The World Serpent

Chapter 54 - 54-Silver Wolves

Within the Gigantuan Forest, A Dozen Kilometers towards the East of the White Serpent\'s Last Location. A Clear Patch of Area was found within this Part of the Forest. In the Clear Patch of Area were Numerous Creatures. A Dozen Silver Wolves, a Dark Ashen Eagle, and a Giant White Serpent. The Silver Wolves got captured by the Dark Ashen Eagle as their Pack Leader got defeated by such a Horrifying Flying Beast. The Giant White Serpent took a look at the Silver Wolves with its Golden Amber Eyes. Its Aura dominated the whole area around the Creatures, and finally, the Embodiment of Dominion Authority engulfed the Area. The Giant White Serpent took a look at them and spoke with a calm tone.

\'Who are you, Silver Wolves?\' The White Silver Wolves were shocked at hearing the Giant White Serpent\'s thoughts. It was clear that the Language between Races was hard to study for outsiders. Even the Accent of the Wolves were completely different from each other.

\'You bastards!!! Let me go!!!\' The Giant Silver Wolf said with a feminine tone. It got stepped upon by the Dark Ashen Eagle\'s Claw, began resisting violently, only to be forced back by the Dark Ashen Eagle to the ground. The White Serpent turned its head towards the Giant Silver Wolf. It slithered towards the Wolf and stood in front of it with its Golden Amber Eyes. \'It seems that we can find someone that could speak...\' A Grand and Noble Voice echoed through the Giant Silver Wolf\'s ears.

The Giant Silver Wolf felt a chill on her spine as the Giant White Serpent stood right beside her with a smiling expression. \'Are you the Monster?\' The Leader of the Silver Wolf asked the Giant White Serpent. The White Serpent raised an Eyebrow after hearing what the Pack Leader asked. The Dark Ashen Eagle then spoke through the Thoughts between their Consciousness, and the White Serpent quickly gained Information.

\'I see... I am the one that released such an Aura, which engulfed the Forest. It might have caused a disturbance, but it should be a warning for those weaker creatures.\' The White Serpent answered with a calm tone. The Pack Leader realized who she was talking to. She then closed her eyelids and spoke to the White Serpent. \'Please... Release me...\' The White Serpent tilted her head while looking at the Giant Silver Wolf. It then looked at the Dark Ashen Eagle as its claws separated from the Giant Silver Wolf\'s body.

The Giant Silver Wolf stretched her Body and stood in front of the White Serpent. The White Serpent was quite curious about the actions the Giant Silver Wolf wanted to do. Her Next Actions would probably affect the Future of her Pack. The Giant Silver Wolf then kneeled in front of the White Serpent and spoke with an emotional tone. \'I am the Daughter of the Silver Wolf Leader. We are the Daemon Beast Faction of Silver Wolves. The Silver Wolf Pack... I would like to ask for the Noble One\'s Assitance.\'

The White Serpent was surprised by its recent interactions with the Giant Silver Wolf. It then looked towards the Dark Ashen Eagle and gave a message towards it. \'Ego, Why were they heading towards my Position?\' The White Serpent asked as the Dark Ashen Eagle answered with its monotone voice. \'Reasons are unknown, but after the confession of the Pack Leader\'s Daughter. We can conclude that they aren\'t planning to be hostile against us.\'

\'I see... No lie has been spoken through the Girl\'s Mouth.\' The White Serpent thought as the Dark Ashen Eagle looked at it in curiosity. Now that Ego thought about it, How could her Sister talk to other Animals or Creatures? Was this a New Ability that her Sister recently gained? The White Serpent then noticed the Curious Expression of the Dark Ashen Eagle.

\'I gained Two Skills that are overpowered.\' The White Serpent spoke simple words towards the Dark Ashen Eagle. Ego nodded without any problems and didn\'t bother asking more about it. The White Serpent pouted as she wanted to have Ego see the Current Abilities she gained from the Skill Evolution. The White Serpent then turned her head and looked at the Giant Silver Wolf once again.

\'I\'ll think about it... First, Let me talk to your Leader\' The White Serpent spoke towards the Giant Silver Wolf. The Giant Silver Wolf quickly nodded and felt happy on the inside. The White Serpent wasn\'t a Monster that they expected. From the News that spread hours in the Forest, The White Serpent was known to be a Reptilian Cold-Blooded Monster who massacred a Herd of Terran Boars without any Problem. It was a risk for the Pack to try communication towards the White Serpent with a Language Barrier, but they had no choice. There was nothing and no one they could turn their back to.

\'Thank you for giving us a chance.\' The Giant Silver Wolf bowed once again as her head touched the ground due to the intense bow. The White Serpent shook its head as the Silver Wolves must have a huge problem amidst them. The Hunter Mentality within the White Serpent\'s Mind then slowly disappeared. The Normal Persia came back.

\'I would rather not deal with your problem, but you are Fortunate to be the first one I could talk to.\' Persia said towards the Pack of Silver Wolves. The Reason why Persia could understand them was because of the Dominion Authority. Nothing can be left not understood within her Territory, so all languages within thoughts or mouths would get translated immediately. It was the First used she got and would probably be useful for a City or Kingdom. The Dominion Authority was really an Origin Skill for Kings and Emperors.

The Pack of Silver Wolves then began heading towards the Northern Direction. The White Serpent looked at the Dark Ashen Eagle. The Dark Ashen Eagle nodded and flew above the Heavens. The White Serpent then slithered through the Forest with the Pack of Silver Wolves.

