Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 997 - Getting Ready To Join The War

Chapter 997 – Getting Ready To Join The War

Arthur watched all the islands getting triggered by his forces\' efforts. In fact the losses he had kept piling up with each attack. However the thought of calling off the attack never crossed his mind.

He focused mainly on the main base of the enemy. "As expected, this island has a group of seven flowers forming some sort of an array," he muttered while watching the main base getting burned down one time after another by the purple fire.

This base looked strong from the start. Despite all the attacks over it, the shield proved to be harder to crack, faster to be generated. Plus even after all these attacks the deadly fog up there didn\'t show any sign of weakening.

That gave Arthur a thought about how hard that dark angel mage tried to fortify the base. 

The fact that that distasteful grandmaster didn\'t give the order to the base to run away and kept it moving steadily towards the direction of the incoming reinforcements proved that he wasn\'t worried at all.

Arthur got out of this confidence that this base was equipped with many defenses and traps that he had yet to unveil. However in return to that enemy\'s confidence, Arthur was also confident as well.

He trusted the abilities of his geniuses, with Sara working on top of them to solve this problem. He didn\'t doubt the ability of his grand army or its strength.

He only needed to create a gap, create a chance even if it was slim for his army to crush this base once and for all.

As for the rest of the islands, he would prefer to find another feasible way to control them. After all his main goal here wasn\'t to just win these wars, but also win as many as possible of these islands.

Having such a grand and mighty weapon, one that could accommodate a huge number of forces and travel to any part of the world was really tempting in Arthur\'s eyes.

He wanted these islands. He wanted all the islands he could control. 

He could, instead, work his best to crush them here and then dominate the entire world. Then he would order those clans who created these islands at the west and north to make more islands.

But leaning to such a solution seemed a far fetched goal than just having the already ready islands here.

That unfavorable solution gave Arthur more choices here. After all he wasn\'t that bitter at obtaining the islands here.

If he couldn\'t find a way to obtain them, then he better crush them all and get rid of their threat for now.

"How is Sara going?" Arthur asked while in his mind a surgical strike began to take shape.

\'She is almost done,\' Gege said before adding, \'but she managed to create a few counter diagrams to the ones around the flowers. According to her, she needed more time to create more of these arrays.\'

"Good," Arthur nodded in satisfaction before adding, "gather up everyone. I want everyone ready to move when I give the mark."

\'What do you intend to do here?\' The golden dragon wasn\'t the only one feeling the weird tone of Arthur.

\'Ding! Do you plan to do something foolish and risky again?\' the system asked despite him knowing Arthur better than anyone else.

Once Arthur put something in his mind, he would eventually do it no matter what.

"That damn base," Arthur motioned with his head towards the base nearby, "I\'ll attack it first with everything we got. I will make that grandmaster watch in bitterness his crown jewel crash and burn without being able to do anything to save it."

\'But…\' Gege\'s worry wasn\'t groundless, but Arthur interrupted her as he firmly said:

"We can\'t attack the islands with what we got now," Arthur said before adding, "we have to buy time for Sara to provide us with enough diagrams to crush these islands. Besides…"

He turned his gaze towards other islands before adding, "we need to find a way to dominate these islands and add them to our forces. We can\'t do it with that nasty base controlling everything and putting us under pressure. We need to levitate that threat off our shoulders and have enough time and room to test as we should do."

His words made sense despite the risk this move implied. However no one complained anymore.

They knew the situation wasn\'t looking good to them if they didn\'t manage to retaliate to what that grandmaster prepared for them.

Just trying to stop the islands the way they were doing wouldn\'t work. Arthur\'s plan was risky, but it held an element of surprise as its greatest weapon.

That was why Arthur ordered for everyone he had under his control to be ready. If he gave his enemy enough time to think about this attack then something worse might happen.

The only possible way to win this was by taking that enemy by surprise and force reality over him. That was by pouring everything Arthur got inside that bass island and facing whatever that dark angel had prepared there.

And then they would work with all their might to crush these traps and defenses and bring this base to the ground.

“We are ready,\'\' after ten minutes, and a couple of failed attacks over all the islands, Gege finally gave Arthur the answer he wanted to hear.

"Good," Arthur flew higher in the air before stopping hundreds of meters away from the base island, "I\'ll go in first once the shield is down. Take Sara out and make her ready. The moment these flowers are triggered, she has to use her diagrams to nullify and crush them."

\'On it,\' Gege said before returning to say, \'she wants to go out now and get things ready.\'

"No problem," Arthur agreed while watching a group of five originals appear in front of that sturdy shield of the base island and start to bombard it.

According to what happened before, they would take around five minutes to bring down the shield and crack it open.. Once they would achieve that, Arthur would wait for his boys to trigger the curtain and then he would enter the battle for the first time.

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