Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 47 - 47. Mother Magnus


While the three friends were talking to each other, a sudden sound came from Magnus\' pocket. ​​

"MEOW?" Chad perked his head up from Magnus\'s bed where he was sleeping.

"Ah... I forgot to show you. Look at this, I found him in Merlin\'s vault. It is supposed to be a baby dragon, but all he does is quack like a duck." Magnus said.

Ragnar and Snape looked at the little thing. It looked very cute with his big eyes, looking at them in wonder.

"Isn\'t keeping a dragon illegal?" Snape questioned.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, it is. But, I doubt the Ministry would want to make a blunder with me after what happened in Diagon Alley. Also, I will let it stay in Merlin\'s castle when I go there during the Christmas holidays. Do you two want to come with me?"

"HELL YEAH!" Ragnar got excited.

But Snape had a conflicted face, "I don\'t think my parents will let me come."

"Come on, don\'t worry. I will come to your home and take you. I will talk to your family. Also, don\'t forget my earlier offer." Magnus reminded him.

"What does he eat though?" Ragnar questioned.

"Meat?" Magnus guessed.

"I think I know the best person to help with this. He loves animals and will keep our secret." Snape suggested.

Magnus already guessed who Snape was talking about. "Hagrid? Of course, he\'s a gentle giant. Let\'s go to him. We still have enough time till dinner."

"Let\'s go then." The two immediately agreed.

Magnus looked at the cat, "Chad, you wanna come with me?"

Chad just rolled to the other side and kept on sleeping. Taking the gesture as a rejection, "Okay, then keep an eye on our stuff."

The school was somewhere in Scotland. So, it feels a little cold at night. They wore their thin coats and went out. The Common room had not many students right now, Lucius and his gang were also not there.

Nobody stopped them or dared to ask where they were going. When Magnus was in detention, due to being bored, he did read the rule book of Hogwarts. He found out many interesting things. For example, boys were not allowed to go to girl\'s dorms, it was magically banned, but girls could go to boy\'s dorms, although it was against rules it was not magically enforced. There were also many rules about conduct. But, all of them had some loopholes, which Magnus guessed were created by the elites so they could misuse them.

"Ragnar, how do you still have money for all the ingredients for your potions?" Magnus inquired while they walked.

"My family was very rich, if we were blood supremacists, we would have been included in the sacred 28 or something. I am the last remaining member of Oroborus house so I have full authority over the accounts, even though I am a minor." Ragnar explained.

"Hmm, well, I got lots of money too, so don\'t be shy if you want to use it. I won\'t use it for my personal use though. It is not my money and we will use it for the library funds later. (To keep it a secret, they call their Round Table secret society library.).

"For my personal needs, I will earn money on my own. I want to make a big hospital for my mummy someday, and I want it to be made of my hard-earned money." Magnus replied.

"Do you have any idea where you can make so much money?" Snape asked.

"Yup, I got a bunch of ideas. But, we are too small for them right now. I need to wait a few years. But, we can still make money through some other methods. Although I said I won\'t use money in the vault for selfish reasons, that does not include my studies and all the items needed to make myself stronger. That is a justified use. So, I am going to open a magical gym, where we can train our powers and learn to fight. I will ask Moody to recommend a trainer. Also, there are so many rare gems in the vault that if sold would crush the world economy. I might sell one or two of them. If we want to expand the library, we must start early." Magnus revealed his plan. He had already cast a notice-me-not and Muffliato Charm to keep their conversation private.

"You got it all sorted, it seems," Ragnar commented.

While talking, they reached the outdoor hut of Hagrid before they even knew it. The Hut seemed like a small structure from a distance, but when you get close to it, you realise how big it was, exactly fitting for a giant human like Hagrid.


"Coming, coming... who is it so late?


"Ah, it\'s nothing, Fang..."

Voices from behind the door were coming. Soon, after some loud footsteps, the door opened. "Oh, Magnus... what are you doing here? Come on in."

Magnus liked this man. He was so friendly and direct with people, not sugarcoating or politicising everything.

"Thank you, Hagrid. It\'s a nice modest hut you got here." Magnus said and picked the cute puppy from the floor, waging its tail near his feet.

"Thank you, Magnus. It ain\'t much but it\'s honest work. Here, I got some hot chocolate. You take some too, boys." Hagrid offered.

"So, what are you three doing here? You should be at the dinner table." Hagrid asked.

Magnus quickly took out the small duck out of his pocket. Yes, he had nicknamed the dragon "Duck". He would give him a better more ferocious name when he grows up.

"OHOHO... what do we have here?" Hagrid immediately cleaned his hands and held Duck.


The baby dragon looked around himself interestedly. Until now, he had been feeling very comfortable in Magnus\' pocket because of how warm he was.

"I think Merlin left this dragon for me. Just popped out of his egg. But he quacks like a duck." Magnus said.

Hearing the word Merlin, Hagrid handled the baby dragon with extra care. He checked him to see which species he belonged to. "I can\'t guess which species he belongs to. I\'ve never seen this one before. Must be some ancient species that was hunted to extinction."

"That\'s sad. Well, do you have something he could eat? I don\'t know how to take care of a dragon." Magnus asked.

"Yes, yes, I know some things about them. But he is too small for now and will only drink milk. But, Magnus, you do know that the punishment for keeping a dragon or any other 5th level dangerous animal is Azkaban?" Hagrid warned him.

"And who will send me there?" Magnus asked.

That was a sound argument. If the ministry were to ever send Magnus to Azkaban, then it would divide all of the British Wizarding World. Not to mention, it will have many international repercussions too.

"Ah, right about that. But still, you can\'t keep him in school. What if someone found him?" Hagrid asked.

Magnus nodded, "Right about that, how about you keep him here till Christmas. After that, I will find him the right home."

Hagrid tickled the baby dragon, "I can do that."

"Nice, means we won\'t have to clean after him." Ragnar cheered. It was in his mind all this time, that if they were to keep him then they would have to clean him too.

They got up to leave, "Okay, Hagrid. I will visit regularly to see Duck."

"Be at ease, Magnus. I will take good care of him." Hagrid assured.



Just as they were leaving, Duck jumped out of Hagrid\'s palm and ran to Magnus\' feet and started jumping.


Magnus picked him in his hand. Then, Duck jumped right into his pocket and made himself comfortable.

Snape chuckled, "Congratulations, Magnus. You are a mother now."

Magnus felt helpless. "I guess I will have to take care of him on my own. Can you give me a milk bottle for him?"

Hagrid gave him the one he used when Fang was a newborn puppy.

"Take care of him, if you need anything, just come here," Hagrid said, absolutely worried for the little dragon. But he understood that the dragon was more attached to Magnus.

The three then left the hut. Magnus looked at Ragnar, "I guess we will have to clean after him anyway. Okay, we\'ll do it in rounds. I do it for 3 days, you take 2 each."

"HEY, he\'s your dragon. Why do we have to clean his poop." Ragnar protested.

Magnus folded his hands, "Really, then I guess you don\'t want to ride on his back when he grows up?"

Just hearing that, Ragnar\'s eyes glowed. "AHAHA... I was kidding, Magnus. Of course, I will take care of the little Duck."

Magnus then looked at Snape. He was really good at keeping a poker face, but Magnus was also good at reading subtle hints, "What about you?"

"Fine, I will do it." He scoffed and went faster than the tree.

[You can see Hagrid\'s hut on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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