The World Serpent

Chapter 2 - 2-Reincarnation

In an Ordinary Forest full of Life and Nature. The Trees were Thick, Humid, and Dense. The Trees range in all sizes, from Dwarf Ones to Giant Ones. There were Uprooted Roots were covering the whole forest making the terrain complicated. The Grass was Rich, Slick, And had the Color of an Immaculate Emerald. The Ordinary Forest was full of Trees of many types as it was also completely engulfed by Grass. The Forest was full of Wonders in many Numbers. Small Mountains and Hills were in the Forest. All of them were conquered by Nature.

The Sun rose above the Heavens as it slowly gave its warm sunlight to its creations. The Blue Sky revealed itself with the sun rising from the Horizon. It was the start of a New Day in this New World. Many Different Species of Birds or Bird-like Creatures began flying through the skies in Echelons. Thick Clouds passed through the skies giving shade to the creations down below.

It was the start of a Peaceful Day in the Forest, Or was it?

Within this Ordinary Forest were the Laws of the Jungle in Full Motion. The Laws in the Ordinary Forest were Merciless and Free. It was Savage but Beautiful. There were Creatures of all Sizes waking up with the Sun rising from the Horizon. Some Creatures in this Forest slept during daylight. The Forest was Ordinary but Strange. It was like a Piece of Rose, Full of Beauty and Full of Thorns.

With the Rising Sun. The Predators woke up from Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, and Fish. All of these Animals or Creatures had their intention to hunt their prey and survive to see a new day or a new tomorrow. The Prey also woke up in the Rising Sun. They went out from their homes to gather the Food needed to survive in this Ordinary Forest. The Status Quo and The Ecosystem have already been established in this Forest.

Some used Trees as their homes, Some build mounds to be their homes, and Some find caves used as their homes. Shelters were important in the Jungle. It was the only thing that could help them take a rest and feel safe. The Jungle was an Unforgiving Nature Hell Hole. It was dangerous, and Resting without any Shelter was Suicide. Their life will continue living on with the Circle of Life in Rhythm.

But The Status Quo and The Ecosystem will be Broken, Sooner or Later. Time will tell.

Inside this Forest, There was a Creature that was easy to grasp. It was a Reptile with a Long, Thin Body but no Legs. It was known as the Symbol of Life, Rebirth, and Immortality. The Creature was so small and tiny that it almost looked like a Big Strange Worm. The Creature was sleeping peacefully near a Tree\'s uprooted Roots and was shaded from the Warm sunlight. There were Grass all around the Creature, covering it from Potential Predators. What was this Creature? It was a Snake.

The Snake was very small. It was a newborn Snake sleeping peacefully in the middle of the Forest. It didn\'t have any distinctive features other than its white scaly skin. The Small White Snake was in the Forest without any parents near it. It was clear that any weak Creatures wouldn\'t last in this Forest without any strength to protect themselves or anyone to protect them.

The Small White Snake wouldn\'t last a single day in this Forest. It would probably die on its own by getting starved to death or getting eaten by a Predator. It was the Fate of the weakest, and it was the worst fate for babies to be left in the middle of nowhere... Or was it?


[Checking Status for Activation of Serpent Program.]

[First Stage: Anticipatory Socialization(Complete).]

[Mid Stage: Organizational Encounter(Complete).]

[Final Stage: Metamorphosis(Complete).]

[All Status Finalized...]

[Activating Serpent Program...]

Within the Small White Snake\'s mind was an encounter of strange events. Windows or Interface appeared one after another in front of the Inferior vision of the White Snake. The Small White Snake who was sleeping near the tree seems to have not noticed the strange interface and messages in front of it. The Messages and Interface didn\'t stop there. It continued sending more.

[Serpent Program Activated.]

[Checking Soul Vessel(Persia)]

[Soul Vessel(Persia) Clear.]

[Uploading Soul Vessel in Motion...]

[Upload Complete.]

[Preparing for Booting.]

After the Bombardment of Messages ended, The Sleeping White Snake woke up as it slowly began to move its body. It didn\'t have any eyelids to cover its eyes, so the Snake just slept with its eyes open. The only way to notice the White Snake was sleeping was its sleeping position.

