Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 127 - The Noctem Family


A Guild Name.

The Name of a Guild was what made them recognizable, and sometimes even made their logos around it.

No guild had the same name or even similar, as each Guild Master always tried to make their Guilds as unique as possible to differentiate their creations from the rest.

There were Guilds made by Families, such as the Crystal Knights, or the Golden Guardians, each name had a distinct feeling to it.

Clementina\'s family also had their own guild, simply named after their surname, Silvercrown.

Noah had planned to call his guild Blood Creed, but if he wanted to make it a family business, perhaps naming it after his own surname would be better.

"Didn\'t you planned of naming it Blood Creed, Noah?" asked Iris curiously, remembering Noah saying something about Blood Creed.

"Indeed, but now that I thought about it, I should call it after my surnames… The ones I usually never talk about," sighed Noah.

"Surname? Oh… So you really do have! I do not have any because I do not remember my parents, the nun that took care of me in the orphanage named me Iris… But I am glad you remember yours," said Iris.

"Amazing, we are about to hear our lord\'s surname," said Jon.

"I always wondered it…" said Arthur.

"What is it?" asked Timassa.

"Surname?" asked Adamantine.

"My surnames are Luna and Noctem…" said Noah.

"That\'s quite fitting…" said Iris.

"Is it? (Oh, now that I think about it… Luna is the moon, Noctem is night… I see)" thought Noah.

"The Luna Noctem Family?" asked Arthur.

"Hmph. Let\'s just keep it at Noctem. I did like my mother more than my father," sighed Noah.

"Oh? Alright then," said Iris.

"Noctem Family, then?" asked the assistant, confused about the interactions.

"Yes, sounds good," said Noah.

"Very well then, now, the fee is… 10 million Credits," said the girl.

"Nothing much," said Noah, as Arthur used his Credit Card to pay the fee rather smoothly.

Although this might have not been possible, or at least not as easy before now that they had hunted and gathered tons of materials from C-Rank Monster, whose corpses did not disappear thanks to Noah\'s Blood Servant Skill Effect, they were able to chop off large pieces of the corpses before the 24 hours passed away, slowly converting the entire creature into Dropped Items.

This way, the family got a lot of money pretty quickly, selling just a part of the Blazing Wyrm Emperor such as a few dozen scales and a fang already gave Arthur around 50 million Credits, the group could already imagine how much more Credits they could get if they were to sell everything they had…

Money was definitely not a major problem anymore, at least not for now in such terms.

Noah had even considered using the money earned to buy greater equipment, or Ability Cores… which were the only Cores sold in the market with varied prices.

However, compared to the large quantities he harvested in the C-Rank Dungeon, perhaps doing it himself would be better and more effective than buying a little few Ability Cores for a fortune…

There was also the possibility of selling Ability Cores to get more money too, but now that everyone could convert them into Skill Points, why would they even do such a thing?

"Very well, it is done. Here is your Guild Master Card, Noah Luna Noctem," said the girl, giving a shiny silver card to Noah.

"For now it lacks a logo, but whenever you have come with a design, you can come back and we\'ll register it," said the girl.

"A design… I see, thanks," said Noah, as he had finally done everything he came here for, updating his Guild License with his current Rank and also getting his own Guild!

The group finally walked out of the building as they decided what to do next.

"Phew, it was really boring to wait so much there, but I am glad it is done," said Iris.

"Yes… It was quite boring… Well, what should we do now?" asked Arthur.

"Will we delve into a Dungeon again?" asked Timassa.

Noah glanced at his subordinates, their strength was now excellent, and they had been working nonstop to grow to this level of strength.

He thought that everyone (and himself) deserved a good rest or a small break.

"We\'ll take this day off," said Noah expressionlessly.

"Eh?" said everyone in unison.

Noah… has decided to actually take a break?!

What kind of sorcery was this?

He, who wanted to grow stronger so desperately, now wanted to take… a day off.

"You see, even my mind is tired. I need a day where I can meditate and practice my techniques that transform and exchange inner energy. I can also relax the tension of my muscles which hasn\'t gone off even after taking a bath," sighed Noah.

"This is… alright then! Let us take a break," said Arthur.

