Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 399 - A Funny Quarrel!

"Code of honor," her eyes went astray for a moment, "for example Mr. E asked me about what I know about you, yet I told him nothing despite he is technically my master," she tried to make him understand, "the relation between master and disciple inside these walls of our academy is sacred!"

"Hmm…" he didn\'t know what to say, but her words touched his heart and soul.

"I know it\'s not easy to share anything with a stranger," she added, "but I\'m not a stranger to you, I\'m you mammy after all."

"You are my girl, not mammy," he laughed.

"C\'mon, if you are older then this might work!"

"It will," he laughed again, "I promise!"

"Such big words from a small man, hehehe," she teased him. "Now entrust me with your secrets, or else…" she paused while giving him a threatening glance.

"Sigh, why are you so hard to deal with?"

"Because I\'m not that easily fooled," she leaned her back to the seat while enjoying the troubled face of Arthur, "won\'t kill you if you told me something, right?"

He didn\'t know what to say, and his mind started to weigh his options here. He couldn\'t risk losing the support of the academy he worked so hard just to enter!

"An advice from your wise and older master; a secret lying safely with your master is better than a secret known by all!" she threatened and he knew he couldn\'t escape her clutches this easy.

"Tsk, alright I will tell you something," he finally conceded and she didn\'t seem to be surprised. After all she perfectly cornered him! "But I need something in return," he added.

"C\'mon, we have more than twenty years apart! Told you to drop this matter, drop it, alright?"

"Hehehe, didn\'t mean that but y\'know, it looks more interesting to have a date with you in return," he laughed as he teased her.

"A bully playboy! Tsk, how can girls fall into you like this?! Be more discrete, gosh!"

"I like being direct," he said.

"Being rude and mean, vulgar and irresponsible!"

"Being sexy and horny."

"That\'s it, I\'ll bring Mr. E to interrogate you!" she seriously stood up and he hurried to stop her but she seemed more angry than before, or might be embarrassed!

"C\'mon, I was joking!"

"Don\'t joke with things that don\'t belong to you! Humph!" she went back after he held his hand to stop her, making her face have a tinge blush. "Don\'t ever touch me again, understand!"

She was angry, and he felt threatened for a moment there. "Can\'t promise that, hehehe," yet he didn\'t budge as he returned to his seat while saying:

"I just want you to help me capture those disciples."

"That\'s a given," she nodded, "anything to weaken this academy will be gladly welcomed by me and others."

"No, I just want you," he stressed, "I don\'t want others to meddle in my matters!"

"Then you have a problem," she laughed, regaining her carefree nature, "see, Mr. E has already sat his gaze upon you and me, hehehe."

"What do you mean?" he asked while feeling more of a headache, "I didn\'t know I was this popular!" he said with a shaking head and bitter tone.

"It\'s your fault to be so shiny and stunning," she said, "after all he saw what you can do this close, and he sensed the same thing I felt from you when we met for the first time…"

"Being special?"

"Being an arrogant playboy kid," she laughed, "you have to accept his interference, after all he is quite strong and will be useful."

He sighed before she added, "don\'t worry, he is my master, and I can vouch for him."

"I hope he doesn\'t come here later and interrogate me."

"This… I can\'t promise anything about, hehehe," she was really enjoying the struggle her disciple was at. "You need to learn how to fix your own mess."

"True," he nodded, before glancing at the door, "can you leave me now for rest? I have to regain my shape to be able to fight these dark disciples."

"No, no, no," she shook her finger in front of his face, "you can\'t get rid off me this easy, do you?" she laughed before adding, "I know you are injured, but no to that much! I bet you\'ll enter your word the moment I leave, right?"

She laughed and he just kept glancing at her saying nothing. "What do you want to hide from me? Gosh, you are really a boy worth his weight of secrets!"

"I won\'t tell you anymore!"

"You owe me the answer to your powers, then…" she paused, "I might leave you alone... for now!"

"For now?!!" he was speechless. "Don\'t be greedy old hag!" he laughed.

"Who is old and hag, rude kid! I\'m still young and vibrant!" she retorted back with a strong tone and sharp attitude.

"Then let\'s go out on a date!"

"In your dreams!"

"Is it against the rules of the academy?"

"You aren\'t my type, that\'s all!"







The two laughed at each other before she finally said: "Let\'s get this done first, I have to go back and watch your little trip into the world."

"I won\'t enter it now!"


"I promise!"

"Promises coming from playboys are lies!"

"I\'m not lying!"

"Yet you are a playboy!"

The two glared for a moment there before breaking into laughter again. "Alright, say and I will leave you to rest," she winked before adding, "if you consider going there as a rest, hehehe."

"Tsk, why can\'t you be settled with what I have already told you?"

"Mr. E… Mr. E…"

"Alright, alright… stop! I will tell, sigh!" he shook his head as he hurriedly stopped her.

"Who called me?"

Yet at this moment while he was about to speak and she was waiting for his secrets, Mr. E did appear at the door, startling even Tina!

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