The World Serpent

Chapter 220 - 220-Drya's Battle

Below the dark heavens, thunderbolts ushered within the stormy clouds.

A deadly brawl was about to start.

Three figures, foreigners from the vast realm outside Exterreri. They had appearances that of gorgeous deities found in legends and myths. One could say their beauty would make nations fall and goddesses jealous. Though, it didn\'t end with them being beautiful and alluring. They were practically monsters that stand upon the zenith of their respective world.

Drya, the bearer of nature, or who many would call, the Nature\'s Warden. A powerful Great Ruler of the Elves and amongst the five supremes of the pentagon union in the Great Forest. With the Origin Skill that gives absolute control over nature. Only those with reality-breaking strength would be able to defeat her. 

Persia, the demon lord, was commonly known as the World Serpent. She was the newest Great Ruler and the youngest one. Rising at the top at an unimaginable high speed that no one had ever seen or heard before, she was seen as the Tyrant of the West. Merciless and cold, sadistic and arrogant, the seemingly cute junior was a natural-born super-villain.

With abilities, no one was able to understand, even amongst her peers. Her Origin Skills were as unknown as the pit of the void. She has never been defeated in a battle and was now commanding the strongest army in the Great Forest. 

And finally, Statera. The Astral Spirit Lord Statera was also known as the Crown of Death. Her Origin Skill, which got refined to its finest, was known as Death. The absolute control of the end. Many wondered about the end of her Origin Skill, what was its true form? Its final form... 

Unfortunately, only Statera herself had known of it.

The Crown of Death was known as the strongest mythical daemon in the Realm of Piksyon. She was the unspoken leader of the pentagon union, and even those outside of the Great Forest would not be willing to fight against her. 

Their enemies were the six clan lords of the ancient clans, powerful enemies in the World of Exterreri. For them to claim victory, they must defeat each other and fight till the end. Such were the thoughts within their mind, and none of them was willing to waste their time. 

"Since we already have a plan, shall we start?" Drya uttered as Persia and Statera released a short smile and nodded at the same time. At that moment, Drya disappeared from her spot and instantly appeared in front of her targets. The Clan Lord of Mauve and the Clan Lord of Monstre.

The two of them immediately reacted and sent their attacks towards her. Unfortunately, with a single flick, Drya and the two lords got teleported into a better place. Near an instant, the three disappeared, and the remaining ones continued to do their own brawls all over the World of Exterreri. 

"Isn\'t this a better place to fight?" Drya said with a slight smirk on her face. She teleported them into one of the remaining forsaken continents in the World of Exterreri. The Clan Lord of Monstre and the Clan Lord of Mauve turned their gaze towards each other and nodded at the same time.

"We will defeat you, girl. And execute you along with your friends," Typhon said with a serious and cold voice. Lavandula, the Clan Lord of Mauve, furrowed his eyebrows and prepared himself. Hearing such words, Drya looked at them and slightly chuckled. Insignificant threats meant nothing to her, and those spoken friends were a lot more dangerous than her. 

"What are you laughing for?" Lavandula questioned as Drya looked at him and replied with mockery. "May I ask, would you not laugh when you hear some insignificant trash threatening you? Weaklings should never speak such loud words and fight with their knuckles." 

After saying such words, Drya faded from her spot and appeared right in front of Typhon. *BANG!!!* She then punched Typhon in the forehead and got him flying onto the mountains below them. Lavandula took out his blade and swung it towards Drya. Drya easily dodged the attack and swung a kick towards Lavandula. 


Lavandula found himself flying along with Typhon towards the mountains. It took a while, but they finally crashed onto the mountains resulting in thunderous sounds echoing with them. *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* The mountains crumbled upon their meeting with the falling Clan Lords, and a mist of dust then began to envelop everything. 

"I didn\'t expect you to be that weak. Or did you think that I was weak? As ancient clan lords, I expected you to have learned of a simple fact to not underestimate anyone based on their appearances. It appears that you were simply foolish children with power on their hands. It makes me wonder what your parents and ancestors would think of you, failures." 

