Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 786 - Let's Have A Party, Shall We?

He always circulated his energy while absorbing more. Yet when she tried to do that, she was instantly blocked by an invisible repulsive power that prevented the tower energy from getting to the golden pearl.

\'Damn!\' all she could do was to curse in frustration. Yet at this moment something unexpected happened.

\'Oh, so you can take this energy then? That\'s great!\'

Just after the unexpected rejection from the golden pearl to the tower energy, part of this energy moved towards one direction; Arthur\'s mind dantian.

There she saw the stars map shine so brightly before all the energy moving towards it was absorbed without leaving a trace.

\'That\'s good... I need you to keep your gluttony until he finishes,\' she muttered before she diverted all the extra energy towards the star map.

The star map came just in time to take a burden off her shoulders. Gege had been injured more than once since Arthur acquired her body.

Yet she never had the chance to really heal herself and even evolve. All that time she was only trying to amend the basic parts of her body and neglect those unnecessary ones.

However now she had finally the chance to truly heal all of her injuries. To her this was like the second birth.

So the moment she got freed from all that burden, and most of the extra energy was handled by the tree and the star map; she started to heal everything.

The garden world was already big, yet she knew the hidden fact about it. If not for her old wounds, this world would have turned into something else.

So the first thing she did was to heal her body wounds. The wounds ran so deep until they even reached the core, where her soul hid.

And as she started healing, she also pushed some of the energy inside her soul. The wounds there weren\'t that much, yet the last injury left a great scar inside her soul.

The tower energy started to dissipate everywhere. Like a great river flooding, the tower energy seemed endless.

Yet as this happened, the situation outside reached the dead bottom point. Amera already lost hope, and for her everything around would turn into nihility the moment that nasty array got activated.

As Amera lost all hope, she didn\'t care even to take a last glance at everyone around. She already was feeling shattering pain in her soul, and if she tried to say goodbye to anyone then that pain would get intensified.



The moment where the array was getting near to its activation, and without any warning a thundering rumble occured.

Amera thought at first it was her imagination, a trick her desperate mind was pulling to push her to reignite her will again with the desire to fight back.

However the next rumble left her no room for speculation or hesitation.

This rumble came with a bright shining of silver white light that erupted like an exploding star. At first a spark of light appeared then the entire world was covered with a cloud of light in an instant.

In front of such a scene, Amera couldn\'t help but stand slowly from the ground. She wiped out her tears while feeling an awe towards that unforgettable scene.

The source came from the tower itself where it emitted a ray of light to the sky. Then like a shooting star, it exploded into tiny and endless fragments of light that rained down on everything around forming a dome of long silver white lines.

And in front of all that she felt so tiny. She felt insignificant like she was worth nothing in front of this phenomenon.

"Wow! Is this how we are going to die?" she muttered to herself. "It\'s beautiful!" she couldn\'t help herself from admiring this, even if that meant that her life would cease to exist the next moment.

Yet contrary to her expectations, nothing bad happened after.

She didn\'t feel pain or weakness at all when these spots of light fell over her. In fact she felt refreshed, as if her lost energy was partially restored.

But the most shocking moment to her happened when the light faded away and everything returned to normal.

"Is this... it?" she turned around to spot the shocking faces of the lycans standing motionless and in awe like her. Their faces told her one thing, they never expected this to happen.

"\'Is this all?" this time she couldn\'t help but laugh, laugh out loud and take out all the frustration and depression she just felt. All the negativity accumulating inside turned into an energy to laugh.

And that seemed to enrage all the lycans around.

"Shut up!" the one who seemed to be their leader spoke in a rude and rough way to her. She gazed at him yet she didn\'t stop laughing.

"You did all this and came to my world just to make a light show? C\'mon... I never thought you were so funny before."

She kept laughing and the lycans all around gathered slowly with sunk faces. The taste of their failure was so bitter that they didn\'t know what else to do but to make Amera shut up forever.

"We have to kill them all," the leader turned his head and gazed up at the distant fight going on between the forces of him and the forces led by Doaf and Amera. "We have to vent out our frustration and failure."

Amera was still laughing, yet she took out her spear. That made everyone take a step back, but the next thing she did was unexpected.

She fixed it into the ground and used it as a standing stick. She leaned over it as she gazed at the faces around her with her laughter never ceased to show up. "C\'mon, we should have a party."

"And a feast as well," the leader said in a sarcastic way.

"Yeah, I agree," yet Amera missed the point as she kept laughing, "at least your visit here won\'t be in vain."

"Indeed, especially if this happened on the honor of your dead body," the leader raised his hand, "go and kill her, then kill everyone around."

The next moment everyone around roared before they jumped over Amera.

Amera was only laughing all this time, acting as if she had some sort of shocking brain damage.

Yet when they jumped on her like hungry wolves, she instantly vanished.

"Where did she go?" the leader didn\'t care about his injured lycans as he searched around looking for Amera.

Yet he couldn\'t find a single trace of her anywhere.

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