Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 167 - The God Of Transmigration


Within a completely white space that rested in between the Spatial Walls of many different Worlds, an entity resembling an old, bearded man made entirely out of bright light glanced at several holographic windows showing the influx of souls within the worlds he managed.

He was no one else than an entity that existed in between many worlds, an entity created by the unknown and immensely powerful being named Samsara, part of an intergalactic group of entities known as Transmigration Gods, who managed many worlds across all the Universe.

All Worlds with life needed an entity to manage their transmigration cycles, the reincarnation of souls across that world.

When a mortal died, their souls would wander the world, and would then be absorbed by the Transmigration Cycle, an immense Divine Construct with the same power if not greater power than the System itself.

This powerful Divine Construct managed to the transmigration and cleansing of Souls, each time a soul died, it would be sucked by this transmigration cycle, which would then cleanse the soul of memories and any powers it could develop, absorbing the mana and using it as the fuel to keep this entire Divine Construct going.

This entity was named Hekaton, and he was given the task of administrating Earth\'s Transmigration Cycle, alongside many other strange worlds, such as one named Kritias which possessed two parallel versions that were interconnected through a phenomenon known as "Mirror Existences", where every living being in both worlds, even the gods themselves were replicated and mirrored with one another, something that often did not happen as precisely in other parallel worlds.

Alongside this Earth, there were also many other parallels "Earths" which he administrated. However, amidst all such Earths, there was no one with such a level of destruction like this one.

"Hmph, indeed. This one was really absorbed by the Miasma released by the Child of Chaos eons ago… My lord Samsara, on all his greatness, had precisely predicted that this would happen… And so it will happen in many other worlds. This is what he calls the "Era of the Apocalypse"… And it was all provoked by the Child of Chaos… that being that was reincarnated by the System Master in that faraway world, Genesis…"

Hekaton glanced at Earth from far away, as if he were looking at it from space, his powers did not give him the freedom to look directly inside of the world, but he was able to tell a lot by simply glaring at it from within his Divine Realm.

"The "God" formed by Humanity in this world is rather unique compared to other Parallel Earths, a hive-minded entity made through beliefs and the condensation and refinement of the mana contained in all these beliefs and prayers of all humans… Through this method, for many years, it condensed and finally formed into a single, hive-minded entity that represented many figures admired by this humanity…"

The Transmigration God gently caressed his long beard, as he seemed to be thinking about something, considering his next course of actions.

"I would have long left this world to its demise. 80% of the population died in that catastrophic incident, and the God there was not even able to save his humanity as efficiently as it could have been, so many minds together made a chaotic being, it cannot easily take decisions because it is constantly contradicting itself…"

However, there was something special that Hekaton, the Transmigration God, had found in this world right after the Apocalypse began.

Aside from the System Master meddling with this world, the entity that had also offered his help to him in hopes of defeating two entities that were trying to ruin the System Master\'s plans in yet another world, Ervas and Veronica, which were also coincidently ruining Hekaton\'s Transmigration Cycle within Kritias, Hekaton had seen how this Apocalyptic Earth could be a good way to inspect the changes that other parallel worlds he worked on would undergo.

Just like his great master and creator has ordered him, Hekaton had begun the creation of his own System, the Samsara System, which he would use to take into the "System Market" that the System Master was trying to monopolize in the worlds that were about to enter into an Apocalypse.

Although he was not going to use the Samsara System in this world as it was already taken by the System Master, he was planning on using it in other parallel Earth below his jurisdiction, alongside other non-Earth worlds.

The System Master had a neutral relationship with Hekaton, as both were aware of each other\'s strength, which was almost equal, although the System Master seemed to enjoy more freedoms than Hekaton, and was able to easily travel through worlds unlike Hekaton, and do many things thanks to his Supreme Divinity of the System, which Hekaton did not possess.

Hekaton was simply a God of Transmigration, he was possibly hundreds of times older than the System Master and had lived for eons, but his powers were limited to his Divinity, Souls.

He was a master of souls, and could literally do anything with them and more, but aside from this, he was often left hopeless and would often commit many mistakes.

Nonetheless, Hekaton was using this Earth as a way for him to inspect the changes that other worlds would undergo when the intergalactic waves of Miasma were to hit them and change them forever.

His lord Samsara had requested him to create a System that he could use over these worlds to help the humans in there.

If no humans nor animals were left there, Hekaton would weaken as he gained power from the constant flow of souls through the transmigration cycles, if everything died, it would become a hollow and dead world, and this is what Samsara had predicted might happen to many of the worlds that his creations, the Transmigration Gods, controlled.

Due to this issue, he decided to create a tool for all mortals to enhance their power and fight against the monstrous miasma creatures that would emerge in the Apocalypse, although the System Master was quicker to act, and ended up stealing his idea and doing it before him.

Nonetheless, Samsara was not willing to let the System Master monopolize this, and was hurrying Hekaton and many other Transmigration Gods creating a Samsara System to show him their results.

However, Hekaton was one of the Gods that was experiencing difficulties due to his beta testers having been sent to Kritias. One of them ended being divided in two and… well, many things led to others and this soul somehow began to ruin his entire Transmigration System as well.

As an annoyance, he desired to defeat it and then resume his work on his System.

But in the meantime, as his plans slowly unfolded and these entities named Veronica and Ervas fought against these challenges that aimed to end them once and or all, Hekaton glanced at this world.

"Interestingly enough, the Mutated Beasts of this world had also connected to my Transmigration Cycle, so I am receiving a bit of power from it due to these creatures dying and being born immensely quickly… Nonetheless, soon enough, I will disconnect my transmigration cycle from this place," thought Hekaton.

If the Transmigration Cycle were revoked from a world, the souls would have nowhere to go and they would roam the world, contaminated by miasma and corrupted mana, they would become Undead, and after a few hundreds of years, these worlds would become "Necrotic Worlds" devoid of any life and filled with Undead monsters roaming the place until the world\'s sun were to explode and end them once and for all.

Noah, however, was completely unaware of such a future awaiting his planet, and not even the "God" of Earth was, as this entity hive minds were concentrated on manipulating the System and fighting against another threat that might have designated their world as a mere resource to be extracted, the Watchers.

Hekaton was unaware that the Watchers, which had already decided to take over a world he disconnected from, Terra, had planned to do the same with this Earth with another of their branched groups.

However, even if he were to know, it would not affect the aloof and indifferent Transmigration God, as he had long planned to leave Earth to its own demise after he accumulated enough information about the changes brought from the Apocalypse.

It could be said that for someone who has lived his entire life isolated within his Divine Realm, life was nothing but programs he manipulated to gain power...

What were millions of lives to him? Just resources that can be easily discarded. 


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