Records of Rebirth

Chapter 219 - The Vanishing

The odd atmosphere during her naming stood out to her now, as well as Ophelia\'s instructions that everyone remain far away, and relay to her what they needed to say, instead of seeking \'her\' directly.

At the time Arsinoe thought it strange, but she couldn\'t pinpoint exactly what was wrong because all the captains went along with it. It wasn\'t that Arsinoe hadn\'t tried to understand \'her\', it was more like she couldn\'t, because she was barred every time. 

Everything was always so mysterious and silent, and that was something \'she\' embodied – an unfathomable aura that was always present, but never understood.

Too perfect to even challenge, that a mere glance made Arsinoe give up every single time.

But now, she found a weakness in that otherwise perfect, formidable defence, one that she could exploit.

And in Arsinoe\'s heart, she rejoiced, because it explained why Typhon had grown distant, and why Ophelia became cold.

It wasn\'t anything she did, it was because a defective serpent had become their leader!

Yes, she was strong, but without her two trusted pillars of support, there was no way \'she\' could take over so seamlessly.

Arsinoe thoughts spun with all of the possibilities.

If the rest of the nestlings knew, would they even follow her?

Couldn\'t she use this and turn everyone to gain their support for herself?

However, with every scenario she plotted, her plans were obstructed by two immovable obstacles.

Typhon and Ophelia.

If they weren\'t so trusted by the nestlings – if they didn\'t support \'her\', everything would be simpler.

Arsinoe couldn\'t understand why they stuck by her, and as she scowled at the difficulty of her challenge, Galahad smiled  listlessly.

He glanced at the cells containing Morgana\'s creatures and saw they had gone quiet.

With Morgana placed on hold, perhaps Arsinoe could shake things up in her stead, and push \'her\' to the brink, so he could become the hero that saves the day.

But Galahad\'s gaze turned ugly, and a sinister hiss escaped his mouth.

Once again \'she\' wasn\'t here to see his fine work!

And as the two serpents pondered their own evil plans, a loud slap suddenly rang out in the quiet.

Hestia, who materialised above Galahad, saw his mood grow dark and did not hesitate to scold him with a lashing of water.

[What was that for?!] Galahad yelped in pain as he argued. [I\'m only saying what she needs to hear.]

But the water ball was not satisfied, and a second whip followed next.

Soon, Galahad was dodging her attacks as the two argued continuously.

[Stop it, Hestia!] Galahad hissed. [I didn\'t do anything wrong! Am I forcing her? She can do whatever she wants with that information.]

Unfortunately, Arsinoe could only hear his side of the argument. 

[What are you two talking about?] she asked suspiciously.

[Hestia is feeling jealous that she was left out.] Galahad smirked, and a resounding slap rang out once again, leaving him fully drenched.

As Galahad dealt with his creature, Arsinoe remained perplexed, as she had stumbled across another problem.

While there was no explanation on why Typhon and Ophelia supported her, it didn\'t make sense why all the captains did. Cygnus and Artemis were also abnormally protective when they shouldn\'t have been. Galahad too, once upon a time, and even Morgana. 

Why didn\'t Morgana take advantage of such a profound weakness? Knowing her, it should have crossed her mind. 

[Fear.] The voice suggested. [Or she was waiting until she gathered enough strength. Too bad she failed.]

That was more like her, Arsinoe agreed. 

Morgana was very careful, if her opponent was too strong she usually bided her time or chipped away at them slowly. Although Arsinoe disliked her, she also admired her persistence. Perhaps she only lost to Typhon this time because she wasn\'t well prepared.

However, this made her feel devastated.

If Morgana couldn\'t do anything and failed – what was she supposed to do?

[Why did you tell me this?] Arsinoe questioned Galahad, who was now drenched after losing to his water snake. [Don\'t you care about \'her\'?]

Galahad laughed bitterly. [I do, but I got tossed aside anyway, didn\'t I? If I don\'t react, how can I show how much I care?]

Arsinoe stared at him in confusion.

[It doesn\'t matter.] Galahad sighed. [I just thought I\'d give you some help. I don\'t like injustice or hypocrisy.]

Arsinoe scowled. Wasn\'t he worried that something would happen to \'her\'?

Wasn\'t he the hypocritical one?

Seeing Arsinoe start to question his motives, Galahad quickly changed the subject.

[You don\'t have to worry about that. It\'s not like you\'re alone, you have others that admire you.]

Arsinoe scoffed. [Who?]

Once she began her role as captain, she alienated herself, because everyone was too scared to say anything in front of her.

[Your team members. Europa, although he is stubborn, even Lyra. So many support you as much as Typhon, but you haven\'t done anything noteworthy recently.]

