Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 170 - Xiaoyu's Grapefruits

An eerie silence filled Red Bane that you would think it was a ghost ship. It\'s not that the ship was devoid of people or leased to vengeful spirits. It was because their captain had gone bonkers and everyone was walking on eggshells.

As soon as Ji Yao left the main deck after sending a man to the moon with his lightning strike, they ran into the galley kitchen and hid in there as this was one of the few places Ji Yao came to. More than twenty men fit in that small space packed like sardines.

A stout man with a scar on his left eye took out a smoking pipe trying to smoke and calm his nerves. He reached for the hearth with a piece of paper he wanted to use to light his pipe when his hand was swatted away by the chef.

"You can hide in here but no smoking in my kitchen," he whispered reprimanding the crewmember. Yes, it was unusual for a pirate ship to have a chef but Ji Wen had a fragile egg onboard so he would give him the best of the best.

This man ran a famous restaurant in the imperial city refusing offers by the emperor to enter the palace and cook for them. But Ji Wen managed to poach him with ease and cook for his son..

It was for this reason the crewmembers listen to him despite him being the only pure human onboard. Firstly, he was an important part of the crew because he kept Ji Yao happy and if Ji Yao is happy then Ji Wen is extremely happy.

Secondly, it was because this man had direct access to their food so they would never disrespect him both in public and in private. They would rather keep their mouths shut than offend this person. This is why the stout man quickly put away his smoking pipe.

With the smoking pipe put away, someone asked, "How long do you think this storm is going to last becau-?" But before he could finish a chorused shh cut him off because his voice was getting louder.

"Shh shh shh!"

"You don\'t want to attract his attention," whispered the chef as he stood by the corner reducing his presence.

That\'s when one of them looked around and found that someone was missing. Actually, it was three people missing so he asked, "Where are the young miss and the Rui siblings?" Heads turning and shoulders shrugging they made a silent prayer for these unfortunate souls.

The so-called young miss was coming out of her cabin when she saw a stern-faced Ji Yao walking down the hall. She loved him but when he is angry he throws tantrums. She took a u-turn going into her cabin but unfortunately for her she was too late.

Ji Yao managed to throw in a remark that made her so red-faced in shame. "Your chest is not even," he casually said as he passed by.

Xiaoyu\'s eyes widened as she touched the grapefruits in her chest dashing into the room. She looked in the mirror and almost died of embarrassment. She had placed two grapefruits in her bosom to increase her chest area for reasons we won\'t mention.

But who would have thought the sizes didn\'t match such that Ji Yao noticed. In her defence, Ji Yao noticed the smallest differences that most people didn\'t which is why he saw the subtle disparity. As to why he was even looking there in the first place? Well, his gaze swept past her and happened to see it.

Ji Yao passed by and walked straight to the last door in the corridor. Without knocking or announcing his presence he opened the door. Coincidentally the Rui siblings happened to be discussing their brother who had ditched them when Ji Yao walked in.

Of the two of them, Rui Yewan had the most normal reaction because he wasn\'t doing anything that could be classified as shameful. Rui Li on the other hand.... well, let\'s just say she was writing her own fan fiction for her YaoFei ship. Who would have thought the shou would walk in while she was in the middle of writing the kissing scene.

She almost scrunched up the book she had worked so hard to compile out of fright. Ji Yao noticed her odd behaviour but he ignored it as he picked a chair and sat opposite them with a no-nonsense type of face.

Rui Li leaned in closer to her brother and whispered a question, "Do you think he is here for you know who?"

That question didn\'t even need an answer. Rui Yewan just looked at Ji Yao as he straightened his torso. This wasn\'t any of their business as it was between Rui Fei and Ji Yao but Ji Yao\'s expression seemed to say that it was their business too.

"Ahem..... hem.....He is on captain Lan\'s shi-," said Rui Li but before she had finished speaking he replied,

"I know where he is... Di-did he mention when he would be coming back?" asked Ji Yao trying to suppress his anger. He didn\'t have any problems with these two. His issue was with Rui Fei so he couldn\'t allow his emotions to spill over to them for no reason.

Rui Li and Rui Yewan cast sidelong glances at each other before one of them replied, "Uh..... no but we can.... uhm...."

"We can ask him for you," said Rui Yewan finishing off his sister\'s sentence.

Ji Yao bit the interior surface of his lips calming the storm brewing in him. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Has he done this before? Like..... disappearing without saying anything?"

Rui siblings, "....."

Did Rui Fei get his hands on some type of love potion or something because Ji Yao looked like a lovelorn man who was upset because that one special person ran away from him?

The two exchanged glances forgetting to answer his question. Ji Yao seemed to realise he was asking stupid questions so he said, "Never mind," before standing up to leave. He didn\'t know why he even came here. It\'s not like he could get answers from these two.

Since he couldn\'t get rid of this excess energy by seeing these two he had to find another outlet and boy did he find it. Does any of you have a mother who out of the blue starts spring cleaning on a hot Sunday pushing everything without warning? Well, I do and that\'s exactly what Ji Yao did.

In that kitchen they were hiding in, the door was suddenly opened. Lo and behold it was Ji Yao discovering their hiding place. Red Bane instantly became chaotic with Captain Ji pushing everything that wasn\'t nailed down to the floor. By the time he was done everyone was crying tears of blood exhausted.

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