I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 184 - Was I Always This Stupid?

My eye twitched. Was this girl serious?

Was she really serious?

My oh, so pent-up feelings kind of broke through the dam.

"You freaking piece of-!!" I threw the sun straight at her. I knew she\'d probably be unscathed.

But- a second later realized, I made the thing a bit too big and \'wouldn\'t it really take out everything here?\'


Shit indeed.

Enira sighed and caught the sun in a layer of barriers. 

It exploded and most of the barriers broke but she just kept on forming new ones until the explosion finally died down but- but the energy was trapped.. Raw heat and light.

My skin was back to normal and though I felt fatigued, I didn\'t pass out. 

She stared at me with a frown. "You\'re evil." She came toward me with the trapped energy in her hand. Her barriers had gotten stronger and she actually looked a bit taller than before. 

I snorted and looked away. But I was really glad. Both because she was okay and because I didn\'t accidentally blow up this whole place. There was a barrier over our heads but it wasn\'t strong enough to withstand everything and that was clear. 

"We-we can conclude the fight now, right?" The announcer asked me, a bit hesitant. 

I guess I kind of scared him. Actually, I scared myself with what I had just done. 

\'I have to take this seriously.\' I couldn\'t just randomly throw these things. What the hell was wrong with me!

With a sigh, I picked up the broken handle of the golden saber and threw it to Enira. "Sure."

Enira grabbed the saber, took out its core, and started to absorb it. The core was purple in color just like her core, probably a bit bigger too. Then again her core was nothing but shards. So, this one was either a shard or just a bit small. 

Since no one stopped us or even said anything, I guess this was fine. 

The announcer announced my victory while the judges gave me points: 8, 8, 9. Just what the hell did one have to do to get 10 on all fronts?

\'Maybe not trying to blow up everything?\'

Yeah, the shadow wasn\'t helping. But come to think of it, it lent me its powers without even- wait, I used the powers subconsciously. I let out a breath. And lately, the shadow was talking way too frequently and sometimes our consciousness was merging. 

I guess I really was close to breaking the second seal too.  Though each seal, sealed something different unless all three were broken none of the three things would be free. This was a very complicated barrier and that\'s why not everyone could do it and that\'s why they had to get help from that vixen. 

Just winning was enough to get a seat in the top but- getting the most points was the sure-fire way of winning the first prize. This was how they\'d determine the winner and the second place and the third. 

Obviously, I wanted to be first and take home 100 gold. 

"So, what was that about? How come you never came out?"

I picked up both my and Marg\'s sabers and went toward Enira. She was about a meter away from me. 

She sighed. "Absorbing all my destroyed cores seemed to take longer than I anticipated."

"And you came out now because-"

"Because you called my name." She smiled. 

I kind of wanted to remind her that I\'d called her name before too but she never showed up. 

Sigh. "Well, what now? Can you absorb that?"

"Let\'s see."

The crowd was beginning to thin. There was no boo, no cheers today. Nothing. People just came here, saw the fight, and left. They were very frightened though. I had a feeling no one would show up in my next match. 

The Nigerian prince was being taken back in a stretcher by men in suits. I kind of went a bit too far with his treatment. Though the pain in my lower abdomen reminded me, perhaps all was just!

Meanwhile, Enira was busy absorbing the whole core on the spot. She actually glowed in purple as she absorbed the whole thing. For some reason, she looked kind of cute.

No! I shook my head. I only had eyes for Marg, no one else. No one else I say!

"Though what you did was not wrong, I\'d advise you to not lose your temper every time someone gets on your nerves. If your summon didn\'t have such intricate barriers, who knows how many you would have killed?" A rather old man came down to the court from the judge\'s seat. He chuckled. "Though I would have stopped you before that happened." He sure seemed confident in his skills. 

I stared at him through my peripherals. He was in a black and white suit and he was clearly over seventy. 

"I\'ll keep that in mind." 

And he was right. I had to keep my rage in check. And it was in check too. During my fight I was strangely calm but once I saw Enira my feelings just broke the barrier of my heart and surfaced. 

  I made an error. A very costly error.

He snorted. "Very well." He turned around.

"Have we met before?"

He turned slightly, looked at me, smiled, and left. 

Well, that was weird. But I felt like I\'d seen him somewhere before. 

Probably just my imagination.

"Done!" Enira licked her lips and looked at me passionately. I felt like slapping her but I controlled myself. 

As she absorbed the whole core, her hands began to scale up and her tail got reinforced. She actually grew a foot taller and was now almost three inches taller than me. And she was also bustier. What the hell!

She looked way too cute to be true: and mature too. Wait, she looked too similar to that one model I always fawned over in that one magazine in my treasury!

She also had two round horns on her head.

"Well, let\'s see," She opened the barrier and absorbed the raw energy in an instant. "Ah, warm white fluffy energy of my master." She again licked her lips and was done, squirming slightly. "Is filling me up!"

Her clothes had stretched and her chest was literally sticking out. She could make clothes out of nowhere, so why she was doing this was beyond me.

There wasn\'t anyone in the audience seats but there were still some staff here and there. We were giving them quite the show.

She came close to me and wrapped her arms over my neck. Her chest pressed against mine and threatened to reach my face: they were definitely a lot larger than, almost as large as Leilis\'s. "I would love to revive your fallen angels." Her hand floated over my crotch.

Which in turn reminded me that I had an aching pain down there. 

"Do you want me to punch a hole in you?" I smiled.

And yes, I would have really appreciated it if she could revive my fallen soldiers.

"I would appreciate it if you would plug my holes but-" She blushed. "I wouldn\'t mind if you made some new ones too." She fingered her mouth and tried to look cute. 

My teeth shook as I punched her hard. Yeah, I wasn\'t in the mood. 

"OUWWU!" She grabbed her stomach and rolled on the floor. 

I clicked my tongue and turned on the saber. 

The plasma was even darker and the swirling motion was faster. 

This really was stronger. 

"We have another fight today, so let\'s get moving." I kind of got a bit pissed. 

But since this thing worked and I now had new strength I didn\'t mind this too much. I did need to rest though. After all, my whole body hurt, and I really, really needed to check whether little Helio was still alive or not. 

"Moving? That witch isn\'t here?" She was done writhing. 

"Who you callin witch, you dragon-snake dimwit!" I glared at her. "Now get your ass moving! We\'re leaving!"

I turned around and as I started to walk, I really felt the pain. 


She seemed happy enough. 

Could it have been that she was a masochist?

Yeah, probably. 

But more importantly, damn this hurt!


We got back to the hotel and confirmed my stay. They actually requested me to move into a deluxe room. They had one open apparently.

Before I could decline Enira accepted on my behalf. 

\'I\'m going to strangle you once we go up!\'

On second thought, maybe not. She was going to enjoy it anyway. Might as well never give her the chance.

I handed over the old key and took the new one. They\'d deliver all my things to the new room in a short manner. 

We made our way for the elevator. 

"Can\'t you just get into the saber?"

"Since she isn\'t here, I have no reason to." She grinned. 

"Aren\'t you embarrassed?"

She was still in her awfully tight clothes. 


I sighed. 

We got in. 

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