Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 803 - Leads From His Past Life

But they never doubted her ability to kill them even if they gathered up together upon her.

What they lacked to know was the fact that she was still deeply wounded. She was a beast in her own terms, yet a deeply hurt beast.

If they tried to attack her, they could kill her against what they imagined.

However none dared to move a finger even when she took out a big bottle filled with black liquid and a large number of glasses.

They all watched in terrified looks while she filled these cups and ordered them to drink it.

"What is exactly in the big bottle of her?" Arthur turned to Amera as he added, "that black liquid."

"It\'s like a serum for truth," Amera said before slowly explaining, "but this one is quite savage. If she asked something and any of them lied to her then he would be tormented. Lying on her a few times is enough to drive anyone crazy."

Arthur raised one eyebrow before saying, "but she will lose a valuable source of information this way."

"That\'s why it was a bad idea sending her first," one of the elites sighed, "but I have to admit, this works fine to intimidate anyone against betraying her."

Arthur turned his gaze to the far away spots where Aemie was torturing these traitors. "It works very fine indeed," he sarcastically commented, yet not a single one objected to his theory.

At this moment he realized Aemie wasn\'t that good at all. She was a tyrant, someone who would rather prefer to rule with iron fist and terror over all of her subjects.

Despite his own opinion about her, he didn\'t express his thoughts out loud or even considered doing so. He was a mere passerby here, and he had no right to judge on others, especially someone like Aemie.

He was feeling bad deep down his soul. His actions preserved and deepened the roots of such a tyrannical system.

However what consoled him was the fact he didn\'t know that, and also he helped in saving endless lives. He wasn\'t saving a system but the people living underneath it.

As for the tyrannical system itself, he could only pray for a silver lining of hope for those suffering underneath. Other than this, he would keep his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself.

Gege kept relaying what was happening out there word by word. At first he wasn\'t interested that much in hearing their confessions.

But after dozens of these mages turned mad, others started to act more honest with Aemie.

And very weird secrets started to show up one after another.

\'That\'s… weird!\' the golden dragon couldn\'t help but say, \'how can there be a tunnel connecting this world with another? That shield up there is of a fine quality in my opinion.\'

\'I dunno,\' Arthur was as puzzled as him. \'But this isn\'t the only weird thing here. What about this white witch they kept speaking about?\'

\'Ding! I guess it\'s a play they all agreed on from before,\' the system said.

\'Nah, the serum didn\'t torture them like it did with others,\' Gege denied this possibility, \'they are telling the truth.\'

\'And that makes this all quite terrifying,\' Arthur could only take a deep breath before adding, \'keep listening. We might hear something interesting again.\'

\'Aren\'t you satisfied with all the weird things they said so far?\' Gege was surprised to hear his request, \'alright, I\'ll keep myself busy listening to their whining then.\'

Arthur could bitterly smile, yet he said nothing in return. In fact what those leaders said a couple of minutes ago was crazy.

At first they claimed that another person came after Aemie left and ordered them to march slower. They said she had long white hair and dressed in all black. She was old, but she wasn\'t her aunt or anyone they knew of.

And the weirdest thing ever was the fact she held a seal exactly like the one in Aemie\'s possession, the royal seal.

Anyone holding such a seal would be considered the sole ruler of the clan.

They also claimed that she appeared all of sudden above their heads, not from a portal or flying from somewhere around.

They said she came out of a strange shaped tunnel that seemed to extend for miles, yet only a tiny portion of it appeared in front of their eyes.

That was weird.

They also said she claimed herself to be the white witch, someone not heard of before in this world.

What also startled Arthur for a bit was the fact that she attacked them using weird techniques. From their descriptions, Arthur got some proof over the identity of these techniques.

And that gave him more puzzles than answers honestly.

Some of the leaders in the army didn\'t agree with the white witch\'s orders. They were the loyalists for Aemie, and in return they had their fate to be killed at the hands of the white witch.

What was peculiar though was the way she killed them. She took out a weapon and summoned a strange aura around her.

The surviving sane leaders swore they never saw something like this before. Aemie\'s serum proved their words, and Arthur could only inwardly sigh.

\'That\'s how cultivators fight,\' Arthur couldn\'t help but admit to himself with this unbelievable fact. \'How the hell did that cultivator come from? And why did she have that royal seal?\'

He had tons of such questions without an answer. At this moment he recalled that sect he was supposed to save, the one which started all this journey in the first place.

Yet he didn\'t have any info to dig deeper. He lacked a lot, and this was the third time to meet the cultivation world in this world.

And this time the impact was very strong on him.

According to the descriptions these leaders gave, he estimated the strength of this white witch as above immortal. A cultivation base he dreamt of reaching during his past life and could only scrape the surface of the immortal stage.

Cultivators below the immortal stage couldn\'t fly, that was a known fact. Once one broke through then he or she could fly above heaven and reach a new realm, a higher realm.

This white witch could easily fly around using her spiritual energy, which was a mind blowing thing for Arthur.

If he met any weak cultivators he wouldn\'t care, but meeting such a strong one meant a lot to him.

\'Will I reach that realm after reaching the immortal stage?\' he couldn\'t help but think about this possibility.

For a long time he tried to ignore the dragonair power and focus on his cultivation base. Yet since starting this long journey to defend that sect and he couldn\'t advance a lot in his cultivation base.

Now he had to rethink again about his priorities. Without any hesitation he would choose his cultivation base to level up.

In fact he was tempted to use the golden pearl energy as his main energy in leveling up from now on. He saw the dragonair and spiritual energies as needed elements to reach his goal.

Especially after his gains here in this world, using the golden energy to level up started to become something real.

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