"Yeah, about time! Let us take some time to smell the roses and enjoy a bit of life too," said Iris.

"I agree, a time to slow down for once will not hurt us," said Timassa.

"If the Crystal Family comes, I believe we might be prepared for them. Oh, and Bernard Gold\'s plans will take quite long to even come to fruition… So we have time to take a "break" at last, while also making sure to improve morale," said Noah.

"Sounds like a plan, so we go back to the manor then?" asked Arthur.

"Yes, let\'s go back," said Noah.

"(I can finally take a break with Noah… I wonder what we can do together… aside from battling and sex… It will be interesting)" thought Iris while glancing at Noah mischievously, the Vampiric group crossed through the rooftops of the city, reaching Arthur\'s manor after a bit.

Everyone then dispersed around the manor, Jon had decided to go back to his room and have a long Vampire-like nap, while Adamantine seemed quite frantic, but decided to eat all day by asking the maids and butlers to prepare her delicious food.

Meanwhile, Arthur and Timassa decided to spend the day in the manner of Arthur\'s parents while developing each other bonds, as Noah believed that these two were soon to enter into a romantic relationship based on how long they had been together as friends, and how obvious was Timassa\'s romantic feelings for Arthur.

Noah thanked that his presence or authority did not change such feelings from Timassa, as it would have hurt his pride to know that he made his subordinate end up alone due to his powers when he slowly developing a relationship with this woman.

Noah believed that, much like Iris with him, Arthur and Timassa were a good match that deserved to be together.

After realizing that having converted her into a Ghoul did not made her necessarily develop a sexual nor romantic attraction towards him, Noah saw Iris even better than before, as it was indeed true that she was not brainwashed… she simply developed this strong obsessive love and devotion out of her own mind, although it was not healthy at all, Noah did not mind, as he was insane himself.

He was a madman after all!

"So what should we do?" asked Iris at the side of Noah, as she saw Noah resting over the bed.

"I actually want to slack off for once, so I will sleep a bit before beginning my meditation. I wouldn\'t really like to fall asleep while meditating…" said Noah.

"Oh… I see…" said Iris, a bit dispirited.

Noah immediately noticed her disappointment, as he decided to ask her.

"Did you wanted us to do something today? Speak your mind," said Noah expressionlessly.

"Oh… W-Well… I thought that we could do more of… what couples do!" said Iris.

"What couples do? I am rather inexperienced in the whole field, care to enlighten me?" asked Noah.

"Oh! (He is interested?) Sure, erm… Well, I remember seeing that they go on a date around a park… They also go eat at a restaurant… Hm… There is also another one where the girl lets the guy rest on her lap while sitting below a tree… But I guess trees and parks are not so common…" said Iris.

"Well, the garden here as such plants… Well, let\'s do that then," said Noah.

"Eh? Really? What about your nap?" asked Iris.

"I can sleep over your lap," said Noah.

"O-Oh… Sure…" said Iris with a gentle smile, as she grabbed Noah\'s hand and the two went towards the garden, sitting near a large tree, right below its shadow, as the gentle breeze touched their faces.

Noah slowly put his head over Iris\' lap.

It was soft… and warm.

It was, in fact, better than a pillow.

Noah felt himself relaxing to the point that he began to doze off not long after…

"Noah, so… Eh? Oh… He already fell asleep… Fufu… he looks so handsome when he sleeps…" said Iris, caressing Noah\'s face gently, while smiling warmly.

She glanced at his peaceful expressionless face, as she touched his black hair, caressing it.

Noah had short hair, but it was rather fluffy, so she enjoyed caressing him whenever the cold Vampire let her…

And being so close with him really gave her a strong feeling of excitement too… she even felt a bit superior, making her devotion and love for him strengthen at every second.

"I suppose this is what couples do. It didn\'t felt half-bad," said Noah, as he opened his eyes after around an hour and a half of sleeping, finding Iris sleeping too, while resting over the tree bark.

Noah quickly sat at her side, as her head rested on his shoulder…

He began to slowly caress her hair, as he simply relaxed, and decided to not think of anything else for at least this little moment of happiness…

This was life.


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