With the Small White Snake moving. The Eyes of the White snake revealed itself. It was the eyes of a Beast. It was full of Savagery as its eyes indicating a predator focused on eating anything that could keep it alive. The Small White Snake noticed the Interface and Messages in front of its sight. It couldn\'t do anything and went back to its sleeping position.

As time passes by. The Sleeping Small White Snake was still lying in its Original Position. The Small White Snake lying on the ground slowly began to move for the second time, signifying that it was awake. The Eyes of the White snake was completely different from the last one.

The Small White Snake\'s Eyes of Savagery slowly change into Clarity. The Former Savafgery disappeared and was replaced by a Strange atmosphere of the White Snake that wasn\'t Wild and Ferocious. The Small White Snake was confused and scared. It was Harmless, and it was indicating Intelligence.

\'Where am I?\' It was Persia, The Former Ordinary Human. Who met some unknown entity that wanted to make a deal. Persia found herself in a new situation again. Persia left the Beautiful Strange Dark Place where the Entity resides. She was left alone in the middle of nowhere. Her sight was also strange. It was different than normal. The Colors were strange, and Everything around her was blurry.

\'Why can\'t I see? Why is everything Blurry?\'

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Infrared Vision.]

[Skill Description: The User can perceive the Infrared Sprectrum via Pit Organs Info projecting to Vision. The Inferior Infrared Vision allows the User to see Temperature variations in objects and environments. The User could also see the heat presence of any Living Targets.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

Persia found vision slowly changing to something different. Unlike the Last Vision, where everything was blurry. The Current Vision was slowly making it clear for Persia to see. But it was still different than her Human Vision. The World was on a different spectrum which was uncomfortable for Persia. Persia began looking around from her Position and found things that looked like Grass. It was bigger than her, which was strange. The Grass was bigger than what she remembered.

\'Am I deaf? Why is the world in silence.\' Persia didn\'t know what was going on. Was she dead? Was this some womb of a woman she didn\'t know? The Entity told her that she was supposed to Reincarnate.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Seismic Tracking.]

[Skill Description: The User can pick up vibrations through physical contact with the ground. The Skill is connected to the Special Inner Ear Organ. The Inferior Seismic Tracking would enable the User to perceive their surroundings precisely as Normal sight. The User can easily Track Terrestial Animals in the surroundings.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

Persia felt a weird feeling on her head. It was vibrating her head, which was strange. She forced herself to calm down and noticed the Messages in front of her. She didn\'t notice the messages as she was panicking, so seeing the notifications gave Persia a shock.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Shock Disturbace Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The User can Mentally and Physically resist any Suprise disturbance.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

\'Eh? What is this?\' Persia thought to herself while staring at the messages in front of her. She didn\'t know why messages started appearing in front of her, but she didn\'t have time for that. She felt that she lost a lot of her former human abilities. She even lost her Sense of Smell.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Olfaction Warning Sense.]

[Skill Description: The User can process Chemical Scents from the surrounding Air via Flicking Tongue. The Skill is connected to the known Jacobson\'s Organ, capable of Chemoreception. The Inferior Olfaction Warning Sense can record known Predators and Preys for Entity Snake.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

\'Another one?\' Persia was surprised. It seems that the messages were about Persia gaining skills. But why would she even need skills? Does this mean that danger is near her, so she was given the ability to have skills? Or was this all wrong? Persia shook her head and began moving her body.

\'I can feel the ground, But why does it feel like I\'m crawling?\' Persia could feel the ground below her. It was like crawling on dirt, and the only thing different was that instead of crawling with limbs. She couldn\'t see or feel any of her Limbs moving as she intended. Persia then began moving her body, and she felt it. The Unusual Movement of her body.

\'My Body? My Limbs?\' Persia managed to move her body, but a new problem appeared afterward. She thought her body was a Human body, but the Strange movements of her body gave her the benefit of the doubt. She was confused and scared in her new situation. Losing her Limbs in the middle of nowhere was something she didn\'t want to happen. Fear slowly crept out towards her heart.

[You have gained a Skill, Inferior Fear Resistance.]

[Skill Description: The User can resist Mental Fear and Physical Fear.]

[Skill Status: Weak.]

