The World Serpent

Chapter 47 - 47-Hunting Within The Realm Of Piksyon

The Golden Bright Sun was rising from the Horizon. The Blue Skies got plastered in the Heavens with the Fluffy Clouds traversing within it. There were Flying Islands that acted like Clouds. There were Gigantic Trees that pierced the Heavens. There were Mountains with Strange Figures and Shapes. It was a Strange Realm. It was a Realm called Piksyon. The Piksyon Realm was a Dangerous Realm where Creatures with strange Abilities live. The Normal Prey creatures were strong. What would the Predators be like? It was a Question for the Serpent Visitor that came from another World. The Stone Gate that connected the worlds got destroyed. Could the Serpent Visitor go back to her Last World? Or would she continue on her adventure and begin her journey in the Realm of Piksyon.

In some Forest within the Realm of Piksyon, There was a Bloodied Battlefield full of Dry Blood. Within it was a Silver-White Serpent. Its Scales were Slick and Reflective. Its Body was Beautiful and Balance. The Serpent\'s Eyes was a Golden Amber Colored one. Its Fangs were deadly, and within it was the Soul of a Girl that got reincarnated by Jörmungandr. She got Reincarnated in a New World, and now she finds herself in a New Realm. The White Serpent looked blankly at the Ground. She was looking at her Status and was reading it with an Interested Serpent Expression.

\'Hmm... My Attributes really change. It got lowered, but each Point is comparable to One Human Attribute. This is quite a good reference as I am confused about what my Current Power is. With the Human Comparison, It is easy to determine my Strength.\' Persia thought to herself while staring at the Status Window. It has been a while since she took a look at the Status. The Current Update she had was quite good. It was better than expected. Most of her Skills evolved, and she was currently a bit stronger than before. Elemental Attack wouldn\'t even work against her, which was the best thing she heard.

\'My Current Health is 1800, and my Level is 1/10. It would take a while for me to evolve, but with the way, Level Up works. It wouldn\'t take a long time to level up. The only thing I need to do is finding a hunting ground where I could have an All I Can Eat Buffet.\' Persia thought to herself as a smile slowly formed within her Serpent Face. She needed detection and sensing capabilities for long-distance range. The only way she could have that would be to gained skills using the Points she had within her body. Thinking about the Points, she noticed that she had a lot of Points within her Status.

\'My Points is 20 Points which came from the Evolution and Level Up. It was unfortunate that I gained the Title after Level Up and Evolution. I would have 40 Points in front of me.\' Persia shook her head as she was a little bit saddened about such a fact. She tried to forget about it as having the Title was enough for her. She could Level Up later by hunting the Creatures within the Realm of Piksyon. There were Many Possible Creatures she could pick, but she would hunt the Almiraj first. It was better to hunt the Creatures she knows of rather than attacking unknown creatures.

\'Now... It\'s time to use my Points.\' Persia looked at the Body Skills. It has been a while since she used the Body Skills. She remembered that some of her First Skills came from Body Skills. It was time for her to bet on the Body Skills for new Skills. With this in mind, She began thinking about the Skills she needed. Many thoughts were passing through her mind. There were many ideas Persia had within her mind. But only some of them were possible in her current situation. After a while of thinking, She decided to have 2 Skills which came from Digestion and Eyes. The Two were useful for Persia.

The Digestion and Eyes were one of the Body Skills that needed the Points allocation. The First Body Skill was Digestion. The Reason why Persia picked the Digestion was that her current stomach wasn\'t enough. Although it was quite fast in digesting biomass, It still wasn\'t fast and efficient enough. Persia would be eating more Biomass from now on with her Disassemble. It was clear that Persia needed her Stomach to be Stronger and Faster than before.

The Second Body Skill was Eyes. The Reason why Persia picked the Eyes as the Second Body Skill that needed allocation of points was that she needed more Sensing Abilities. The Possibility of a Long-Range Distance Sensing Ability was quite rare, but Persia was willing to bet on it. The More Sensing Abilities she had. The Easier her life would become. It was simple logic for Persia. With these words and reasons within her mind, Persia nodded to herself as it was time for the allocation to start.

\'Allocate 10 Points to Body Skill Digestion and 10 Points to Body Skill Eyes.\' Persia thought as the allocation quickly got accepted. It was time for her to gained new skills from the Body Skills. She wondered what kind of skills she would get. Persia hopes that it would align with her current plan of Increasing Sensing and Digestion Capabilities. Notifications then began echoing within her mind. Persia looked at it and began reading it with her own eyes.

[10 Points will be allocated to Stage 1 Eyes...]

[Stage 1 Eyes has reached the Threshold.]


[Stage 1 Eyes has evolved into Stage 2 Eyes.]

[You have gained Skill, Inferior Eagle Eyes.]

[Skill Description: Inferior Eagle Eyes is a skill that would give the User an Ability to observe through the Heavens. It is a Useful Skill that could patrol and sense enemies or allies. The Skill would also have a Familiar within it. The Familiar would be an Eagle, and its Size would depend on the User\'s Capabilities. It would also take a lot of stamina when activated.]

[Skill Status: Useful]

[10 Points will be allocated to Stage 0 Digestion...]