While traversing through the Forest, The Pack of Silver Wolves found out that despite Persia\'s Size. She was Faster and Agile than them. It made them a little bit discourage by their Skills as Wolves, but they understood that Persia wasn\'t a Normal Daemon Beast. As they got through the Gigantuan Forest, Persia asked the Giant Silver Wolf that ran right beside her.

\'What is your name, Wolf?\' Persia asked as the Giant Silver Wolf turned her head towards Persia and answered. \'My name is Luna, Noble One.\' Persia nodded after hearing the Giant Silver Wolf\'s name. She then spoke towards Luna with a calm tone. \'My name is Persia...\' Luna was surprised at hearing Persia\'s words. She then had a slight smile on her face and spoke with a respectful voice. \'Master Persia, I would like to thank you for your benevolence.\'

\'It isn\'t set into stone yet, so it would be better for such words to wait until I meet your Father.\' Persia shook her head as Luna nodded in agreement. It was at this moment that Persia knew all of the Creatures she killed had voices. \'Let\'s not think about that.\' Persia thought as she decided to forget about it and let nature passed it as a Good Thing.

<Sister, We are now entering the Presumably Silver Wolf Pack Territory.> Ego spoke through Persia\'s mind with a Monotone Voice. Persia nodded as she already sensed the Silver Wolf Pack Base from afar. She could even hear the voices of the Silver Wolves within it. After hearing their voices, Persia heard something she shouldn\'t have heard.

Persia looked at Luna, who was right beside her, with a saddened Gaze. Luna turned her head towards Persia as she noticed Persia staring at her. \'Is there something wrong, Master Persia?\' Luna asked as Persia shook her head and replied. \'There is nothing wrong...\' Luna nodded after Persia\'s reply and looked at the distance.

\'Why does my Heartache?\' Persia thought to herself. A Death of a Family Member felt like someone punched her heart. She couldn\'t remember all the details of her Past Life. She also couldn\'t remember the memories before the Moment of her Death. There should be a Past Memory within Persia\'s Memories that she couldn\'t remember. Persia decided not to dwell upon it as it would only disturb her Concentration.

The Pack of Silver Wolves and Persia continued running through the Forest. They traversed through the Forest as the Rustling of Grasses and Leaves echoed behind them. It took them a while to reached the Silver Wolf Pack Base. A Bush separated them from the Base as they went through it without any problem. A Giant Patch of Land was found, and a Lake was at the Center of it.

\'This should be your home...\' Persia spoke with a calm tone as Luna happily nodded. Persia seeing Luna happy while looking at the Silver Wolves Home made her sigh. The Silver Wolves Home was quite simple. A Giant Patch of Land with Tall Slick Grass within it. In such a Giant Patch of Land would be a Lake with Beautiful Clear Water. It was a Good Place to live peacefully, so the problem would probably be invaders that wanted to seize the place.

The Pack of Silver Wolves walked towards their Home. Persia followed behind them as she slithered towards the Home of the Silver Wolves. Ego landed right beside Persia and began walking with her two feet. It was not good as flying, but Ego was willing to be right beside her Sister during a Meeting between Leaders.

They then entered the Territory of the Silver Wolves. While slithering within it, She could see numerous Silver Wolves looking at her while hiding. It seemed that they were afraid of her Serpent Form. Ego then realized that her Sister got the wrong Idea, so she spoke towards Persia with her monotone voice. <Sister, Your Aura should be all over the place.>

Persia then realized that she must have been releasing a Strong Aura the whole time. Persia had an Awkward smile as the Aura around her slowly returned to the Serpent Body. It seemed that no matter what form it was. As long as it looks like a Creature, The Daemon Beast in the Realm of Piksyon wouldn\'t be bothered about it.

\'The Strong Aura should have given the Silver Wolves a Great Pressure. This isn\'t a good thing.\' Persia thought to herself as the Silver Wolves might look at her as if she was a Monster. Actually, Persia was like a Monster. But she wasn\'t a Monster that lacks Intelligence. She wasn\'t a Wild One that would attack anything or anyone at sight.

\'Well, there is nothing I can do about it.\' Persia thought as they finally arrived at the Home of the Silver Wolf Leader. Luna then walked towards the Simple Home or probably a Simple Spot and saw Numerous Silver Wolves gathering at one position. Luna looked at them and walked towards them in curiosity. Persia seeing Luna walking towards the Gathering of Silver Wolves, shook her head. \'I hope you would fight through it, Luna.\' Persia thought as Luna finally stood behind the Numerous Silver Wolves.

\'Is there something wrong?\' Luna asked with a calm tone as the Numerous Wolves turned their heads towards her. \'I\'m sorry, Luna...\' \'It was too late...\' Some of them spoke with a saddened tone, while most of them were in silence. Luna walked through them and saw a Mangled Body on the Ground. She focused her sights on the Mangled Body and finally realized who it was.

The Mangled Body was someone Similar to her. It was a Giant Silver Wolf that raised her alone in this Realm. The Giant Silver Wolf, despite its Mangled Body, had a Peaceful Face. Luna\'s body shook as she looked at the One Silver Wolf that she called her Father. The only Family she had.. \'Father?\' Luna stood in front of the Corpses of her Father as she didn\'t know what the strange feeling within her mind was.

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