The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today

Chapter 22

I asked the butler who came in with him.

“……what is it?”

“This is a door-to-door dealer who handles rare animals and miscellaneous goods. He came to the mansion and was introducing his stuff, and suddenly he said that his pet snake had disappeared.”


I gave an eye to the middle-aged man. He was sobbing sadly.

His tears dripped like tea.

Oh, my. . . .

By principle, it was the owner who should be responsible for failing to manage the snake, so he had to pay the compensation for Ari’s danger, but I and Ari knew that he was also a doomed victim of the world, so I gave him compensation and sent him back!

“How generous you are!”

The butler seemed to have a complaint, but I just pretended as an adult with a gracious smile.

Since then, time has been easy and easy to absorb.

The crisis that comes regularly for Ari was handled by Sir Davery’s skill wonderfully.

Maybe it’s just my feeling, but I think I’m getting used to this situation.

The long-awaited reply from the temple arrived two days later.

Though it’s later than I hoped to be here in a day, Still, this was not a bad speed.

On the contrary, it was just the right timing.

The four-day banquet ended yesterday, and we had a lot of time today.

As soon as I received a letter of permission to visit the temple, I hurried out of the mansion.

Ari, who was sitting next to me in the carriage, whispered to me with a flushed face.

“I’m nervous, Eonni.”

“Me too.”

I explained all my destinations and goals to Ari before departure.

Ari was still living in the mansion with me.

At the end of the banquet, The Grace couple returned to their home earlier, but Ari decided to stay at the dukedom as my guest because she needed Sir Davery’s help for her safety anyway.

“We will succeed, right? Oh no, I’m nervous.”

Ari seemed to feel that perhaps it was an interesting challenge to go steal the treasure of the gods.

She said she was nervous, but she seemed more excited.

It’s cute. If I think of her as a freshman in high school, everything she did just looked cute.

Sir Davery, who was also in the carriage as an escort, watching us and then opened his mouth.

“So, my lady, have you heard?”


“Count Kami’s successor, no, he’s no longer Count Kami’s successor.”

As he corrected himself, he continued.

“It’s said that Rigaa was expelled from the family.”

“If it’s Rigaa..…”

“Yes, that filthy scum.”

I knew as soon as I heard it. There’s only one human being in recent years that deserves to be described like that.

Ari opened her eyes wide to see if she understood immediately, and then clapped her hands.

“Wow! That criminal was chased out from Kami’s house?”


“Then what happens to him? He’s not a nobleman anymore?”

“Yes. He’s like a commoner.”

A brief explanation was added for Ari, who was not familiar with it.

Three days ago, on the second day of the banquet, he tried to give me a drugged drink, but failed, and even staged a hostage crisis to cover it up.

The position of Rigaa Kami was originally a count successor.

The Count title was originally his father’s, so he did not have a separate title.

In such a situation, when he was separated from the family, the family name “Kami” after his name will disappear as if it had never been before.

Then the only thing left for him is the name ‘Rigaa’.

He is in the same position as a commoner.

“By the way, Count Kami must have made up his mind.”

But to do that, he had to be really determined and cut him off. It isn’t as easy with just saying, ‘You’re not my son anymore. get out of this house!’.

The certificate of blood ties should be destroyed in front of others and deported documents from the family should be formally written to receive notarization from the imperial palace.

After doing so, it will be practically impossible to accept him as a family member again in the future.

Of course, in a noble society where bloodline is considered everything, there were only a few cases like this.

Sir Davery nodded.

“It’s a wise decision. It is a reasonable choice rather than die together trying to harbour a sinner.”

I suddenly remembered the fact that Ash had left the mansion and been somewhere.

Originally, he often went out for work, so I didn’t have to wonder where he was going, but now that I see it, I think he might have visited the Count Kami in person.

Count Kami’s unprecedented quick and bold decision made it easier to explain.

‘Did he really go and threatens him…….’

If it was me, I would have abandoned the child faster than anyone else.

When I sunk in my thoughts, Ari patted me and whispered quietly in the ear.

Eonni, it’s totally cider.”

Cider? How long has it been since I heard this expression? I pick smiled back.

“Yes, totally SXRITE.”

I put my heads together and giggled with Ari. Surely the opponent’s end was pleasant to hear.

Although what he was trying to do to me was an unsuccessful attempt, it was likely that he had ever done such a thing once or twice.