\'Persia, Calm yourself down. This isn\'t the time to be panicking.\' Persia tried to calm herself down again. She was just an Ordinary Person, and she didn\'t have any skills that could help her in this situation. But what about the Skills she recently gained? She clearly didn\'t know how to use any of it. Persia then slowly turns her head around to observed her body. She saw her whole new body, and it was shocking.

\'Snake?\' Persia calmly thought to herself. She already calmed herself down and forgot how she almost panicked like someone killed her non-existent child. She regained most of her Clarity. She was a human, and She died as a human. She met some weird entity that gave her the change or a deal that would change everything. From her Fate, Or was it already her Fate?

\'I am a snake... This Fact explains everything. The Messages about gaining Skills in front of my sight kept coming. My Poor Vision was strange. The weird color spectrum in front of me must be related to the Inferior Infrared Vision I gained. But the Inferior Infrared Vision is clearly Inferior. My Infrared Vision can only clearly detect things five meters away from me. Outside of the range is full of blurry images.\' Persia shook her Small White Snakehead. Although the Infrared Vision was good. It was uncomfortable and is very weak. It wasn\'t an advantage but a Disadvantage instead.

Persia needed to be careful about Traversing in this place with poor eyesight. She was a snake. And judging from the Forms, she could see around her. The whole place was a Forest which means Prey and Predators for Persia to eat and avoid. She may be wrong on her guess, but Persia was guessing things base on the current info given to her.

\'I am surrounded by Grass in all directions except for the Tree right next to me. Judging from the Grass surrounding me. I\'m fairly small, which would mean that there are a lot of things that could potentially kill me.\' Persia became paranoid against, But it was good for her to be paranoid as she could find problems that aren\'t easy or too easy to find.

Persia began looking around again as she was checking if something near her. It was better for her to be alone as she was just a small white snake in the middle of nowhere. Or in the middle of a forest since she could somewhat differentiate trees from each other. The Trees, from her perspective, looked like high-rise buildings.

While looking around. Persia noticed a Strange Thing that was right next to the notification messages. The Notifications were following her, but Persia wasn\'t annoyed by that. Even if she shakes her head to oblivion, the Notifications would still be there. Persia stared at the strange thing. It was a Blinking Icon.

\'Status?\' Persia thought to herself while reading the Icon\'s name. The name was status which means the status of something or her status. The Icon kept blinking, signifying that it wanted Persia to open it. She didn\'t know if opening the Blinking Icon was a good idea, but Persia needed to check everything that could help her in the middle of this Nature Hell Hole.

[Do you wish to open your Status?]

\'Yes.\' Persia nodded her head in instinct. A Small White Snakehead nodded with it. It was her New Body, and She was adapting faster than she had expected. It was for the better or the worst. There must be something going on in this situation, and the Blinking Icon was one of the dozens of clues she needed to get. Or was she getting too affected by this detective mindset of hers?

[Opening Status...]



[Name: Persia]

┃Health: 10/10(100/100%)┃

┃Stamina: 100/100%┃

[Race: Serpent]

[Dimensions: 20 cm in Length, 0.5 cm in Diameter]

[Gender: Female]

[Titles: None]

[Rank: Inferior Beast]

[Evolution: Irregular Baby White Snake(Level 0/5)]

[Level 0(0/5)]

[Points: None]


[Strength: 1]-[Vitality: 2]

[Defense: 1]-[Agility: 1]

[Speed: 1]-[Coordination: 1]

[Wisdom: 10]-[Intelligence: 100]

[Charisma: 1]-[Perception: 1]

[Senses: 1]-[Stealth: 100]


[Attributes Skills: Physique(0), Dexterity(0), Intellect(0), Persona(0), Instincts(0)]

[Active Skills: Inferior Olfaction Warning Sense(0/10)]

[Passive Skills: Inferior Infrared Vision(0/10), Inferior Seismic Tracking(0/10)]

[Resistance: Inferior Fear Resistance(0/10), Inferior Shock Disturbance Resistance(0/10)]

[Body Skills: Stage 0 Eyes(0/10), Stage 0 Fangs(0/10), Stage 0 Scales(0/10), Stage 0 Bone(0/10), Stage 0 Digestion(0/10)]

[Special Skills: Monster Mentality]


\'Eh? This is my Status?\' An Interface appeared in front of Persia\'s sight. Unlike the Infrared Spectrum world around her, The Interface was unaffected by her strange snake sight. The Interface had a Dark Color scheme with its White Color Text. It looked like some Evil Grimoire with her Status plastered on it.

