The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 287: How Do You Motivate Me?

Chapter 287: How Do You Motivate Me?

How Do You Motivate Me? . . .

Cha Eun Xiao presented a proposition with calculated conviction. "If we offer significant incentives to one of the sects, our survival is virtually assured. The other sect, deprived of those benefits, will be left to be dealt with by the favored faction. In such a scenario, the Ling-Bao Hall will remain forever unwelcoming to the House of the Chaotic Storm."

Master Bai responded with a faint, surprised smile. "Are you attempting to coerce me?"

Cha Eun Xiao chuckled. "Reality can be ruthless. Since we are inexorably drawn into conflict with both great sects, I see no harm in involving the House of the Chaotic Storm. As you\'ve stated, the Ling-Bao Hall stands little chance of victory. Thus, if our adversary becomes even more formidable, it hardly alters our predicament."

Master Bai\'s smile took on a gentler tone. "You make a valid point. After all, does one itch more from having more lice? Perhaps, even with the House of the Chaotic Storm joining them, your impending defeat remains unchanged. So, you are unfazed?"

Wan-Er observed Cha Eun Xiao with a glint of mockery in her eyes. For her, the day had been a continuous series of surprises. She had been astounded that someone could evade her master\'s Soul Sight. Now, she witnessed this man brazenly demand protection from the House of the Chaotic Storm by employing threats—an act unprecedented in thousands of years.

"For someone to dare threaten the House of the Chaotic Storm," she thought, "Feng Zhiling is not merely bold; he is charting new territory."

Master Bai concurred with a knowing smile. "You are correct, Cha Eun Xiao. If we do not intervene and take action against the two great sects, the Ling-Bao Hall is destined for obliteration. If the House of the Chaotic Storm refuses to aid us, what consequence would it hold for me if I were to take offense?"

Cha Eun Xiao maintained his composure, his tone steady. "Ordinarily, I would never consider such recklessness. And even if I harbored such thoughts, I would not dare voice them in your presence. However, our present situation is dire, and I must act swiftly, even if it entails risks. Time is of the essence, and I am keen on not squandering any, be it yours or mine."

Master Bai\'s smile transformed, his once-sharp and frigid eyes adopting a soft, warm demeanor reminiscent of spring. He responded, "Acting hastily and taking unnecessary risks often lead to one\'s demise. It is an endeavor fraught with recklessness. The only aspect of your argument that resonates with me is the notion of not wasting anyone\'s time."

Cha Eun Xiao stated plainly, "I am pressed for time. I must proceed in this manner; it is the prudent course."

Master Bai expressed curiosity, speaking in a gentle tone, "Yet, even amidst such perilous circumstances, you persist in concealing your true identity. Is it truly more crucial to you than the life and death of the Ling-Bao Hall?"

Cha Eun Xiao fell silent for a moment before responding, "Indeed, it poses a considerable challenge for me."

Master Bai displayed understanding and nodded thoughtfully. "So, your secret holds greater significance to you than the fate of the Ling-Bao Hall. It appears you\'ve devised a contingency plan for yourself. Even if the Ling-Bao Hall were to crumble, you could seamlessly resume your true identity and lead a tranquil, anonymous life. No one would recognize you as the Feng Monarch."

"Indeed, someone of your capabilities could effortlessly establish another \'Ling-Bao Hall\'," he continued. "You are undoubtedly a resourceful individual, always harboring intricate schemes. While the Ling-Bao Hall boasts an official background, you seem to hold a vital position within the Kingdom of Chen. Perhaps you are the offspring of someone of significance?"

Cha Eun Xiao offered a bland smile but refrained from responding. The astuteness of Master Bai had sent shivers down his spine. This man possessed an uncanny ability to deduce intricate details from the simplest of facts, leaving no room for oversight.

Engaging in reckless conversation could endanger Cha Eun Xiao. Uttering another word would entail further exposure.

Master Bai lightly tapped his knee and shifted his gaze from Cha Eun Xiao to his own hands. He spoke slowly, addressing Cha Eun Xiao. "You withhold your true identity from me, yet you seek my assistance. You\'ve labeled it as cooperation... Indeed, you must possess something I desire but am unable to acquire on my own."

"You approach this situation with unwavering confidence, as if you possess complete knowledge," Master Bai continued. "You understand that once you disclose what you can offer, I will be compelled to accede to your request. It seems that this is your most valuable card."

Master Bai\'s eyes turned toward Cha Eun Xiao again, and the latter maintained his enigmatic smile.

The legendary figure, the owner of the House of the Chaotic Storm, had, as expected, pieced together the puzzle. Dealing with such a sagacious individual indeed saved everyone time, yet it also carried a distinct element of peril.

Only a slight misstep could spell Cha Eun Xiao\'s demise, for Master Bai far surpassed him in strength.

"That\'s my assessment," Cha Eun Xiao replied candidly. "I would venture to say I have a fifty percent chance of striking the deal I seek with you."

"Fifty percent..." Master Bai mused. "You mention fifty, which suggests you\'re considering even higher odds. It seems that you find this more than worthwhile, given there\'s over a fifty percent chance..." His interest was piqued as he cast an appraising look at Cha Eun Xiao. "Initially, I contemplated ending our conversation and ejecting you. However, I\'ve had a change of heart—I\'m intrigued."

"What gives you such unwavering confidence?" Master Bai shifted his gaze, causing his hair to sway slightly. Within his profound eyes, something roiled like the tumultuous sea. "What do you possess that leads you to believe it could sway me?"

"You are aware of my identity! You know there\'s nothing I cannot obtain independently!" Cha Eun Xiao declared with conviction.

Master Bai was genuinely intrigued. His inquisitive nature took hold.

But he was not the only one questioning Cha Eun Xiao\'s confidence.

Wan-Er, too, was riddled with bewilderment and curiosity.

"What could this Feng Zhiling possibly possess to motivate my master?" she wondered. "No matter what Master desires in the world, he attains it. There is nothing he covets but cannot acquire. Nothing can be employed to entice him. Everyone in the House of the Chaotic Storm is aware of this!"

However, Cha Eun Xiao\'s unyielding assurance seemed to challenge their shared understanding. The source of his confidence remained a mystery.

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