What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 976: Even Villager Number One Can Beat These Guys Up

Chapter 976: Even Villager Number One Can Beat These Guys Up

(Lian Li POV)

"And that\'s what Master has decided," Manami concluded her recount on what happened in Guiying\'s court, having received the news through Alpha using her telepathy.

I took a moment to consider our options before turning to the rest, "I suggest that we mobilise some of our people to take care of the especially troublesome ones before they become too much of a nuisance in Master\'s territory. The ones that are more cooperative could be sent to Guiying for processing."

The others nodded, agreeing with my plan.

"And what about our new… Additions? How are their rehabilitations going?" I asked Diao Chan.

The sadistic witch gave me a smirk, "Oh~ We\'re having a loooooot of fun with them~ Because of their nature, they can take much, much more punishment without breaking. It truly is a lot of fun to think up ways to deal with them!"

"Ara, ara? I suppose I should take some time to go there and… Ufufufu~ Enjoy myself too~" Manami giggled, the look in her eyes burning with unrestrained wrath.

We really have Lilith to thank for creating a room that restrains one\'s divinity, allowing us to torture them to our heart\'s content without worrying about them breaking out.

I admit I did have a lot of fun \'reeducating\' that vampire bitch that night.

While I was thinking about how I would like to next torture the bitch, Manami jerked in surprise and looked into the distance.

"Ara? Ara, ara? Ufufufu~ Understood, Master~ Do have fun with the little Empress for us, yes? I believe the maids would most certainly like to join you as well~ Ufufufu~ Of course, Master, I shall tell the rest that too~"

That must have been a telepathic call from Master.

Manami turned back to us and smiled, "It seems that our little Guiying has Master preoccupied in her bed. We have the rest of the day free until Master returns in the morning~"

Oh my, how bold Guiying! Well, this gives us the perfect opportunity then!

I cleared my throat, "It seems like we can move things ahead of schedule. Get the news out to our people, but let\'s also do a sweep today before Master returns. Those who dare sully Master\'s domain with their worthless existence shall suffer!"

With that said, we quickly decided on a route each of us would take to do a sweep over the country before leaving. For myself in particular, I would be investigating the outskirts of the Heaven Sect as the location of highest priority.

The first place I came to was the small town at the base of the mountain that Heaven Sect was built on. This place used to be a simple village but more people have started moving here to be closer to our God.

In other words, all of the people in this town worship Master and are part of the Church.

And what do you know? There\'s a couple of idiots here causing problems right now.

A crowd had gathered in the town square where a group of four men wearing Practitioner robes seemed to be trying to get their attention.

The town square was also where a statue of Master was erected, although we made sure to keep this fact hidden from Master, of course.

Right now these four pieces of trash are standing in front of Master\'s holy statue while stating nonsensical things.

"Listen now! We are Practitioners that have just ascended from the greatest of all Planes!"

"Your Practitioners are nothing but beginners in our Plane!"

"And we four stood at the very top of our Plane!"

"All of you have the honour of welcoming the top Practitioners of the Void Plane!"

Predictably, the people surrounding them were not at all amused by what they were saying. The statue of Master is a place where we can offer praise to Him and know that Master\'s grace extends to us, yet these four pieces of trash are being so arrogant in front of Master\'s image.

I descended from the sky, landing right in front of them.

"Oh! High Priestess Lian Li!"

"High Priestess Lian Li is here!"

"Hail High Priestess Lian Li!"

"All for Master!!"

I waved at the townsfolk to return their greeting before turning my attention to the four idiots.

"You\'re being a nuisance, apologise to everyone and pay your respects to my Master before I make you," I ordered.

The trash on my far left stepped forward with a smirk, "Oh? Are you perhaps the governor of this town? You don\'t look half bad so we wouldn\'t mind you serving under us, preferably on your knees."

I turned towards him with furrowed brows, "All of you entered this Plane because the barrier that would have held you back was ripped open. None of you would have made it here otherwise. Here, you\'re not even worthy enough to be considered Practitioners, much less even speak to me. Know your place, trash."

"Wha… What?! How dare you, you bitch?!" He roared, lifting his palm to point at me. "Let\'s see how arrogant you can be after being crippled! Firestorm!!"

I prepared my own defences to nullify his attack, but it seems like my preparations were unnecessary since nothing happened.

"What? What did you do to me, you bitch?! Firestorm! Firestorm!! Firestorm!!"

I sighed before moving forward faster than they could see, my hand curling themselves around his left hand\'s index finger. With a simple flick of my wrist, the finger was broken with a loud crack.

"ARRGHHH!! My hand!! My hand!! You broke my hand!!"

I rolled my eyes, "It\'s just your finger, stop being so dramatic. Now I don\'t like repeating myself, so get down on your knees before I start breaking fingers."

"Fucking kill her!"

"How dare you disrespect us!"

"We\'ll mess you up!!"

I sighed and looked at the townsfolk behind me, "Could you all be a dear and help me discipline these four? They may claim they\'re Practitioners but right now they\'re nothing but powerless idiots."

One of the trash sneered, "Ha?! You think some normal mortals can deal with gods like us?! You\'re delusional!! We\'ll make sure you--"

One of the townsfolk punched the trash across the face before he could finish his words.

That was the cue for everyone else to descend upon the four trash, beating them up as though they were simply common thugs.

With the fact that these four had been disrespectful to Master, everyone was more than happy to give them a piece of their mind.

"Trash that dared to make a mess in front of our Divine Master!"

"Atone for it with your life!"

"How dare you threaten our High Priestess Lian Li!"

"You\'re all nothing but trash!!"

It was quite entertaining to see these four self-proclaimed \'Gods\' being beaten up by the townsfolk. One of them was even using a large turnip as a club to hammer at an idiot\'s face.

There were even a few chairs that were thrown in there.

Hmmm… Once they\'re beaten within an inch of their lives, I\'ll give them a chance to tell me how useful they can be. If they prove to be simply utter trash… Then I suppose I can proceed on to break their necks~

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