. 

Many of them probably did, some maybe were only sorry they hadn\'t gotten more out of it. Others probably thought they would do it all again.

He wondered where Gu Wei fell in that spectrum. One could say he\'d won in the long run. As much as a person was supposed to win at a marriage, he had.

His son was King.

His husband was still in the palace cells, all alone now that Peng Rui had been sent back to her family with little more than a stern talking to. Xiao Yuan had wanted to be lenient with her, and Chu Yun and Xiao Zai had no objections.

They were ignoring Xiao An. Which was as much part of his sentence as the cell itself. He would have to be officially tried soon, but no one was looking forward to that.

Chu Yun held out hope he would kill himself and save them all the trouble. Maybe if he had a little more dignity.

Something Concubine Lin lacked alongside him.

She threw her head back and said, "This lowly concubine thinks all brothers and sisters should have looked after themselves. The previous King gave everyone ample opportunity to elevate their family if they so wished," she shrugged, and lifted her eyes towards Gu Wei. "All they had to do was serve him well."

Chu Yun leaned back on his throne with a laugh, startling Concubine Lin. "Then I suppose we should save the highest compensation to those who served the former King the worst," his fox eyes flashed in amusement, "after all, he was a traitor, and committed the gravest sin of all, that of patricide. And was conspiring to kill his own son, who is the King you now serve, as we all do."

Concubine Lin paled, lifting one hand to her fluttering throat. She wanted badly to backtrack but didn\'t know how to.

Gu Wei chuckled. "In that vein, maybe it\'s better to consider the matter one of settlement over damages suffered at the hand of a tyrant who posed a treat to our nation, and will soon be tried for his crimes."

Chu Yun nodded seriously. "Very good points, very good points. I\'m going to recant my previous idea of equitable distribution, and suggest instead that those who suffered the worst mistreatment should receive the highest compensation."

He leaned over to get a good look at Concubine Lin all the way down the dais. "Was Concubine Lin, mistreated?"

The woman fell to the ground in tears. "His- his Royal Highness has no idea of the humiliations…"

This ought to be good, Chu Yun was anxious for her performance.. At his side, Gu Wei suppressed a chuckle.

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