Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 402 - Returning To The City World

Arthur slept for six hours before finally waking up. As he didn\'t sleep for so long, he felt strange when moving off his bed. "Sigh, this feeling… I should depend more on the meat then," he shook his head trying to wake himself.

"I need meat, and arrows," he muttered recalling the stock he depleted in the last fight. "Tsk, so much work for me," he shook his head before descending to the ground where he was welcomed with his team.

"Are you ready?" he asked with a yawn.

"Someone needs good rest," Ron joked before adding, "if you are tired, you can deliver us then return to sleep here."

"No, many things need to be done," Arthur said while checking the barrier he made. "It seems this barrier is weak against masters like Mr. E," he muttered while shaking his head in helplessness. He knew Mr. E was someone special, and he couldn\'t limit his movements at all.

"Let\'s go," he said while passing through the transparent veil of the tree. He crossed with his team the star map to end up being inside the place he left before.

"Wow, what is this place?" Omar was excited while Randy hurried to examine the cluster of towns and villages. "They stretch to no end!" and he was much more touched than Omar.

"Sigh, I forgot about this problem," Arthur muttered before adding, \'Open a portal for them to enter my world, and make sure they will appear next to the portal of the mine.\'

\'Ding! Alright.\'

The next moment a portal appeared and Arthur said: "Go inside, you will find another portal leading to the mines. Go there and from the mines go the city."

"I will stay!" Tina suddenly said.

"Me too," and Amelia said.

"C\'mon, it\'s not a party!" Arthur was speechless at the two," you two go back. The city is under your responsibility," he said to Amelia before turning his gaze to Tina, "and you have a much important mission."

"Which is?" Tina asked in discontent, "I want to be here and help!"

"Sara is out there alone, fighting many armies," Arthur said before adding, "you need to cross the mountain series and look for a giant fortress. Aid her and when you two conquer that place, spread out and look for more armies to kill."

"Wow, if this is the case then I\'m in," she said in such an excited tone.

"Fool!" Amelia groaned before entering the portal with everyone. When they disappeared, Arthur was finally able to heave a long sigh of relief. "I need to start working on my arrows as well," he muttered before glancing around, "but I need first to start absorbing all these," he changed into a dragon and went to the sky.

His sudden appearance made everyone active again; cheering out loud like welcoming the return of a real king.

"Hehehe, they love me!"

\'Ding! I have already cleared all the curses inside your garden,\' the system said before adding, \'Ding! Your ability has upgraded to cover four hundred thousands in one go.\'

"That\'s great news," Arthur roared before adding, "Open up many portals and let them enter the garden world."

\'Ding! Right away.\'

"And open one for me as well."

\'Ding! In the air!!!\'

"No, put it down there," he motioned with his head towards the building he just came through."

\'Ding! Done!\'

Arthur went directly towards the portal then he appeared next thing inside his garden world.

"Wow! It has been a while since coming here," he muttered the moment he entered the world as he noticed the presence of many colors in the sky of his garden world. "What\'s going on here?" he asked.

\'Ding! The garden has partially absorbed the energy from the Golam dead body and now is evolving.\'

"I like that!" Arthur laughed before adding, "I will make arrows next to the blood pool," he went towards the pool of the Golam intending to use the blood of it in the making.

\'Ding! This will change the arrows for a bit!\' the system warned.

"For the better I hope," he smiled before taking out all his items and started forging.

He had everything ready, only needed to smelt materials, combine them together and start assembling the arrows.

When he added the refined blood of the Golam, he sensed a soft hissing coming from the arrows. He also immersed the wood he gathered into the pool for hours before he started assembling the arrows.

When he finished, over twenty thousand special arrows were made, plus another twenty of normal ones.

"These normal arrows were useful in dealing with enemies without risking great damage," he muttered while examining the arrows he made. "Everything is ready, it\'s time to go and pay that chick a visit," he smiled before vanishing from his place and reappearing at the place of Anna.

As he reached her, he found nothing had changed since he left except for the fact she went to live inside the broken big mansion-like cart.

"You seem quite exhausted," she said before adding, "and a bit injured, are you alright?"

"I\'m fine," he said before adding, "did you know that a master was here to supervise your trials?"

"What?" she was speechless and he felt her surprise was genuine and not fake. "Who?"

"Dunno," he shrugged before adding, "anyway I\'m going to start looking for your rivals, and I suggest you prepare a nice place for them to stay."

She glanced at him for a moment there before laughing. "I like this idea, thanks very much for giving me a notice."

"No problem," he then vanished from the garden as he appeared at the cluster of the villages and towns while watching the others move inside.

"Their numbers are great!" he muttered.

\'Ding! I counted millions in, and there are still millions out!\'

"That\'s… amazing," he laughed before adding, "I want you to do an announcement inside my garden world."

\'Ding! What announcement?\'

"Ask them if they saw a large cart with excessive guarding anywhere near here."

\'Ding! Alright, give me a moment.\'

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