Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 193 - 193. Sirius' Love

With New Year, Magnus\' holidays ended. It was time to head back now. He packed his bags and headed out. It was publicised that he studies in a boarding school, but not which one. Everyone could only guess.

They arrived at the train station. Magnus and Ragnar were only looking for Sirius and James this whole time, they wanted to see their faces. Adam and Grace were important people now, so they couldn\'t come with Magnus to drop him here. ​​

"I kind of feel bad for Sirius now, did we go too far?" Magnus wondered.

But Ragnar denied, "Nah, you gave direct hints about your identity and they were too horny to realise the truth."

"What are you talking about?" Severus arrived just then.

Magnus chuckled, "Let\'s go to the cabin first and then talk."

They boarded the train, and sure enough, they found an overzealous Emma, holding seats for them. She had probably fought a few people by now.

"Good Morning, Emma." Magnus greeted her. She was a part of his group, after all, it\'d be wrong if he treated her badly just because she likes him.

"Hey there, Magnus. I thought of coming to your home but then I saw the newspaper as you told me to. You seemed busy so I aborted." She said.

Magnus showed a thumbs up, "You did well. Don\'t worry, we will have a summer break. You can come at that time."

She cheered up knowing this. She thought she had lost Magnus\' invitation.

"Anyway, if you want to see the best drama of your life, stick around me tomorrow. It\'s related to Sirius" He advised them.

This excited Emma and intrigued Severus. He even went as far as to say, "If it\'s related to Sirius, I can wait all day."

Soon the train started moving. Magnus, with his friend, got back to doing what he loved, eating. He sometimes thanked his body, as he didn\'t get fat even after eating so much.

"Ah, congratulations, Mag. You are now an official prince." Emma spoke.

Severus scoffed, "Most wizards already considered him the king. It\'s just the muggles who are ignorant."

"Because muggles don\'t really care about blood. Besides, I\'m such a big deal in the magical world because of being related to Merlin. If I was just related to Arthur, most would\'ve ignored me." Magnus corrected him.

"True, you can\'t compare wizarding folks with normal people. Ah, give me more chocolates." Ragnar moved.

Hearing chocolates, Magnus remembered something. "Rag, I had an idea. I need you and Sev to make a chocolate that does not make you fat. We can get rich with it, trust me. Aren\'t I right, Emma, would you buy this chocolate? Don\'t you think you need them?"

"Sure, I would buy them... WAIT... DID YOU JUST CALL ME FAT?" Emma shouted at him.

Magnus just laughed it off. He liked pulling his friend\'s legs.


In the evening, the train aligned itself on the Hogsmeade station. Magnus yawned and got off. As always, Hagrid was standing there. The gentle giant got excited after seeing Magnus.

"Look what I got, a new wand for meself. Professor Dumbledore got it for me." Hagrid said, happily showing off his 16-inch wand/cane.

"That\'s good, now you don\'t need to hide it in an umbrella." Magnus congratulated him.

But Hagrid seemed shocked, "WHAT? You knew about that?"

Ragnar chuckled, "Hehe, I think everybody knew it, Hagrid."

"BLIMEY! They could\'ve thrown me in Azkaban. Thank you, Magnus. Because of you, they cleared my name."

Magnus felt that if he talked more to Hagrid, the half-giant would start crying. "It\'s okay, Hagrid. You are a friend. Okay, we should head to school now. See you later."

They got on the Thestral carriage and arrived at the school. The routine dinner and Dumbledore\'s speech took place. After that, all were told to go to their dorms.

From his seat, Magnus noticed Sirius was smiling all the time. He was also looking around the whole hall, trying to find his girl. Magnus didn\'t want to publicly shame him, this prank was supposed to be a private thing among friends so he decided to end it somewhere private.


In the dorms,

"Summer, Chad, behave now. You two have grown too big. Summer, you are like the queen of owls now, good girl. Chad... you are just fat, you are the king of trash food. You will only get healthy food from now on." Magnus addressed his two pets.

"MEOW..." Chad protested.

"You crazy cat, your heart will fail if you eat like this. Do you want to die?" Magnus asked.

Chad stayed silent for a second, then shook his head.

