I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 256 - Senior: Friend: Wife!

Selene came out dressed. She\'d probably taken a shower, but honestly, I couldn\'t tell. 

Oh wait, I could, cause she didn\'t smell like sweat anymore. Actually, I was glad. Who knew what my subconscious would have done if she constantly smelled like that and I kept on sniffing the air? 

She was still wearing light clothing though.

Oh well. 

Selene gave the same tour to Elsa as she\'d given me, and offered her usual commentary. 

She started off by showing the cafeteria and then moved on to the nurse\'s office, the auditorium and so on. 

She probably showed the first years around, often. 

Anyway, near the end, I thought that\'d be it. 

But I was wrong. 

Just when I finally thought I\'d have some time to spend in the library (Which I might or might not have forgotten even existed), Selene suggested some rather unusual places for us to visit. 

"And now, I\'ll show you guys some special places. These are secret to most students and well," She grinned. "Don\'t tell the teachers," She whispered. 

I had a bad feeling about that. But since Elsa seemed excited, I didn\'t say anything. 


Selene first started off by showing us a special room in the far-left corner of the main building. It was empty- to hindsight. Only some abandoned lockers with nothing there. 

And the lockers were supposedly empty. 

But- Selene opened a locker and well- it was about ten times bigger than a locker. She did need a special code to unlock the locker first though.

"And its semi sound proof. Look." She tapped on a locker three times. 

Nothing happened and this locker didn\'t quite seem that large: just an ordinary locker. A small block did appear though, where she could potentially enter the code. Just like the ones before. 

But that was an open locker. Now she tapped on a closed one and well-

We got one tap back from the other side. And this time, no block appeared. 

With that said, we all kind of laid our ears to an occupied one: like it was the most natural thing to do. There were moans, very hushed but yeah.

I quickly pulled Elsa out of there. I should have been it coming. 

"Did you forget she was here?" I almost hissed. 

Before Selene could even attempt to whisper back-

"I\'m not a kid you know. I know at least how sex works."



Excuse me?


"Stop looking so dumb dude." Selene snorted. "Girls usually learn these things around the same time as you, so relax. She\'s more mature than you think."

Reality had crumbled. 

It really had. 

Elsa kind of grabbed my hand again. "YOU WERE too protective, so I never told you but, I do know the things…. so..." She blushed slightly. "You don\'t have to hide things from me."

I was speechless. 

It was like my whole world had crumbled. 

Elsa would turn 15 in roughly two months. I knew she\'d have known at least something but still- it was a hard pill to swallow. 


I should have just known. And yet, I felt stupid… maybe I was stupid but still… it was really hard for me to accept the fact that my little innocent kid sister, perhaps wasn\'t as little as I thought her to be.

Elsa kind of looked down and didn\'t say a word. 

While Selene came my way and pulled me to the side. "Keep that up and you\'ll end up ruining her childhood. Kids at that age are really, sensitive, you should know that. She just came out clean and now if you treat her differently, if you mock her for it, do you really think she\'ll be okay with that? Do you think she\'ll ever say anything to you again?" Selene whispered. 

I sighed again. She was kind of right. My sister would eventually grow up, I had to acknowledge that much… Meaning, me reacting like this, was totally uncalled for.

I calmed down, or at least pretended to. "What\'s next?" And I tried distracting myself.

"The bushes behind school."

"Bushes?" Elsa asked. 

Just how the hell did people even think of doing stuff in the midst of bugs!?

"Well, you should know, as long as we have spatial magic and maybe a bit help from Ariel, anything and everything is possible." Selene grinned and led the way.

She actually moved on ahead enough to give us some space. 

And what the hell was spatial magic?

"If you\'re uncomfortable- I\'ll never-" Elsa\'s head was down.

"Look- you\'re still my kid sister and I don\'t care if you grow up. I\'ll just treat you the same. It\'ll be awkward to talk to my sister about those things and I\'ll probably never actually say anything unless you were looking for advice and all that, but- as your brother, I promise I won\'t ostracize you: I\'ll always hear you out."

