Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 166 - 166. Pancake Dil-Emma

The news about the whole child trafficking continues to hit the world. With many countries taking this seriously and really making many arrests to put people who buy kids behind bars. Some of the countries with capital punishment that still cared about their image directly started sentencing those convicted to death.

It was like a wave that was not giving up. One after another famous people would get caught. In the UK itself, all the people named on the list were caught and convicted. There was also pressure from the government not to be soft on anybody because the Prime Minister knew better not to mess with Magnus in this case. ​​

At the same time, Tom found himself in a strange situation. He had been sent to the police college and from there he would receive special training for higher-ranking leadership. All he was told was that he\'s getting a promotion. He didn\'t know it was going to be a triple promotion.

Around the same time, some interviews had started to come up on the news channel. They were from the kids Magnus had saved from that building.

Most of them were happy and thankful to all three for saving them. But there was one little girl who was continuously talking about Magnus. She was the 5-year-old daughter of a prosecutor.

Little girl: Yes, big brother Magnus saved me. He\'s the best... I will marry him when I grow up.

Reporter: Won\'t your dad feel sad then?

She innocently looked at her dad\'s face and shook her face and replied, "No, Magnus is prettier."


Back in Hogwarts, unaware of random girls having a crush on him, Magnus was busy with quidditch. The tournament had started and Magnus was not sparing any team this time.

Emma was the captain, some of the senior team members tried to strongarm her to follow their lead instead of hers, but Magnus threatened them with quitting the team if they didn\'t behave. Then they threatened that they would quit if their words were not followed. So Magnus again threatened them that they are welcome to quit but then their names will appear in the newspaper and they will be called wuss and weak, a shame to house Slytherin.

They soon realised quidditch was not worth being on the bad side of Magnus. So they followed like good sheep.

Emma now had a free hand in organising the formation. She did an amazing job. She kept in mind how Magnus played, she made sure that all the teammates were there to help him catch the golden snitch as soon as possible.

Magnus, too, made a strategy to use himself as bait and get other team members hit by the bludger.

During the match, once again Emma shouted directions for him to dodge, but all the team members were doing it too, creating a much bigger confusion for the opponents, not knowing which one was giving the real direction at a time.

Because of this confusion, Magnus had lured 2 players from the opposing team to fall down. Though he always helped them and never let them fall from too much height.

Beyond that, the game was easy. He easily catches the golden snitch.


"I guess it\'s Slytherin\'s time to shine," James muttered. He had accepted by now that the Slytherin team was too strong.

"Don\'t worry, give your best. Even if we lose, at least don\'t lose to Hufflepuff." Sirius consoled him.


"With this, Slythering reaches the finals, with a lead of 180 points over Ravenclaw\'s 30 points. Tomorrow, the other finalist team will be decided in a match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor." The announcer shouted from the audience booths.

Magnus with a smile landed on the ground and walked to Emma. He handed her the golden snitch and said, "Only one more match. Prepare for the final taste test of pancakes. You better not disappoint me."

He then left to take a bath.

Emma, with an annoyed face, stomped her feet, "I didn\'t sign up for this mental torture! How would I know if he\'ll like it."

But then her eyes fell on Ragnar sitting in the audience, "Hehe... maybe he can help."



[A/N: For those who have not read my Grandpa Universe in Multiverse fic, Deadpool is the God of hell, and is responsible for punishing all the sinners from the entire Omniverse.]


At the entrance gate of hell, a small booth was set up. Deadpool\'s favourite work in hell was to greet new guests. Even though he was the lord and didn\'t need to do anything.

♫I\'m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world.

Life in plastic, it\'s fantastic...♫

"You can brush my hair... Undress me everywhere... hmm hmm haha..." Deadpool cheerfully sang along to the song.

He was putting nail polish on himself. But, he hadn\'t even taken off his suit. He was polishing it over the gloves.

"Hehe... I bet old man will like me if I look Kawaii." He giggles to himself.


*Ting Ting*

Suddenly the arrival bell rang and a man appeared.

"Oooh, welcome to hell. We are trying to provide the best service possible. Let\'s see what you did..." Deadpool took a file out of nowhere.


His nail-polish bottle fell as he looked at the file in shock, "Hmm... Oscar Thumbling. Woah... a category 4 sinner? Haven\'t seen this in a while. What did you do? Let\'s see... AH! you liked children... a little too much. Sold them too? WAIT! Does this mean I will be getting a lot of pedos in hell soon? It\'s going to be a pedo bonanza. I must prepare the penetration trolls now."

Deadpools constantly blabbered to himself. Oscar Thumbling, was still in shock as he had arrived in hell. He used to think it was all myth. But here he was.

"Who are you?" Oscar asked.

Deadpool put his arm on Oscar\'s shoulder and took him inside the gate of hell. "I am the God of Hell. Top boss around. And this is my workspace. It ain\'t much but it\'s honest work.

"Come, let\'s get you your Boiling Oil Bath treatment first, you know, sanitation is very important, I don\'t want some deadly virus to spread around here. After that, you will go through the tunnel boring machine.

"Oh, look. That\'s Elon Husk. Don\'t worry, he\'s not a sinner, he had just launched himself to Mars, and due to some spatial disturbance, he landed here. And because everything here is red, he thinks this is Mars. Well, I have an amazing engineer now, he made that tunnel boring machine."

Oscar was confused, "Will I be made to dig a tunnel? Is that my punishment?"

Deadpool became silent first and then laughed as if he had heard the biggest joke ever. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Oh boy... you are so dense. No, that tunnel boring machine is to drill your ass and enlarge it. So that the penetration trolls can f*ck you up, literally, for eternity. That\'s what pedos get in my hell. And don\'t worry, your soul is a category 4 sinner, which means you can never leave hell.

"Welcome to your new life, Oscar Thumbling... pfft... what a dumb name. But that\'s still better than Pussytart, I guess. AH! 5 more sinners have arrived."

"WAIT! Where are you going? NOOOO... DON\'T DO THIS..." Oscar fearfully screamed. But he was being dragged by some demons and was then strapped to the machine, with his butt naked.

And then, the great tunnel boring machine, with a diameter of 1 metre and length of 3 metres was launched.


Such screams were too common in Hell, so nobody even realised the addition of Oscar. Meanwhile, Elon Husk admired his creation from the side, thinking about where he could improve.

Deadpool was very busy for the most part. But when he finally had time, he again got to decorating his own body to look "KAWAII"


"Oye, the old man asked you to come. Follow me." A grey cat with a big creepy smile appeared out of nowhere.

Deadpool excitedly looked at him, "My favourite round, chubby, Chaos God Cat, Hats. Just a second."

Soon he had gotten ready, with a blue wig on his head. "AH! Will old man like my new kawaii look? My new wig is made of dried skin of a thousand category 4 women sinners. This is premium stuff. What do you think?"

Hats first vomited all the food he had eaten that morning in a very dramatic manner. Then he sternly replied, "STAY AWAY FROM ME, FILTH!"

"Awww... you love me, I know. Let\'s go, my fat cat friend." Deadpool ran after Hats to pick him up.

"STAY AWAY! Keep your disgusting hands off of my fur... I will complain to the old man otherwise." Hats started running for his dear life.

[Omake Ends]

[You can see Deadpool on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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