"See, so you will eat healthy food. Also, there are many healthy foods that are tasty, so you don\'t have to worry about taste." Magnus assured him.

Chad then sadly went to the window and sat there, looking out, like a heartbroken teenager, sitting in the last seat of a bus, trying to look emo.

Summer was cheerful though, she loved playing around Magnus, Ragnar and Severus, and all of them entertained her too.

"Summer, tomorrow morning, you need to deliver this letter to Sirius, okay?" He handed her an envelope.

She responsibly put it near the door, that\'s where her most delivery items stayed.


Next Morning,

Gryffindor Dorms were on a higher floor, this meant there were also windows. So summer just went through the window and dropped the letter on Sirius\' bed.

When he returned from the bath, he excitedly opened the letter in secret.

"Oh my love, the time has come to meet. I am feeling restless, my heart is racing. Finally, the moment we have been waiting for.

I will wait for you, in the 1st floor\'s girl\'s bathroom. Please, come fast.


Sophia Gonrys Antnus"

Sirius was on cloud nine. His heart started pounding. Although it had been just a few weeks since he started getting the letters, he felt an attraction to the girl. Because of all the dirty things she would write.

On top of that, the photo was also too pretty, so he was head over heels. Where would you find such an awesome girl?

So, with excitement, he wore his school robes but made sure to put on a lot of perfume. He cleaned his hair and put some kind of polish on them.

"How do I look?" Sirius asked James.

"Perfect, go get her, brother." James gave a thumbs up.

Remus, who had been reading the letter that had just arrived, felt something off, "Hmm, are you sure? This name feels a bit weird, it kind of feels like I have read it before."

"Huh, you\'re just jealous because I got such a hot girlfriend." Sirius scoffed.

Remus shrugged and threw the letter away. "Well, it\'s your doom if it turns out to be fake."

Meanwhile, Peter was feeling jealous. He was constantly looking at the photo and touched his body.

"AY! No horny. She\'s mine." Sirius, acting as a protective boyfriend, took the photo away.

He then took a very long breath, "Wish me luck,"

He headed out. With each step, his heart pounded faster. With each step, his mind started to run various scenarios. With each step, he started dreaming of the future.

It was finally the day to meet his love. His life\'s first love. He wondered how tall she would be. He wondered how she would look in real life.

~Will... I kiss her today? Ah... thank god I used some mouth spray.~ He thought.


Back in Gryffindor Dorm.

"What are you doing? Let\'s go, guys, aren\'t you interested in seeing how it goes? Let\'s follow him secretly." James suggested.

Remus got up, "Let\'s go, I wanna know if my doubts are correct."

Peter silently followed.


1st Floor Girls\' Bathroom

"AH! Come on, stay still, let me make you pretty." Emma was helping Magnus get their model ready for the final meeting.

Magnus had worked really hard to bring this model to school. But they needed to make this meeting as memorable as possible."

"YES! All done, this is a perfect piece of art." Emma proudly finished putting the makeup on.

Magnus looked at her and felt like vomiting. "I hope Sirius doesn\'t fall sick after this."

"No, this is going to be the greatest prank in the history of pranks. On the guy who considers himself the best prankster." Ragnar proudly said.

"Are the cameras ready?" Magnus asked them.

Severus seemed more excited so he was the one putting the camera, "Yes, all 5 of them are ready."

"I CAN\'T WAIT! This is the most exciting thing ever since I died." Myrtle was also there.


"AH! He\'s here, everyone, hide." Magnus loudly whispered. They all ran to hide in the toilet stalls. While their model stayed in the centre, her back facing the door.

"Come in," she softly spoke.

The door creaked open slowly. Sirius calmly walked in, but his heart was running so fast he could hear it beat.

"Sophia?" Sirius called her.

Sirius had her photo in his hand, she looked a little short in real life but he could accept this. He gulped looking at her from the back. Her long black hair, her noticeable buttocks, her figure, all entranced him.

Then he noticed that just like in the photo, she was wearing cute cat ears. He had told her that he loved them. ~Hehe, she wore them for me.~

He wanted to hug her from behind. But he knew he should talk a little first.

[A/N: Are you ready to see the beauty that can melt steel with her cuteness?]

[You can again see the image of Sirius\' love on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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