[Stage 0 Digestion has reached the Threshold.]


[Stage 0 Digestion has evolved into Stage 1 Digestion.]

[You have gained Skill, Inferior Iron Stomach Grinder.]

[Skill Description: The Iron Stomach Grinder gives the User\'s Stomach to be Harder than Normal. The Digestion Speed would also speed up as the Biomass that comes through the Stomach would turn into Pure Energy. It is a useful skill for beings that don\'t chew their food. Their Stomach would have an automatic chewing mechanism, and the Food would easily get destroyed by the Acid within the Stomach.]

[Skill Status: Useful]

\'Wow, All of them are extremely useful. But the Iron Stomach Grinder kinda creeps me out.\' Persia looked at her own body and began imagining a Grinder within it. Persia shook her head and decided to forget about it. She didn\'t care about how she looked as long as she can have the Best Abilities for her Current Situation. She then began looking around and pointed her head towards the Rising Sun. It was time for her to follow the Rising Sun in the Horizon.

\'Let\'s start our Journey...\' Persia thought to herself as she began slithering out of the Area. She traversed through the Forest while pointing herself towards the Rising Sun. She tried sensing the Area with her Seismic Tracking and Olfaction Warning Sense, but they didn\'t pick up any creature. It was disappointing for Persia, but she continued traversing the Forest.

The Tall Slick Grass within the Forest Rustled, but it was negligible as the Trees in the Forest were quite Big and Thick. Some of them could even pierce through the Heavens. They were like towering Buildings to Persia. After slithering within the Forest, Persia stopped moving as an Idea hit her in the head. She felt like an Idiot for forgetting what the skill that she had recently gotten was all about.

\'Ego, are you there?\' Persia asked within her mind. She wanted to let Ego knew about her plan. Ego\'s Monotone Voice then echoed within her mind. <I\'m here, Sister... Is there something Sister wants me to do?> Ego asked as Persia nodded. It seemed that Ego was studying the Books within the Soul Core of Persia. Persia then began talking about the Plan she had within her mind.

\'Ego, I want you to take a look at this Skill. You will easily know what I\'m trying to do.\' Persia gave information about the Eagle Eye Skill. Ego was in silence as she was reading the Skill\'s Description. She could easily guess what her Sister was trying to do. Her Monotone Voice then echoed within Persia\'s Mind. <I understand what Sister\'s plan is all about.>

\'As expected, Then let me give you thought about it. I want Ego to take control of the Skill. I heard Ego has an Ability that made her continue reading the Book in the Ancient Library even without me. I want Ego to use that Ability and become the Eagle Familiar within the Skill. It would give you freedom and a good body to use.\' Persia began talking about her plan. Ego was in silence, but Ego already accepted what Persia had in mind.

<I have a skill called Spectator. It is a combination Ability, but it could be useful for the Eagle Eye Skill. I agree with what Sister had in mind. I would always agree, even if it results in my death.> Ego said with her monotone. Persia shook her head and thought within her mind. \'There is no need for a sacrifice. That would be dishonorbaru for me.\' Persia didn\'t want someone giving their life to her. It was quite problematic for her.

The Plan of Persia then started. Persia activated the Eagle Eye Skill. A Small Eagle slowly materialized out of nowhere. The Small Eagle began looking around and move its body. It looked at Persia and spoke through her mind. <Sister, I\'m now in the Small Eagle Body. It is quite better than expected.> Persia smiled after hearing what Ego and looked at the Heavens.

\'It\'s time for you to find preys for me, Ego.\' Persia thought as Ego nodded towards her. Ego then began flapping her wings and flew to the skies. Persia could see through Ego\'s Mind. It would mean that Persia could move her Serpent Body while Ego move the Eagle Body in the Heavens. Ego then began looking around the Gigantic Forest as she would have to find a Prey for her Sister.

Ego\'s monotone voice then echoed within Persia\'s mind. \'That was quite fast.\' Persia thought as it was faster than expected. <Sister, There is a Herd of Enemies a Dozen Kilometers in the East.> Persia nodded after hearing what Ego said. She then gave Ego an Order. \'Continue observing them from afar. Be sure not to lose sight of the Herd.\'


\'It\'s time for me to move.\' Persia thought as she began slithering towards the east. It would take a while to reach a dozen of kilometers despite her fast speed. She slithered through the Forest as the Ferns and Grass passed through her body. After traversing within the Forest, Persia finally arrived at the Area where Ego found the Herd of Enemies. Persia found a Bush that separated her and the Herd.

\'This is the moment of truth.\' Persia thought as she slowly slithered towards the Bush. The Leaves within the Bush rustled as she entered through it. She then finally had a good look at the Herd. They were quite bigger than expected, but it was still good for Persia. The Herd of Prey in front of Persia reminded her of a Creature that came from the Reincarnated World or her Past Life World.

\'A Herd of Giant Boars? This will be a good meal for me.\' Persia thought to herself as her hunting mentality took over. The White Serpent looked at the Herd as it planned to eat every one of the Boars within the Herd.. The White Serpent\'s Golden Amber Eye glowed as it was time for the Hunt to start.

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