There must have been quite a few victims who couldn’t speak, but now that the shield of identity to protect him has disappeared, I just hope that he will be retaliated and practice causal retribution.

Eonni, how much longer do we have to go?”

“Well, a little more?”

Ari’s question reminded me of the map I had seen last night.

The Western Temple of Love, which holds the enchanted cloth, is quite far from here.

It wasn’t to the point of having to ride a horse all day, but the way to and from could have been rather boring.

Ari groaned and leaned her body.

“Actually, I have motion sickness. Sleepy motion sickness.”

“I see. Then I’ll wake you up when we arrive, so sleep.”

As soon as Ari put her head on the chair, she quickly began to breathe evenly.

I draped the curtain on the carriage window so that the prickly sunlight wouldn’t disturb Ari’s sleep.

Clip, Clop—

The sound of horses’ hooves was echoed by the sound of the carriage.

Sir Davery, who was in quite a state for a while, asked me.

“Have you ever been to the temple of love before?”

“No, I don’t. What about you?”

“This is my first time, too.”

Then he paused for a while and continued his words.

“I hardly remember going to the temple itself. I didn’t believe in God. Once.”


I thought it meant a lot. Apart from reminding me of my awkward past, which I had buried beyond my memory,

“You don’t believe once, then how about now? Have you come to believe in God?”



“To some extent.”

I took that answer to mean that he was more satisfied with his life now than ever.

Usually, distrust of God’s existence comes from frustration, anger, and scepticism about the hopeless situation that God can’t do this to me.

At least I did.

For Sir Davery, perhaps meeting Ash somehow was a turning point in his life that changed his perception of God.

“Good for you…”

Yes. The moment I was about to say so, the carriage suddenly rattled loudly.


I almost chewed my tongue and looked back in the direction of the horseman’s seat.

Although, that doesn’t mean I was able to see it from there.

Eonni? What’s going on?”

Ari, who woke up suddenly from her sleep due to the rattle, looked around with a hectic face.

“Lady, are you all right?”

“I’m all right, but why all of a sudden……..”


While talking, the wobbling of the carriage got worse.

I almost chewed my tongue again, so I just shut my mouth.

I wondered what the hell was going on. So, I reached out and pulled the curtains that covered the window.

Then I opened my eyes wide.

“What !?”

The dizzying view filled with grown trees with a fresh blue.

The carriage was suddenly running on a mountain road, more like a forest road.

“I’m asking because I don’t know, but……… Is this the right way?”

“……no, I guess?”

The mumbling was so severe that it was not easy to answer.

It’s my first time going to the temple of love.

But the road wasn’t something like this. I had a strong feeling that it was not the right way.

“I’ll ask the horseman.”

“I’ll do it.”

I put my head out of the window completely. This way I could see the horseman’s seat

You’re not saying you took the wrong road, are you? Although, I’m more convinced than if this was the right road.

with my head sticking out, I was about to talk to the horseman.

At a glance, a dismal voice brushed against the ear with the wind.

“……….. will do it.”

“Living like shit……….I can’t die alone”


“We all have to die together. I’m gonna kill them all.”

Wa, wait a minute.


No matter how much I looked at it, the horseman’s condition which seemed to be out of his mind, made me dizzy.

While the horseman’s ominous words to himself, the excessive shaking of the carriage, Ari’s brief screams and pain that eventually spread painfully by chewing his tongue were crowded, I suddenly thought about it.

What time is it now?’


The next moment the carriage wobbled rapidly.

My behaviour at this time was somehow instinctive. The hand moved first before the head recognized the situation.

Quickly, the beads were taken out of the arms.

Then I put it in my mouth and bit it as hard as I could.


When I blinked, Ari’s face was the first to be seen.

The next thing I noticed was a table, empty plates and utensils, a water bucket, a napkin.……



Eonni! What’s wrong?”

I slid down from my chair.

My heart fluttered. I sat down and raised my hand to feel my right cheek.

The molar, which had been so hard to break the bead, still seemed to be tingling.

I looked at the clock and it was half-past one.

‘This crazy.’

“Are you okay, eonni?”

“………I’m okay. I’ll go into the room first.”

I managed to get up and come back to the room. As soon as I closed the door, I slipped weakly again.


Cursing words emerged.

I almost died. Really, really almost passing to the underworld.

The situation flashes fast like lightning. The scene that I saw just before the carriage running to was clear.

It was definitely a cliff.

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