Drya mocked them like a normal Asi- ehem... Like a lady seeing trash on the streets. She roasted them as no one had ever done before. They probably got a fifth-degree burn after getting roasted by Drya.

Below, Typhon and Lavandula slowly got out of their confusion. They didn\'t expect such a girl to be so fast and powerful physically. The girl\'s body was stronger than them, and they knew that they wouldn\'t be able to beat her alone. Typhon then turned his gaze towards Lavandula and uttered. "To achieve victory, we must fight together."

Lavandula nodded as the two of them got back up and levitated to the skies. They looked at the confident Drya and prepared themselves for the second round. Lavandula instantly disappeared, and Typhon followed. A gigantic punch then revealed itself behind Drya, though she dodged them like a dancer. 

Then something unexpected happened. While dodging, a blade pierced through everything and was about to hit her. It was the blade of Lavendula, and it appears that their strategy was simple yet quiet. Typhon would be the tank, while Lavendula would be the damage-dealer. 

Unfortunately, such a strategy wouldn\'t work against someone like Drya. After all, her defense was one of the strongest in the Great Forest. Upon seeing the blade, Drya caught it under her two fingers and broke it apart with a single movement. Lavandula quickly retreated upon the failure of his attack, and Typhon then came right after with a punch heading towards Drya.


A thunderous explosion then sounded, Typhon\'s attack succeeded, and he managed to hit Drya. Unluckily for him, Drya was stopping his punch with a single palm. She then prepared her counterattack and propelled her first towards Typhon\'s Giant Fist. 


Typhon found himself flying as he felt nothing from his arm. It looks like it was disintegrated upon the impact of Drya\'s fist. He was flying towards the plains of the Forsaken Continent. Another explosion happened during his crash, and the plains he crashed on had actually sunk. 

"Y-you, how can you have such power. Why does an elf with a small body have such power?" Typhon found himself questioning a lot of things. He felt his current worldview breaking apart as the foreigners kept destroying it without any mercy. 

"Where did you get that type of power, and what did you do!?" The Lord of the Clan of Monstre questioned the young girl standing upon the dark heavens. Drya simply turned her gaze downwards and looked at Typhon with mockery and contempt. She didn\'t even use all of her power, and the bastards in front of her were already breaking down. 

It was rather disappointing. She had been waiting for this simple revenge, and this was what would happen? Was someone or something trying to mock her? Drya shook her head and replied to the words of the Lord of Monstre with a calm voice.

"This power isn\'t something you can get easily. Only those fated in the Realm of Piksyon will receive such power as their gifts. And those that received it can refine it further or simply lay in stagnation. So even if you gain such power, it wouldn\'t reach the level of a mythical daemon."

"You were already doomed from the start, and all of it came from your actions and mentality. You are a disappointment with power. Even your ancestors would look at you with disgust on their gazes."

Upon hearing the words of Drya, Typhon shouted with anger. "YOU DARE MOCK ME!!!"

Lavandula then woke up from a crater. He turned his gaze towards Typhon and saw Drya swinging her arm towards him. At that moment, a strange energy escaped from Drya\'s arms and formed a blade against Typhon. He himself didn\'t even have time to react before his body got cut into multiple pieces.

After cutting Typhon\'s body into multiple pieces, Drya still wasn\'t done. She pointed her finger towards the dark heavens, and a star formed above the Forsaken Continent. Its heart melted everything on the surface of the Forsaken Continent and caused decimation over the landscape. 

Finally, Drya flicked her pale fingers.

The star above her then exploded into a contained supernova. It enveloped the whole forsaken continent, and that included Lavendula. His last words were quite simple. He gazed upon the bright silver light and uttered his last words. "N-" The energy then burned him alive, concluding in his death.

The light of the supernova then faded. The forsaken continent disappeared, and nothing was left behind. Drya stood right above the former location of the forsaken continent and sighed with a face of boredom. The fight between her and Persia gave more pleasure. It was disappointing though one thought passed through her mind. 

\'Maybe I should try fighting against Persia after the Great War.\'

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