I had no idea what I was talking about. No one taught me anything. Mom kind of ignored me when I was a teenager. She took good care of me and taught me a lot of things but she didn\'t know how a teenage boy\'s body worked either. I mean she did try but- at one point she had to give up. With Elsa also growing up, the debts, and her job, she had too much on her plate. 

So even I didn\'t know much about teenage stuff. And at this point I couldn\'t run to father and ask stuff. I didn\'t have a Holo back then so using the internet wasn\'t that great of an experience either. 

Besides, I couldn\'t find any good info on things. Even if I found something credible there was always some guy claiming the opposite. So, I really didn\'t know how to respond to Elsa. So, all I could do was try not to be awkward- which I failed miserably at.

But she just smiled, grabbed my hand tight and followed Selene alongside me. 

In the end, she honestly felt like the more mature one. 


We reached the second secret place. It was outside the academy.

There were bushes and a lot of them, spaced out in the whole grassland. Most were about one meter in radius.

But behind the bushes, there was a whole lotta nothing. 

This place was really deserted, not a soul in sight. This was natural, considering we were actually outside the academy.

"Now this one is tricky. You need two passwords and you will also need someone who\'s already registered to the palm network. Lucky for you, I\'ve got all three." She put a hand on her chest and grinned. 


"What the hell is a palm network?" Why did every frigging thing in this school had to be associated with the palms!?

"It\'s kind of like the internet but only for this school. As long as you have an ID and a palm tree, you can basically access it all across the world. Gossips, actual info, affairs, you name it!"

"Why not just use the internet? Better yet, a social website."

Selene gave me a rather weird look and then did some weird stuff to the small hidden palm tree in the middle of the bush. "Privacy my dear, privacy."

The ground beneath our feet opened up and we fell.

Before I could even attempt to scream, I was on solid ground. I didn\'t quite fall, rather, just landed normally.

A rather well-built place: one bed, one table, one chair and a mini fridge. 

It was the size of my old dorm room.

"The price of using a room like this is 2 silvers. Everything is complimentary."

The bed was awfully cushiony and on top of the fridge there were condoms. Yeah, students were truly devoted to this act, that was for sure. 

Normally I\'d have destroyed those things before Elsa laid her eyes on them, but I didn\'t- I tried my best not to get awkward around these things… I just proceeded to pretend like everything was normal.

Instead, I just focused on something else. "So, what\'s this deal about spatial magic?"

"Well- I\'m not supposed to tell you but, there are apparently ruins beneath this place and those ruins already have conditioned teleportation, or warp to be more specific. We just call it magic to avoid explaining that."

Not supposed to tell me? Then why the hell did she?

What if word spread out? The world was desperately searching for a way to teleport since ages, if anyone ever heard of this!

And wait, so we already had the technology all along? \'So, they\'d even brought tech from the future?\' At least that was the only logical explanation I could think of.

"And you\'re telling us this because?" Elsa asked. 

"Cause I trust you two, just like the person who told me, trusted me. Though I guess, at this point, I\'m kind of stretching the boundary of that trust." She chuckled. 

But I could tell, she really did trust me. 

I sighed and I was done with this place. I didn\'t want to get involved anyway. "I\'m guessing that\'s all? Can we go back now? I think I\'ll have some lunch." I was getting kind of hungry. 

Oh wait, that was probably just phantom hunger as even now, my belly was pressing up. I was full- there was no doubt about it. 

"Well, we paid for this room, might as well eat the food." Selene opened the fridge and brought some frozen lasagna. 

"Excuse me, paid?"

"Yeah, my ID was linked to the palm. So, when I entered, it chipped off two silvers from my account. Don\'t worry, as your senior and friend- also future wife," she winked. "My treat."




I nervously stared at Elsa and well she was already seated. She had nothing to say about this, I guess.

I let out a sigh of relief and- "Don\'t forget Marg will be the only official wife." I also took a seat and took the Lasagna off of Selene\'s hands.

Microwave it was!

"We\'ll see about that." Selene grinned.

Uh-huh.. I had a distinct feeling that she didn\'t understand what I just said, not one bit. 

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