Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 353 - Dragon Vs Dragon

As the voice fell, five great monsters appeared in front of Arthur. Couple were those hideous monsters belonging to the Dorfis clan, and the other three were the three giant monsters he once fought around the mines.

"These three…" he wasn\'t worried about the two hideous monsters, yet those three giant ones were a headache. He still recalled the painful memory of their acid and ice attacks.


The old dragonair master muttered, and then these monsters turned instantly into five pulps of great shadows before merging together. "Rules are fair, one dragonair against one monster," the master added, and Arthur didn\'t know what would be the result of this merge.

The merge didn\'t take long, and the next moment a huge monster appeared! It was double the size of Arthur\'s dragonair\'s body, and it wasn\'t any close to the monsters that were summoned.

It was a giant dragon with five heads and four pairs of wings!

"These…" he stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Aren\'t the monsters you killed?" the voice of that master reverberated in the place, with such a mocking tone.

"Didn\'t you say we are so bad? Consider this as us being bad then," one of those who spoke before said then he laughed, and many laughed with him.

Arthur just swallowed this and said nothing. After all this was what he should have expected from them. "Just a friendly reminder, those arrows carried the dirty aura of those arrogant bronzed giants; you can\'t use them here."

Just as the voice fell, the arrows Arthur took out all turned into ash in an instant. He glanced at the empty quiver on his shoulder and shook his head.

"It\'s good I have more normal arrows," he muttered to himself yet he didn\'t take anything out.

"Let the challenge begin," as the master spoke these words, the dragon in front of Arthur had suddenly come to life! It glanced at Arthur like a predator eyeing its prey; with no consideration at all.

"This will be challenging," he muttered before jumping to the back, creating as much distance as he could between him and this monster.

Then he started channeling his energy, and the next moment his dragonair form appeared.

The monster wasn\'t fazed by this, even Arthur saw a glimpse of a smirk over its vicious and savage heads. "Not taking me quite seriously, huh?" he muttered before the sound of the master fell again:

"You need to kill it in ten minutes. Failing to do that means failure, and we will have the right to decide your fate!"

Arthur understood the trick here; they were trying to make him fail so they could have the right to determine his fate.

"Ten minutes then," he tightly grabbed his bow, and his evasion strategy he just had puffed in smoke just after hearing these words. "So let\'s make these ten minutes count," he then thought, "system, can you help here?"

"Ding! I can bless one weapon of yours, do you want me to bless the bow?"

"The bow? No, bless the arrows!"

Arthur didn\'t need any bonus to the bow, yet he wanted all the support he could have for the arrows.

"Ding! What arrows? Your quiver is empty!"

"These," he waved his hand and the quiver became four on his back; all filled up with arrows. They were the normal arrows he made before making the explosive extermination arrows.

"Ding! Consider it done."

Arthur didn\'t feel anything, yet he trusted his system. The dragon stood its place motionless. After all it had nothing there to lose, not like Arthur.

Wasting time wasn\'t in his advantage, so when he created enough distance between himself and that dragon, he started to attack!

The bow in hand had five arrows at the time, and when he pulled the strings to his maximum limit, he let them go and instantly filled another five.

"Let\'s test the destructive force of these arrows first," he thought to himself while refraining from controlling the arrows.

The dragon seemed to not care at all at the incoming arrows, as it casually waved its wing to meet them head on.




Yet it was gravely mistaken! The arrows were blessed by the world\'s will aura. Such a deep and strong aura couldn\'t be taken lightly like that!

The arrows met the dragon\'s wings and exploded violently, creating such a violent shock wave and gigantic mushroom cloud of dust and blood.

"These are superb arrows," Arthur commended in excitement, yet he didn\'t stop his hands from releasing more.




Five roars came one after another, expressing the deep pain and humiliation this dragon felt right now.

"This aura… this isn\'t dragonair\'s aura. Kid, how can you get hold of such aura?" the master exclaimed in surprise after a few moments of being shocked.

"This is against the rules, he can\'t be allowed to continue!" one of those vengeful masters spoke up, and he gained much support from others as well.

"The trial isn\'t under my control. If he broke the rules he would have been punished already," the master replied, in such a helpless tone.

"So I was also in great risk of being punished without knowing that?" Arthur muttered to himself, feeling his luck was on his side this time.


The next moment the ground shook as the cloud of dust and blood started to show up holes. The five heads of that dragon started to spill out fire like spraying water on grass!

And each direction the fire went, anything burnt and vanished; even his fortified arrows!

"So you decided to be serious?" Arthur smirked before deciding to up his game a notch.

He kept firing arrows, yet his mind started to be attached to these. Each arrow was completely under his control, making it twist and bypass any fire coming from these opened mouths.

And this affected his speed of launching more arrows, yet his aim greatly improved!




Sounds of explosion started to rang from the monster, while Arthur tried to aim at its weakness.

The area of junction between the five heads wasn\'t covered with any scales at all. He aimed at it, and he managed to hit it a couple of times already; creating deep wounds there!

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