What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1318 Contributing To The Chronicles


I looked at the Grand Courtyard that was filled with people that were gathered for this occasion.

We ended up needing to use this place instead of my courtyard because I underestimated the number and size of the people that would show up.

Truth be told, I was only expecting a few to show up but it seems like everyone that I had at least acquainted myself with over the course of this life had shown up here. Sophia was only gone for a split second, you know? How did she call so many people at once?

Not only was Sect Master Qin, Luna and her maid, Rina, were here, but Guiying, Muon and even the monster leaders from the Sanctuary had shown up.

I mean… Sure, it\'s been a while since I\'ve last seen Akari, Shiori, Benjamin and the rest, but do you really need to call them here? I could have just gone to find them… Ah I guess that would have been extra work so I should thank Sophia for calling them.

And how did you even call Muon? Wasn\'t she in the Spiritual Plane?

Heck, you even got Brendan\'s family here as well as Mother and elder sister Odriana… Did you have everyone on speed dial or something?

Actually, don\'t answer that… Because I have a feeling that you actually did have something like that…

I looked at the crowd of people gathered in front of me, all of them looking back at me in anticipation.

"Umm… Hello everyone, I guess it has been a while hasn\'t it?"

Everyone nodded, though they refrained from saying anything, presumably to avoid interrupting me.

I coughed, "Ahem… Well… I believe most of you have already heard that I\'m planning to write what is basically a story of my life… And umm… Well… We thought that some of you might also want to contribute to it. Do know that this is supposed to be a factual recount so… Try to keep that in mind when you\'re writing your own accounts into the book…"

Ugh… Describing it like this is so embarrassing… It kind of feels like I\'m telling them to praise me or something…

Nevertheless, I have to continue, "So… Err… I\'ll be staying here for a little bit… And all of you can write something in the meantime while I\'m here… But there\'s no pressure though so you don\'t have to do it if you don\'t want to, really. Also it doesn\'t even have to be about me either. You can write about your own past because I would love to read about the things you have all experienced in your life too, so no need to hold back on that either. Ah… But do keep it as factual as possible as well, please… But, you can write your inner thoughts though."

Ughhhh… I feel so embarrassed just delivering these instructions… I want to just go back to my courtyard and hide in my room now… Why did I even agree to this?

Oh right… Because I was bored…

Everyone then burst into activity as they started murmuring amongst themselves over what I had just told them.

Sect Master Qing raised his hand, which looked quite ridiculous to me since an older Practitioner was basically asking me for permission to speak… Until I remembered I was no longer just a normal Practitioner.

"What is it, Sect Master Qing?" I asked.

"Is this open to everyone? Including the other disciples of the Sect?"

"Err… Sure? Though I don\'t think I\'ve interacted much with everyone in the Sert, but certainly I wouldn\'t mind reading their stories too."

Stephanie, our resident lich, also raised her hand, "Could we have the dead write something too?"

I blinked at her, "Sorry what? The dead? Huh?"

"I mean like our past enemies. Perhaps they could also be convinced to write something from their point of view?"I think you should take a look at

"Erm… I don\'t know if they would even agree to do something like this but… Oh, right… Necromancy… That actually sounds quite interesting… To see things from the other side I mean, not the necromancy part. But you know what, sure."

That prompted another round of whispering from everyone around which made me wonder just what they were planning to do? They won\'t go around digging up graves now, would they? I certainly hope not…

Actually, on second thought… Why do I even care? Go knock yourselves out.

Akari bounced up and down excitedly, "Oh, ohhhh~ Does this mean Master will read our stories?"

"Err… That\'s what I said, right? Yes, I will indeed read them."

"Yayyy~ Alright! I know what I\'m going to do! Look forward to it, Master!"

"Do remember what was told to us, sister… Please do not embellish anything in your writing…" Shiori admonished.

"Oh, I won\'t do that! I\'ll just go ahead and write what you told me about Master that you\'re unwilling to say to Him, yourself~"

The red fox then cheekily teleported away, seconds before Shiori\'s tails grabbed at where she had been moments before.

"You!! Stupid sister!! I apologise Divine One, please excuse me as I go and discipline my sister!"

I gave her a wave which prompted her to also disappear from my sight.

Stephanie cracked her knuckles before turning to Benjamin, "Alright, I need to dig up some graves, care to join me?"

The squid face monster nodded, "Gladly."

The two of them then walked through a portal, also teleporting away to god knows where.

They really are going to dig up graves… I\'m not even going to say anything anymore…

Muon also timidly raised her hand, "Umm… All Creator? Am I… Am I even allowed to be here?"

"Huh? Why not? It\'s not like I never talked to you before right? But ah… If you don\'t want to do it, then you don\'t need to."

"Ah! I… If All Creator does not mind, I would be greatly honoured if I be allowed to write something in the chronicles of All Creator!"

Erm… I\'m not writing a chronicle of myself, Muon but… Ah, whatever, it doesn\'t really matter since I haven\'t even decided how I\'m going to write it anyway.

I looked at the rest and I could see Lian Li already scribbling something into her notebook while Tsuki and Elaria seemed to be arguing over something about their own writings, the two of them slapping away at each other like always.

Mother and elder sister also seemed to be discussing something beside them as well, while Brendan\'s family were really excited for some reason.

Meanwhile, the others were already deep in thought, most probably thinking about what they would like to write in their own accounts.

Well, like I said, no pressure guys! I\'ll just be here waiting for your work!

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