Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 868 - The Dark Angel Mage

It seemed the end for Amera who saw the portal up in the sky getting cracked like fire spreading and eating it fast.

"I... did it!" she simply muttered those words before closing up her eyes. She wasn\'t hoping for any miracle at this moment. After all everyone on her side was far, far away from her and only death awaited her in the next few moments.

However, after the passage of quite some time, she didn\'t feel anything. She didn\'t feel any pain or even felt uncomfort at all. The next moment she opened her eyes to find herself standing midair in the world, a few hundreds of meters away, while a portal stood on her side.

"This..." she was shocked to see one of Arthur\'s portals. Just before she got enveloped inside this deadly black fire, a portal appeared and got her body transported away from that death zone.

She wasn\'t the only shocked one here, but everyone else was. They all gazed up at her like they were seeing a miracle, and the next moment she couldn\'t help but laugh.

"I... hope to see your face soon," she could only say this to the portal, hoping for her voice to be transported to her love, to Arthur.

The next moment though the portal disappeared like it did its job and then ceased to exist. She took a deep breath before raising her head and saw the sky once again.

"The portal... is crumbling and about to collapse," she raised her spear high in the air while everyone around shouted in unison.

They all lost hope in crushing that portal and stopping the imminent death coming at them. They only thought killing and fighting those leaders was the only way to do something, a last thing before they would all perish.

However, out of their despair came hope once more. This time it came from Amera, from the one no one expected to be able to do it.

And yet she did it and saved their lives.

"Let\'s kill them," Doaf shouted in excitement. After all, Amera did that and was saved on the brink of death by his young master\'s portal. His young master was still alive and watching over them from somewhere.

And that made Doaf feel more energetic and wanted to get revenge on those dark forces around.

He wasn\'t the only one feeling this way, everyone else felt they just got revived after experiencing death.

Dying was so bitter that they didn\'t want to experience it once more. Turning from desperate wolves to mighty lions, they jumped over their enemies.

Each single one was now able to face an army of his own. They didn\'t need to reserve anything or even think about their lives.

They were just getting revived from death! How could people like them fear dying at this moment?

The leaders who were able to match their foes found it so hard even to exchange blows with them without getting deeply wounded or getting thrown in the air.

And so they had to retreat after getting severe losses. They headed directly towards their troops who luckily were so nearby.

These troops tried to get to Doaf and others per the dark angel mage orders from before, however the persistent cultivators stood in between them and their goal.

However as the leaders were much stronger than any group of cultivators, they easily passed through the cultivator army before rejoining with their forces.

And as such things returned to the initial stalemate, while both sides lost a considerable amount of forces.

However the morale was shifting in an overwhelming way towards one side, towards Doaf and others.

"I will kill you all!" Just as everyone was busy attacking, the dark angel mage was close to the point of explosion. He knew once the portal got destroyed the backlash would befall him.

And so he had a limited amount of time to act. And he put the simple task of killing those who caused all this on his top priority.

However, just before he could move, a bird\'s wing appeared and stopped him.

"This..." he read it a couple of times to make sure what he read was right. "Hahaha, then I can do it this way," he couldn\'t help but laugh.

He knew he couldn\'t salvage the backlash from the portal up above, but he now had a chance to take his revenge in a more efficient way.

This bird\'s wing came from someone who just arrived from one of the high worlds, from the dragonair\'s world.

There he had a simple and yet effective move that could change everything once again. Without any further ado he moved so fast towards one direction, the direction of the portals he created and were linked to the higher realms.

The plan was simple, yet he knew to do it right he needed everyone here to do their task properly.

"Keep holding your positions... Don\'t let anyone pass through!" he suddenly yelled at his forces, hoping this time they wouldn\'t disappoint him like before.

As he ordered, the forces now started to form defensive lines. Without him asking, the leaders took such a decision first to ensure their safety.

Doaf and others were acting weird right now. They were dangerous, far more dangerous foes than they ever imagined.

Getting near them now meant only one end, death! They didn\'t come all the way here to die, they came to gain easy victory and reap rewards.

However things turned into such a desperate situation where their lives were on the line.

The dark angel mage flew past their heads without anyone sensing his presence. He was, for a moment, tempted to land over the heads of Amera, Doaf, Nicole, the crow, and their forces and claim their heads for himself.

However he resisted such an urge. After all he had limited time in his hand to act before that backlash would hit him. He had to do this new plan so he would sit back, and enjoy what he thought was rightfully his revenge even if he got punished by his failure.

"Just wait...." he laughed hysterically and in a mad way, "I\'ll just show you how grave a mistake you just made by antagonizing me in such a way."

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