Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 232 - 232. Breakfast Shenanigans

"Your Majesty!" Eugenia stood up to greet him. With every passing day, Magnus was getting so strong in the political world that she came to both respect and fear him. Sometimes even sighing in relief knowing he was on their side.

Magnus took a seat and gestured for her to sit too. "Well, this was not the kind of dinner night I had expected. I told you last time to keep an eye on the ministry employees. It only takes one rotten fish to dirty the whole pond." ​​

She nodded and tried to explain, "We did actually find and prosecuted 23 employees a while ago with questionable records. However, now we\'re finding that these sleeper agents never had a bad record, they\'ve even lived a normal life since birth, and there is no evidence of radicalisation. So we have no idea how to go about finding them."

Magnus sighed, the situation seems worse than he thought, "Then, I believe these sleeper cells are nothing but pawns of some families, only they can inject seemingly ghosts into the ministry. Try to investigate while keeping in mind those who have close ties with the kind of families we despise."

"What about the Goblins? Will they still be neutral to the Death Eaters?" She inquired, knowing Magnus had control over them.

He shook his head, "I may have some control over the vaults there and their management, but they form their own policies. I try to walk carefully so they don\'t feel I am enslaving them. And from what I know, they won\'t do anything.

"Unless they face real big harm, which they might sooner rather than later. They lack the basic understanding that money is only good as long as the people want it, but what the Dark Lord and his donkeys want is power. For that, taking over Gringotts is a must."

"And you won\'t let that happen?" She asked back doubtfully.

"Haha, why wouldn\'t I? It will teach the bank a lesson and also tell the world that if they don\'t fight now they can say their goodbye to a peaceful and somewhat just world." He replied.

"What about this?" Eugenia put the evening newspaper in front of him.

Immediately, Magnus read the big headline, "WHEN A DRAGON ROARS! BYSTANDERS BURN!"

"They are trying to spoil your name so that nobody follows you. Just like how you deal with them, they are copying. I don\'t know how famous this publication is but some should be buying it for it to exist." Eugenia worriedly said.

Magnus, read the whole article, which was just slandering him. But, the next moment he howled in laughter, "HAHAHA... ah, these fools. These three men are alive and well. They were under Imperius curse, I just faked their death to force out the ministry rat. I\'m going to love spoiling whatever credibility this newspaper has, oh a lawsuit also sounds good. Rita is going to have a field day over it."

Eugenia took a sigh of relief. She was stuck between the two sides. But she had already taken the side of Magnus now and surely she didn\'t want him to lose. The soldiers only get to enjoy when their king wins, if the king loses, the soldiers are turned into slaves.

"Well, I\'ll be leaving now. Oh, make sure that the attacker is dealt with. But only after tomorrow, so the world will know what happened. That attacker had a family, let them know the truth too. If they have no jobs then transfer all that man\'s wealth to his wife." He instructed her and got up to leave.

"School will be resuming soon, so I need to go back and deal with a few remaining things. See you." He waved and left as he arrived.

"How does he do all this at the same time?" She wondered when he was gone.

Many wondered this, that how does he do so many things at the same time. The answer was simple, he never put his focus on just one thing. Instead, he focuses on all his ideas, then slowly implements them which later gives him fruits. To others, it looks sudden but only Magnus knows the hard work.


Magnus went back home, it was late already and almost everyone was long asleep. He also moved to his room and silently laid down on the bed.

The next morning, he brushed and quickly went downstairs, everyone had woken up and the breakfast was being set on the table. He smiled, the big house now looked slightly fuller, and it was warming.

"Mum, good morning." He greeted everyone and took a seat.

"Here you go, your favourite pancakes." Grace put a stack of pancakes on his plate.

Happily and spoiled he ate it with big bites. He loved being doted over by Grace as it made him remember his childhood.

"So, what is our son doing going to do today? Which nation has earned your wrath?" Adam jokingly asked.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Dad, I\'m no king or conqueror. I\'m just a businessman doing business."

"Businessboy." Ragnar blurted.


Everyone turned their heads left and right. Someone just shouted Magnus\' name so loud.

"Abe, check who it is," Magnus ordered.

They continued eating for a few more minutes when suddenly the main door opened and a girl with bluish-grey eyes and dark brown wavy hair walked in. She wore a knee-length floral sundress. She was bubbly and excited to see the inside of Magnus\' home.

Grace was the first to get up and give her a hug, "Aw... Emma, you came at the right time. Come, let\'s eat breakfast."

"Thank you, Mrs Grant." She greeted her politely with a big happy smile. Then she was dragged to the table and made to sit just to the side of Magnus.

"Hey, Magnus." She greeted.

Magnus, with his mouth full of pancakes and his hands dirty from the butter, quickly wiped them off on Ragnar\'s shirt on his other side and shook her hand. "I knew you\'d be coming sometime soon. You picked the right time, I am free now."

"Really? Then... will you show me around the city? I\'ve never seen the muggle city much." She asked with longing eyes.

"Sure, we will go out after eating. Here, have some pancakes." He shared some with her. Although he used to treat her very coldly, Magnus was slowly changing and realising that being mean to someone for no reason was not very nice. Why spoil someone else\'s mood just because you\'re annoyed? Besides, Emma didn\'t have anything bad planned for him, she was just a misguided youth, dreaming of royal romance.

Though, it was also correct to say that even Magnus had no idea what Emma really wanted and why she even likes him. So, his thoughts were just his interpretations.

"Mag, pass me the maple syrup." She requested.

Ragnar was looking at Magnus\' face with a smug look. He was smiling the whole time. And just when Emma called his name, he was about to howl like a wolf.


But he all of a sudden felt something touch his little brother down there, it was a feeling he never wanted to feel again in this life. It was too traumatising.

"You know the drill. Eat silently or wail painfully." Magnus threatened him.

Ragnar\'s face froze, eyes widened and his mouth stuck in the shape of an O. Only air came in and out.

"Rag, what happened, boy?" Old Grandpa asked.

Ragnar smiled, "Hehe, nothing, Grandpa, just feeling some things I don\'t think you can feel anymore."

"PFFT..." Magnus snorted and orange juice came out of his nose.

"AAAAA... NO NO!" Ragnar suddenly jumped in fright as Magnus\' sudden movement made his wand stick too close to Ragnar\'s fears.

"What is going on here?" Adam asked them quickly.

"Nothing, dad. Everything\'s under control. Let\'s eat, then I will go out." He changed the topic and started gobbling down pancakes. Nobody could see Ragnar\'s fright.


After the whole Breakfast mess, he changed his clothes and went out, taking Abe along as the driver of the car. The Old Elf even had a driving licence now, and citizenship.

"Where are we going first, Mag?" She asked him excitedly, sitting in the backseat.

"Umm, to see the Tower Bridge. To be honest, our magical world got many better attractions. Hogwarts is one of the biggest castles in the world." Magnus argued.

"But... they don\'t have muggles." She countered.

Magnus\' face twitched, ~Are muggles zoo animals?~

The car started and Abe steered it out of the property to the main road. The guards were still there, they had stopped Emma before.

However, just as the car got out, Magnus saw a man on the other side of the street, with a banner in his hand. He was alone, looked old and dirty.

"Mag, what does that mean? \'My son is not a communist?\'" Emma read what was on the banner and asked.

"I... I don\'t know, Emma, but will soon. Abe, contact George and tell him to find out." He ordered. He\'d rather not have anyone protesting in front of his house, attracting more attention.

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You can read 20(Currently 14) advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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