Some of the Resistance in Persia\'s skill list rarely work. It was probably why most of them were the Inferior version. She stared at the interface and began reading it calmly.

\'Hmm... My name is still my Former Human Name. This is good news.\' Persia nodded in satisfaction when she discovered that her name was still the Original one. She didn\'t want her name to be unknown or changed as it was a reminder of her human side.

\'Now let us take a look at my Status... The Health recorded in my Status, Is Ten, and Right next to is the Percentage of my Health. Below my Health is my Stamina only recorded in Percentage.\' Persia understood that Health and Stamina were important in her new life. She would need to survey it. It was also a good advantage for her to see her health and stamina in numbers. She can easily understand when to not hunt or hunt in the Forest. Stamina would signify her Energy. Another problem arises, which was her Health. The moment her Health hits zero. It would be the end of her new life.

\'My Current Race is Serpent? I\'m not a Human anymore, but that\'s expected as my body is clearly far from a human body.\' Persia knew that her race changed into something different as her body was a snake body, not a human body. She wasn\'t disappointed as she wasn\'t sure if her Original Body could survive in the Wild. At least she could hide in this forest with her Small snake body.

\'Evolution? That is an Option? I guess... It is the only way I could get stronger. I am an Irregular Baby White Snake which explains my Size and my acquirement of different abilities or skills. The Question I have is what I needed to do to Evolve?\' Persia was curious about how she could evolve in this Snake Body. She continued reading the interface and found something interesting. It was the Word called Level. It wasn\'t anything special other than the fact it was called Level.

\'Level, Isn\'t this the word that always appeared in RPG games? Leveling must be the way for me to get stronger. To Evolve, I need to Level up and reach a Threshold. But my current Level is 0... The only way to increase my Level is to kill something. I\'m weak and couldn\'t fight any creature in this forest. But I could start hunting the Creatures, starting from the weakest ones.\' With the word Level as her Confirmation. Persia began planning on her way to becoming stronger.

\'My Attributes ranged from Strength, Vitality, Defense, Agility, Speed, Coordination, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma, Perception, Senses, and Stealth. My Attributes are too much for me to handle.\' A lot of Attributes were in Persia\'s status. She didn\'t know how to increase her Attributes, but there must be some hidden way she needed to find.

\'So this is how I can increase my Attributes. My Skills are divided into Attribute Skills, Active Skills, Passive Skills, Resistance, Body Skills, and Special Skills.\' Persia noticed that the Attribute Skills were the Skills she needed to increase her Attributes. She also had One Active skill, Two Passive Skills, and Two Resistance Skills.

\'Inferior Infrared Vision, Inferior Seismic Tracking, Inferior Shock Disturbance Resistance, Inferior Olfaction Warning Sense, and Inferior Fear Resistance. These are the skills I recently gain. Some of these skills are innate and needed me to acquire them.\' Persia thought to herself. A way to gather skills, but she needed to focus on survival before thinking of that.

\'The information in front of me is breaking my brain. To think that I need to test everything, But I seem to be calmer than normal.\' Persia noticed something different in her mindset. She seems too calm despite being in a new body which was a snake and a new place that was probably full of dangers. She refuses to believe that she could adapt to her new body this quickly.

\'Stop asking questions, and let us begin the first stage of my non-existent plan. My First Prey hunt begins now...\' Persia shook her head and stopped herself from being burrowed by questions that don\'t need an answer for now. She needed to focus on her survival as she had no strength to resist predators.

Persia began looking around with her Small White Snake Head. There was a lot of tall Grass blocking her Infrared sight. She then laid down on the ground, trying to hear if there was a creature near her. It took a while, but there was a slight unnoticeable vibration on the ground. It was moving slowly, and it seems to be near her. Persia pinpointed Vibration in the distance, and Her head quickly rose from the Ground.

She then stares at the distance with her Infrared Sight. She noticed a flicker in her Infrared Spectrum. It didn\'t come from the creature itself, and it seems to be undetectable in the Infrared Spectrum. Persia managed to notice it since the Creature was affecting its surroundings. Persia then thought to herself while staring at the flicker.

\'Something strange is moving in the Distance.\'

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