Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 112 - Tensions Within The Demon Continent

While Ming Yue\'s duels were underway, the situation within the Demon Continent had become a mix of uncertainty and restlessness.

The Human and Demon armies had a total of five armies, led by their own respective commanders. Three of the Thirteen Messengers from the High Council accompanied them, the rest were back in the Human Continent as a final line of defense. Numbering in the millions, each army has been dispatched throughout the continent, daring not to make any direct moves against Kong Zi.

As for Kong Zhi, his armies were comprised of demons and beasts. Estimated to be five to six million, they were still able to contend with the six armies.

Currently, there were three battlefields, each one proved to be at a standstill.

At the southwest was a giant lake that was discovered by scouts, within was a vein of Deepwater Steel, a bluish-green colored metal that was quite heavy but very firm. This resource would be perfect for things such as armor, weapons, and camp fortifications. Upon the discovery, Commander Du Xiu sent Zi Jing along with Nie Xia, who was already in the south, to acquire the metal before Kong Zhi. Kong Zhi having heard the news of this precious metal sent off a little under a third of his army to take it.

Nia Xia\'s armies were mainly close combat ground soldiers while Zi Jing\'s army was a combination of archers and siege weapons. At the lake, they were confronted by Kong Zhi\'s armies, a mixture of flying units such as winged horses and large birds as well as a fair number of ground soldiers.

At the core of the continent was a large forest filled with all sorts of creatures. Commander Yu Zhen and the Commander of the Demon Army, Gao Ri were sent there to clear it out. Doing so would prevent Kong Zhi from capturing more monsters. Furthermore, the forest seems to have a number of treasures as it was an area that has not been touched in possibly centuries.

Here, they were met with Kong Zhi\'s more light-footed soldiers. But Commander Yu Zhen\'s army was trained in hit-and-run tactics, most were scouts ranging from archers to assassins. Gao Ri\'s Demon Army mainly took care of the monster subjugation while Yu Zhen\'s Army fought off Kong Zhi\'s soldiers.

With these two regions under battle, Commander Du Xiu had sent off the messengers of the High Council to search the continent for any resources that Kong Zhi may try to take advantage of.

In doing so, rumors had begun to spread. Rumors that both the Yao Clan and the Mu Clan, ancient and mysterious clans that have existed for centuries, have been found, residing in the numerous mountain ranges of the northeast.

The Yao Clan, descendants of the Yao Beast, were powerful fighters whose bodies were filled with abundant strength. The Yao Beast was a terrible creature, its giant body had dark red skin and it was covered in vein-like tattoos. A four-legged creature whose head resembled a mix with a lion and a dragon and three tails that whipped about. Its ferociousness was unparalleled and only the gods could slay it.

Months ago, Ming Yue has had the opportunity of fighting one of its descendants in the Human Continent, Ling Xue, the accomplice of the demonic spirit. She was certainly powerful but with inadequate teaching, she could not handle the power contained in her body.

The Mu Clan was said to have come from the deity Er-Lang Shen, famed for his truth-seeking third eye. Their third eye is said to have a variety of powers, looking from long distances, tracking insanely fast targets, seeing through illusions. They are best known for their mental attacks, able to defeat an opponent without even making a step.

These ancient powers have long since been hidden from the world, allowing none to discover them.

But with rumors of their location, neither Kong Zhi or Du Xiu could miss this opportunity. Whoever got hold of those clans would definitely skyrocket in power.

With these three points, both sides vied for control and neither was willing to budge. The six commanders continued relaying reports to the High Council who were constantly speaking with the leaders of the Human Continent, making plans and contingencies.

"From the latest reports, it seems that we are at a slight advantage against Kong Zhi."

"Hmm, we should start sending in more supplies. Once the situation is stabilized, all armies should start establishing settlements."

"Then how goes our other objective?"

"This...we have not found any significant treasures. The Dark Starlight Manor has yet to be found and the Great Beast Graveyard might not even exist. Although, if we do find a way to speak with the Yao and Mu Clans, we might be able to gain some information."

"Do not forget, everyone has been cooperating together for a very long time. Who ever decides to take the manor for themselves will suffer from the rest of us."

"Yes, yes, of course."

The High Council watched quietly as these kings and queens spoke with each other.

They might all be apart of an alliance but everyone had ulterior motives, no relationship is as straightforwards as they seem. These were leaders after all, with millions of lives on their shoulders. Who would not want to gain an edge over the others?

"A report for the High Council!"

A messenger had come marching into the great hall, bringing everyone\'s attention to him.

"Shen Yi, please speak", said the High Council.

"Yes my lords, Kong Zhi has officially declared battle against us! He is moving towards Commander Du Xiu\'s location to find the Yao and Mu Clan."

"Hmm, for the sake of these ancient clans, he has declared war?" one of the human leaders pointed out this detail.

"Indeed" the High Council said, "The Yao and the Mu Clan are very old and ancient powers, existing even before the Warlord Age. We of the High Council suggest that you do not attempt to use them, lest you want to bring trouble to the rest of us."

The council must have guessed correctly as the kings and queens had all kept their mouths shut, restraining their thoughts and desires.

After Kong Zhi\'s declaration of battle, it would be a very long time before the war was complete. He might\'ve been a cruel person but he was a smart leader. While unable to take control of the three points in the continent, he lost merely hundreds in the fight to prevent the six commanders from taking control. This was a small sacrifice to pay.

However, the Demon Continent was vast, even greater than that of the Human Continent. Only a third of it has been mapped out by the human armies but they were only casual sketches, these areas have yet to be fully explored.

The areas that have been stabilized had begun to be populated with settlements. Merchants and wandering warriors have already entered the continent in hopes of fortuitous encounters. Any land that could still be used was cultivated carefully, both demon and human civilians worked hard to make sure that it was healthy and strong enough for farming.

The Demon Continent was full of destruction, the land was dead and terrible creatures wandered about. However now, the demons that had been rescued found hope, hope that their home can be revitalized.

But the road was long and difficult, it would take time for the continent to heal from the great disasters.

Compared to these regions, the frontline was incredibly violent. Some days, there would be nonstop battle and other days it would be unusually quiet. Du Xiu, Nie Xia, Zi Jing, Yu Zhen, and Gao Ri all kept in contact with each other, discussing plans and reporting the movements of Kong Zhi\'s armies.

Today was a rather peaceful day, everyone was able to take a breathe and rest. Of course, this came after three days and nights of constant battle.

"How is the situation for everyone?" Commander Du Xiu asked.

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