Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 292 - Revealing The Full Plan

"I think it\'s ok," she replied as she waved both of her wings, "I\'m stuck on the ground, don\'t know why but there is a strange glue-like substance keeping my body in place," she said, expressing the reason for her staying down there in such an embarrassing position.

"Are you sure it\'s not your blood?" Sara asked, in a way that seemed more sarcastic that worried.

"Humph," Tina only harrumphed before glancing at Arthur, "Can you take me inside again and then summon me back?" she asked, and Arthur was already thinking about doing this.

"Alright, come in," he said as he touched her with his claw, and the next moment… puff! She vanished in thin air, appearing inside his garden.

"Did you take her inside the place you are taking all pillars to?" Sara asked, as she hardly prevented herself from asking about the castle of the sky.

"She wasn\'t lying," Arthur muttered, totally ignoring Sara\'s question as a substance in the ground attracted his attention.

It was soft, clay like material, shining with some blue luster while the color of it actually was milk white. "What is this?" he asked, as he was surprised to find such a thing down the ground.

"It must be some sort of ore or a rare material," Sara joined him in examining this material, "I think it has some relation with light, or hear perhaps. I\'m pretty sure deep down there it would be liquid not solid," she added as she had this info, but she didn\'t know anything more.

"Isn\'t this part of your world resources?" Arthur asked.

"No, this is my first time seeing such a thing, but there is only this info in the memories I claimed from that dead old hag."

"Hmm… that\'s interesting," he muttered with shining eyes as his greed started to move at this point. He never expected that these pocket worlds came from worlds outside of this one, and he never thought they would have such rare and unique resources.

"I will have to ask those lazy villagers to work their butt and search for any materials under the ground then," he thought to himself as he wanted to take all the resources piled inside his garden.

Plus he wasn\'t sure if the garden would have any improving effect over these materials, but he hoped it would. "Let\'s go," he said as he flew towards the top, intending to summon Tina first then go inside his garden world and assign these missions to the villagers.

The moment he reached the surface, he glanced at the barrier with the still fading light outside. He sighed, as this attack really went beyond all his expectations, and that would mean the world would be swept clean of any monster and human, leaving only the pillar standing alone.

"Come out," he said, summoning Tina out again.

"What the hell have you done to the garden?!!" the moment she was summoned out again, she burst out shouting with amazement and disbelief.

"What?!" Arthur asked with confusion before realizing since summoning her out of the garden, this was the first time for her to go back. So, it was reasonable for her to act like this.

"The garden… all these pillars… and those crazy battles everywhere! C\'mon, why didn\'t you send me inside to play and have fun?" she asked, with a complaining tone as a little spoiled girl asked to be spoiled more.

"There was no need for you inside, and not yet," he simply replied, but she didn\'t give him the chance to elaborate further as she shouted again:

"That\'s unfair! You let these humans have all the fun in the world! can\'t you even reward me by letting me vent out my anger for a while? even for a little time, give me a month there, please!"

"A- A month?!!" he asked with his eye corner twitching of her shameless attitude. "I have a better proposition for you," he said, in a tone that made Sara want to step in and refuse instead of Tina.

But as usual, Tina was always following her desires and emotions, thinking and regretting later. "I agree if it has fun things to do," she said, cutting the road for her salvation. "Dummy girl, when will you ever learn! Stupid immature lizard!" Sara muttered to herself, making sure her voice wouldn\'t be heard by anyone this time.

"After this light fades away, I will send you two to the portal of this world, with one mission," he said, finally revealing his plan against the scheme of the dark Dorfis clan.

"What? Even me? she is the one to ask for it, not me!!!" Sara was quite speechless of dragging her to this mess, despite her silence all the time! she knew that silence was a virtue, but in some situations keeping your silence would be a sin!

"Oh? You want me to go out and kill all those monsters and pathetic humans? I would love to, surely I would!" As for Tina, she expressed her excitement as she even jumped a couple of times while flapping her wings and roaring out to the world.

Arthur just smiled while giving Sara a single long silent glance that made the latter quite nervous. He didn\'t need to elaborate about selecting her to go with Tina, as the accident that Tina just did to herself right now was enough proof of how dangerous it was to leave her alone!

He wasn\'t that worried about her, but he was worried his own investment all this time in her would be wasted! "I want you two to go out, hold the fort there, defend the opening against all invasions and not let anyone get near the portal!" he said, elaborating further about his plan.

"We can simply seal the portal!" Sara annoyingly muttered as she didn\'t yet accept the task Arthur just assigned to her.

"Stupid cat," Arthur said, repaying her misuse of words from before, making Sara\'s eyes glow with faint anger, as she hated this word a lot! "Our aim isn\'t to destroy the portal, but to keep it running."

"For what? Huh? It\'s better for us to seal it and keep moving, or add this place to your garden and let your beloved warriors inside fight this battle instead!"

"That won\'t do," he shook his head before finally revealing everything, "this pocket world is connected to a cluster of other pocket worlds with pillars… geographically. I know we can\'t beat the Dorfis clan in time, and in the end some pillars would be lost as their plan would succeed. But I would prefer for this group to be the pillars around this pocket world."

His words reveal his whole plan, making even Tina to gasp in admiration. "Why are you so focused in claiming all these pillars and in such a short time? what\'s special about having all of them instead of having most of them?" Sara expressed her own doubts, finally, as she couldn\'t refute Arthur\'s last logic.

"That\'s something you don\'t need to bother yourself about," and the reply came instantly from Arthur, decisively closing the door in her face! He wouldn\'t tell anyone about his own intentions.

And his reply made the doubt inside Sara\'s mind turn into a belief; he was hiding something big, that was what she believed right now.

And he didn\'t care about what she was thinking, after all she was part of his belonging, a follower not a partner.

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