Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 216 - Teleportation Circle Technique Vs Space Locking Technique

The distance between his place and that cave wasn\'t that far, as he reached it in one hour\'s flight. Throughout the way, he found some warriors moving out from the direction of that cave.

The moment he saw that cave, he felt the energy concentration there, it was really monstrous. He didn\'t need to go inside to confirm his guess, as he felt huge energy fluctuations, like some sort of huge technique was activated and then deactivated.

That linked with all the constant stream of warriors coming from inside the cave made him realize there was a teleportation circle of a similar technique inside the cave.

This technique was considered common back in his days, as sects usually were built on a huge stretch of land, and they always ruled over a large piece of forests and controlled many ore mines.

So, making these teleportation circles was something essential to make sure the cultivators wouldn\'t waste precious time moving on foot or flying on the back of their pets.

Arthur knew this was a serious problem, as like this any capable warrior from this clan could initiate this circle around his city and transport a large army in no time to appear in front the doors of his city!

He just smiled evilly, as like any technique in his past world, there was a solution to that, and he decided to use this solution here, right now, to topple this clan\'s scheme.

"Lily, I want you to retreat, and let me deal with this place. take a huge tour around the mine, and note any similar places like this one."

Lily glanced at him for a moment before she just nodded and the next moment he jumped off from here, vanishing in the ocean of trees down below.

The moment he touched the ground, he started to act as once. to face off this teleportation circle technique he had to use a technique of his own, a space locking technique.

This technique wasn\'t simple for many to execute, but it was for him. All he needed to do was to plant many runes at specific places, drawing a large circle around the cave, before finally activating the technique.

He headed towards the first point in his mind. He already memorized the whole place, knew each place he would use to plant runes there.

Through going there, he met many groups of warriors, all were marching in tens. He waited until they all passed before he moved out, as the time to hunt them down didn\'t come yet.

The moment he reached the first point, he started making runes for his technique. Making such runes was simple, but the issue was to organize the types of these runes. He had a space group, a seal group, a destruction group, and finally a ban group.

Each group consisted of forty nine smaller ones, each one consisted of seven ores written on them the specific word needed for the rune to be active.

He simply used fire natured high quality ores for destruction and ban groups, and the earth type ores taken from the big clans and guilds to make the seal group, and finally a wind natured ores for the space group.

He worked fast, with great efficiency and smoothly finished making all the needed runes for all points here, before digging the ground and burying the runes there.

He distributed the runes to be exactly similar to the circle he was going to lay them all at. After finishing doing that, he covered the hole with dirt, and then moved towards the next location.

Seven points, all were essential to initiate the circle, and seven auxiliary more to support it in case the teleportation circle inside was of a high quality.

It took him roughly one hour to finish everything, then the last thing he did was to put a drop of his blood over the last group of runes, initiating the link with the whole circle.

After the finished, he retreated outside the area of effect of his circle, and then he started mumbling:

"Space locking circle… activate!"

The next moment the whole world shook slightly around the cave, before the energy fluctuation stopped, and the huge energy inside the cave started to go still.

His energy perception was superb, and the moment this happened, he was sure he stopped this circle inside from running successfully.

The ruckus and noises coming from inside made him more certain of this. He evilly smiled, before starting to channel his own energy, and the dragonair mighty form appeared again.


The next moment he roared, while flapping his wings to start flying off the ground. This roar startled every warrior in the region, and when he was in the air, he noticed many already running, coming towards the direction of the cave.

He evilly smirked, as it was too late to do something to his technique. The only way to undo it was to search for the locations he buried his runes and take them off their formation.

However he doubted anyone here had the ability to do so. There might be someone back at the clan to be capable of doing this, but he or she wouldn\'t be able to come here in time to do so.

Arthur then started his hunting spree, turning this whole place of forest into a living place of hell! Screams started to fill the place, and fire started raging wildly killing every single form of life here.

His fountain of fire was like a death message, anywhere it touched turned into a death zone instantly, mixed with the painful screams of everyone down there.

The warriors were already spread over a large area, but Arthur wasn\'t in a hurry here. He had already shut down the annoying teleportation circle of the enemy; no reinforcements would arrive here anymore.

So, he started flapping his huge wings, moving above every single corner of this forest around the mine, while hunting and killing any warrior moving down there.

This massacre raged for four more hours, and at the end of it, no single warrior was left alive in the vicinity of this ore mine, while his enemies all retreated, the few surviving lot of them, to hide deeply into the town remaining at the heart of the mine.

This town wasn\'t that big after all to accommodate a large number of warriors, however Arthur wasn\'t sure if there was a teleportation circle there or not. So, he decided to just keep killing the distant warriors, where he left his queen and rhinoceros there, and leave this town to the last.

He also needed Lily\'s confirmation that there were no other teleportation circles nearby, or else he might be surprised by an attack coming from any dark formation of his enemies.

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