Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 301 - 301. Best Friends, Fans, Quidditch And Book

Magnus followed Emma and caught up to her. "Hey, what\'s wrong? Don\'t be jealous now. I didn\'t allow her to do that."

"That\'s not the point. You didn\'t deny it, that\'s the problem. Now, every other girl is gonna come and try to touch you." Emma said.

Magnus, who just realised this understood that the possibility of this happening was very high, "Then, I guess I will just have to put some curses. Come on now, don\'t pout your face. It\'s a day to celebrate."


"Boss, your Pizza.." An elf appeared soon after.

Magnus smiled as Emma\'s face changed following the announcement of there being a pizza. She quickly came to him and picked it up, "I accept your apology."

~I didn\'t apologise for anything.~ He thought but didn\'t say anything.

He sat with her, outside, eating pizza as they talked about things. Emma calmly questioned him, "Magnus, have you ever thought, what would have happened to your mum and dad if you had died?"

"Why are you asking this?" He asked.

"Think about it. You are the Descendent of Merlin and Arthur. It\'s you to whom the throne submits. What would have happened if you had died? Do you think aunt Grace and uncle Adam would live happily? No, the royal family would murder them. Car crashes are very common anyway." She said.

She was absolutely right. He knew people could fall very low in pursuit of power. If there he was not alive to threaten the people, the royal family had no reason to put up with Grace and Adam.

"And why are you telling me this?" He inquired.

She sighed and looked at the sky, "Aren\'t you tired? From what I can remember, you have been fighting since the first day in this school. When was the last time you actually had a proper rest, where you just relaxed."

Magnus could not remember that. "Well, honestly, I am tired. But, I can not stop. My life is at risk, and many others are too. Voldemort won\'t calm down unless he has killed me. So I must kill him first. And my fate was sealed the day I found I was both, an Emrys and a Pendragon. I\'ve just come to terms with the fact that my life is not going to be simple."

"It\'s hard being famous, I guess." She muttered.

"Well, Ragnar is much happier now, since we got him his revenge. I hope he stays a positive person now." Magnus changed the subject.


Emma suddenly threw a karate chop at his head, "Stop worrying about others all the time and think about yourself for once. Ragnar\'s crazy, his personality allows him to handle problems in a much better way, which is to be an asshole. But you are different, you think too much, and usually keep everything to yourself. You call us friends and never even share any problems."

"Well, that\'s because you\'re all kids," Magnus replied.

Emma, offended, asked back, "What do you mean? You\'re some old man?"

"No, what I mean is that my mind developed too fast. Physically I\'m a kid, but mentally I\'m growing faster than any of you. The only reason I prank people and mess around is that I don\'t want to grow up, I want to hold on to my childhood. Because... I know, being a grown-up comes with complementary depression." Magnus jokingly said.

She chuckled, "My mum says the same. Well, you got us. You know, we will never betray you. Heck, Severus even forsake his mother because he didn\'t want to betray you. He went to stop Lucius himself. You are blessed to have such awesome friends like us."


Magnus laughed and suddenly put his arm around Emma\'s shoulder and held her close. He did it purposefully, teasing her. She immediately shut up, her face turning red, her mind going blank and her body becoming warmer.

"Ah... Ma... What?" She forgot how to make a proper sentence.

Magnus warmly spoke to her, "Yes, I have amazing friends. I will not forget how Ragnar had my back, how Severus probably saved my life and how you, tried to find me, without a single care about yourself."

He ruffled her hair and got up, "Let\'s go back in, Emma. Or else Ragnar might start some stupid rumours about us."

She silently nodded and followed behind him. Her face revealed a thousand words. But in her heart, she was blooming. Knowing that Magnus truly recognised her as a close one.

A sense of pride rose up in her heart, ~Damn right, those hoes got nothing on me. I will always be the closest girl to Magnus... maybe after Mrs Grant but still.~


The next day, in the early morning, Magnus heard loud knocks on his dorm door. Severus and Ragnar were still sleeping. Severus looked as if he was having his first relaxing sleep after a long time. Ragnar as always was snoring. Summer was also sleeping on her perch.

He annoyedly opened the door. *BAM*

Suddenly someone hugged him. He looked down, it was Regulus. He released Magnus and happily chirped, "I\'m so happy you\'re fine. I knew they were planning something but not that it was going to be this big."

Magnus took Regulus with him to the common room, which was empty. "But you warned me, and that allowed me to start preparing from early on. You are also responsible for saving me."

Regulus nodded, knowing Magnus was just being humble. "Well, big bro, can I get the notes for more advanced years? Your notes helped me a lot and I have already completed the syllabus for the 3rd year."

Mind you, Regulus was in his 2nd year right now. But knowing he came from the Black family, which most likely gave him some sort of magical class before starting school, it was understandable.

Magnus scratched his head, "Umm, I will have to make them first. I will drop them in your room by tomorrow."


The Slytherin Commonroom entrance was slammed open and Slughorn entered. "Ah, good morning, Mr Pendragon. I see you\'re also an early bird. Well, you should have these boxes. We have been receiving fan letters for a whole month now. Since nobody knows your exact address in the school, they were addressed to the school. We wanted to let you rest so we waited until now."

Magnus was awestruck, Slughorn probably had about 5 big cartons. Each was filled to the brim with letters.

Magnus took out a few and read them. Some were outright written by thirsty women. He threw them to the side. While some were written by kids with limited writing skills. These were the cute ones, in which they said Magnus was their hero.

Not just that, many were written in other languages, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish and so on. There were many with fan art.

"Mister Pendragon, I\'m a big fan. I saw you play quidditch in France. I will cheer for you in the world cup." a little kid\'s letter said.

Magnus wondered when the world found out about him joining the quidditch team. What he didn\'t know was that the English Quidditch Team captain had come to France to watch his game. And his reaction was way beyond the team\'s management\'s expectations.


A few days ago, just the day after Magnus won the Inter-School quidditch cup. The captain of the English Quidditch Team returned to headquarters.

"F*CK! He\'s so good. WE MUST GET HIM! No, offer him whatever he wants, I\'m ready to give him my captaincy if he needs it. And director, you must use all your power and money to make sure our matches are delayed and we only meet weak teams until His Majesty\'s birthday." the captain babbled loudly.

The management was confused, wondering what the hell the captain even saw. Only a few hours later in the newspaper did they find out that Magnus had broken the record for the fastest catch.


When Magnus was reading the newspaper. A faithful follower of Magnus, Rita Skeeter, was writing a book. Originally, she was a slave to Magnus, but now she doesn\'t care. She was a true follower and believer in everything Magnus did.

Hence, her new book was near completion. She had been working on it for a long time, but due to nothing major happening in Magnus\' life, she couldn\'t fight a high point to end the book. Now, with this ground-shaking battle, she had enough material.

The book was named, "The Greatest Battle Of The Millennia. Dragon Vs A Thousand Snakes."

It depicted the events from the second year of Magnus\' school until right now. Rita, though, put the book on hold as she wanted to wait to see Magnus win the World Cup, giving her more explosive material to write.

"This is going to be the greatest work of my life." She claimed, something that she did with the last book as well.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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