Was he saying she should outdo Typhon?

[Stop it, you know that\'s impossible.]

[Do you want to lose?] Galahad snapped. [\'She\' is probably out getting stronger as we speak. Soon, you won\'t be able to catch up at all – how can you make Typhon and Ophelia return to you like this?]

Arsinoe scowled. 

Did he think they were some baby serpents waiting to be stolen? They already made their choice.

[Don\'t look so surprised, everyone can see what you\'re thinking.] Galahad chastised her. [It\'s not like it\'s difficult. Everyone here has the same potential. \'She\' just got a head start while we were confused.]

Arsinoe was shocked at his treasonous words. 

If Typhon heard them, wouldn\'t he be killed on the spot?

When Galahad saw her internal turmoil, he couldn\'t help feeling envious – Typhon was really lucky to have someone as loyal as her.

[Don\'t forget yourself just because you support them.] he cautioned her. [You don\'t want to get buried like Morgana, do you?] 

Morgana\'s tomb suddenly loomed large in front of her eyes, like a warning of where she could end up, if she offended \'her\'.

Arsinoe shivered, not wanting to stay in the underground any longer.

She glanced at Galahad who was in a similar situation as herself and asked him a rather pressing question.

[Is it normal to hear voices inside your head?]

Galahad looked at her strangely. [What do you mean?]

[Like how you and Hestia communicate, but without Hestia.]

[Can you see who you\'re talking to?] he pondered.


[Ah…] Galahad seemed even more perplexed, but then he broke into a smile. [That just makes you crazy. I can\'t say much about that problem. Sorry!]

[Y-You!] Arsinoe was upset. How could she be crazy?!

Galahad only burst into laughter. [Are you sure you\'re not imagining it?]

There was no use talking to him anyway, and Arsinoe slithered away in a huff.

[Wait, wait, I\'m sorry for laughing.] Galahad called after her. [Ask Lyra, maybe she can help, she can heal anything.]

Arsinoe scowled even more fiercely than before.

Go to Lyra, who hated her and was scheming to make everyone else dislike her too?

If she told her, wouldn\'t Lyra just laugh in her face and then tell everyone she was crazy, so they could laugh at her too?

It was a mistake to let Galahad know as well.

With that, she stormed off without looking back.

Once she reached the surface, she was met by two of her team members who had been looking for her to train.

They heard noises coming from the underground and were wondering what happened, much like the other nestlings.

Arsinoe was so relieved to see them, that all her worries faded away instantly, and she quickly made them follow her – there was no point in going down anyway.

She had come to learn much after talking to Galahad.

For one, if even \'she\' wasn\'t perfect, then she didn\'t have to be either.

In a way, that turned out to be the catharsis she needed to start acting like herself once more. She wasn\'t the type to report the activities of others – it wasn\'t something that interested her, and she didn\'t want more enemies than she had already.

The two snakes with her had been following her ever since their first hunt as a team, and she didn\'t want to let them down any longer. So, she happily went off to train with them.

It was only after several rounds of sparring that she realised Galahad had not come up from the underground.

When she left, he wasn\'t exactly in the best state, and Arsinoe began to worry.

He didn\'t fall into one of the bottom feeder tunnels after his fight with Hestia, right?

After finding it impossible to train, she left the nestlings to return to the underground to find him.

However, there was no one there. 

Morgana\'s tomb was just as she left it, but Galahad was nowhere to be found. 

Arsinoe panicked, and she frantically searched around, fearing he had been eaten. She even peered into the tunnels for the bottom feeders and the cells containing Morgana\'s monsters, but there was no sign of him.

Just where did he go?

She was still looking around and didn\'t realise the pink leaves above Morgana\'s crypt had started to coalesce into a shape.

A stunning Veladrys with skin as soft as a peach, pointy elven features, and a regal appearance, materialised from the rapidly growing plants around the underground, and once fully formed she took in her new surroundings with a listless stare.

The figure noticed a serpent moving around and established a telepathic link.

And Arsinoe whose head suddenly twinged with pain, turned around to face the figure.

Who was that? 

How did they suddenly appear on Morgana\'s tomb?

She immediately panicked and was about to turn around and head up to alert the others when she heard a voice in her head. 

[Greetings, serpent.]

The elegant Veladrys bowed after seeing Arsinoe, and quickly raised her head so that her perfect hair fell back into place.

Her beautiful smile was more like an arrogant smirk, and when she spoke there was a disrespectful tone that made Arsinoe feel irritated. 

[I have come to speak to the ones \'she\' calls \'brats\']

Arsinoe scowled in anger. Who the heck was that?

[I have a message from our queen mother.] The Veladrys continued. [You are about to be attacked by a legion, you should prepare for it.]

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